Also - again without knowing your career - I guess you speak from some experience. I also work on building sites, and also often with Polish or European workers. Most of their English is exceptional. A handful have only grasped the basics. But I can honestly say I've never encountered any who don't speak any at all. They are also, without doubt, the hardest working and least complaining people I have ever met, bar none (miserable bastards a lot of time, but with a wicked sense of humour and who can't do enough for you - I feel like a dosser in their presence).
Give me them any day of the week over the apprentices who are getting smashed every weekend and rolling in hungover or still stoned on a Monday morning (hypocrite? maybe...) or the Aussies (bloody useless, mate - no wonder they want our tradesmen to emigrate) Yes, I'm generalising. There's shits, skivers and charlatans of all nationalities, colours, faiths in all industries - not just construction.
The truth is, you - me - we have far more in common with Aleksander Kolkov then we do with these Eton educated, coke-addled, rent boy-hiring MPs and Lords who really dictate the shit going down in your town and mine.
Give me them any day of the week over the apprentices who are getting smashed every weekend and rolling in hungover or still stoned on a Monday morning (hypocrite? maybe...) or the Aussies (bloody useless, mate - no wonder they want our tradesmen to emigrate) Yes, I'm generalising. There's shits, skivers and charlatans of all nationalities, colours, faiths in all industries - not just construction.
The truth is, you - me - we have far more in common with Aleksander Kolkov then we do with these Eton educated, coke-addled, rent boy-hiring MPs and Lords who really dictate the shit going down in your town and mine.