I am angry at the labour party for letting it go to shit , i am angry at how being in the EU with this freedom of movement has made it a negative instead of a positive. And is the reason why it needs be got rid of. Hence why I voted Leave.
The language thing is the icing on the cake. If they can't speak English then what goods that on a building site or in any job? You shouldn't be catering for them, they have to learn it.
Without knowing - or wanting to know - who you vote for, let me tell you I sympathise with you feeling politically abandoned. The labour party is in a bad way, no doubt. They are far from an attractive choice.
But if you are from a working class background, then the Conservatives do not represent you, nor will they ever. They only ever look out for their own interests and that of their sponsors. The same goes for Farage. He is a tory in a working class sheep skin. Do not believe his "
man of the people" persona. He is a millionaire, ex-banker with a German wife, who's children speak German as their first language who spends most of his time in his many overseas properties, whilst he scrounges a wage of the EU. He's lived in France for years; can't speak a word of it - the kind of person you claim to despise.
The Lib Dems and Green are impotent, regardless of where you sit on the spectrum.
And British First and the National Front and the like are nothing but knuckle-dragging thugs without one iota of intellect or charisma about them.
So I get it. Who
do you turn to?
But trust me, your problems aren't really to do with immigrants. They've just been presented to you as the enemy but the
real enemy - the press barons who have deep vested interests in our politics.