
It's not done though is it.

Party doesn't just lose a general election and go "yeah fair point chaps on you get with the next five years we'll leave you to it".
Ffs you boring git it's got no place on here just f*** off and go argue and whine on Facebook about it :rolleyes::p
It's not done though is it.

Party doesn't just lose a general election and go "yeah fair point chaps on you get with the next five years we'll leave you to it".
Time will tell. The sooner article 50 is triggered the better....I See the pound has gone up to 1.2?

She's said she won't trigger until the whole of the UK is behind her. Hmm... Scotland and NI are very against this.
Interesting, have you read the article in post #489 ?

To be honest. No I haven't. We probably could all read stuff for and against things.
Ultimately I'm happy the government now seems to have a direction.

I don't agree that we have a Prime Minister no one has voted for. However the uncertainty of a general election on top of the recent referendum result probably wouldn't help at all, whatever way you look at it.

Despite what people may think. I'd say our economy has been handled well in the last 6 years and would've liked some continuity where that's involved.

The news today and yesterday shows our nations problems pale compared to other countries at the minute. So let's be grateful for that.
sorry to bring the mood down but if the UK government is serious about expelling foreign workers - see today's Times frontpage! (what. the. actual. f**k?) and I'm talking about skilled professionals here not casual cleaners, then what is to stop the EU doing the same to Brits established in Spain? If you don't have a DNI (or NIE) or a Spanish spouse, you might be in serious shit come 2020. every company I worked at has staff from all over the world. it's not just immoral, it's commercial suicide.
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Have not had time to read the article but will later, however it did not sound like it has gone down well listen to the radio this morning.
One of her useless Brexit-supporting cronies has already admitted that this is their only real trump card in negotiations with Europe; they'll threaten to expel EU citizens unless we get a good deal on trade.

But everyone and their uncle knows we'll never actually do it so it's worthless.
Mashednlovingit you clearly invested in the result by campaigning as you've mentioned. However we haven't left yet.

Pound did well over night after Brexit was discussed by EU leaders yesterday, I'm not sure the road will be as smooth as some think.

"Good exports"