
there is of course, still a chance it won't happen...

The UK currently has no leadership because Cameron is a lame duck who has passed the buck

Nothing will therefore happen till the autumn by which time his successor (seeing the shitstorm on the markets and international reaction + rejection by Parliament) may get cold feet about invoking Article 50

There is a possibility the EU could try to EXPEL the UK citing Article 7 of the Lisbon treaty but then that would be legally contested because the UK wouldn't technically have broken any rules

If Boris or May don't 'pull the trigger', then this impasse could carry on indefinitely, because legally speaking who is actually going to MAKE it happen, otherwise?

Farage would probably have a heart attack, but a small price to pay
Well, Cameron has basically pushed ALL the onus onto whomever his successor is.

His successor now has to pull the trigger on being in the EU, which could lead to their party loosing the next general election and lead to serious economical issues for the country, and god knows what else (including the huge loss of laws from leaving the EU... most of ours will need updating (if they actually get updated) as the EU laws overrule them).

There is also a chance to stop us leaving the EU via our own parliament (This referendum, after all, isn't binding). We still have to have a vote, in parliament, on the act which took us into the EU in the 70s. This will have to be repealed.

The longer they wait, the less likely it is for us to leave.


On a semi-related note, I'm honestly disgusted by the jump in racist attacks since the vote.
It's good to see the markets have settled a bit.
However I wonder how much of this is due to the £250bn that the bank of England stashed away incase we left?
It's good to see the markets have settled a bit.
However I wonder how much of this is due to the £250bn that the bank of England stashed away incase we left?

Yeah you can't help but think the Bank of England are propping the market up.

FTSE 100 recovering will make all the headlines but the FTSE 250 - which is a lot more reflective of domestic businesses has still got a way to go - we are still way below pre brexit levels there.
So May and Gove have put their names in the ring.

Boris has said he won't stand (!!!) and neither will Jeremy Hunt
This just makes it an even more bitter pill to swallow - all you brexiters who were saying don't worry we've got clear plans in place and we'll act quickly to secure new deals etc.....goes to show what a load of nonesense that all was. We're in the shit now and nobody seems to want to step up and see it through....this was all very unnecessary!
@elmooreo and @Shady South American you've both posted some of the most condescending crap I've read by anyone throughout this whole campaign. If that makes you happy so be it but expect a similar backlash.

Shady - ''There is a possibility the EU could try to EXPEL the UK citing Article 7 of the Lisbon treat'' if they want to play hardball so will we. We'll repeal the 1972 act removing EU supremacy over our laws. Lest we forget we are in a very strong position given we import more than we export. I'm sure Merkel will be in a great position when she's got thousands of angry car workers demanding they agree a free trade agreement with the UK.

On the economic front. Share indexes are returning to the same levels before the referendum.

All this will take is a fresh trade agreement between the UK and the EU and then we continue.

Elmooreo - what do you want exactly? It's already been announced the relevant teams are being drawn up to start negotiations. The business secretary Javid has also announced he will be meeting with business leaders next week asking for their input on our future relationship with the EU.

It's been barely a week FFS.
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On the economic front. Share indexes are returning to the same levels before the referendum.

This will be at an astronomical cost to the Bank of England who are resorting to quantitative easing to prop things up. We are talking hundreds of billions - £250 billion put aside according to Mark Carney.
Elmooreo - what do you want exactly? It's already been announced the relevant teams are being drawn up to start negotiations. The business secretary Javid has also announced he will be meeting with business leaders next week asking for their input on our future relationship with the EU.

Bit difficult to do that without a government in place though isn't it? Likelyhood is that now we'll have a prime minister who supported Cameron in the Remain campaign. We're looking at months and months of stagnation and no decisions being made, and the chances are when we have a government in place, none of them actually supported the leave campaign (unless Gove gets in of course). Its a complete mess, and in the mean time the bank of england are going to have to change policy to support markets at a huge cost. That's the point I was trying to make, and have tried to make throughout - all this was seemingly brushed aside in the run up to the vote...we now face years of uncertainty for no real tangible gain.

Sorry if you find that condescending - that's really not my intention, but we all have personal views on how this is going to effect ourselves.

typical left wing opinion (in my opinion), wouldnt expect anything less from the 'independent' which does its best to talk down the UK (and brexiteers) at any opportunity......they are almost as bad as the FT lately:rolleyes:;)

Does anyone know of a truely independent news site (genuine query) as all papers I know are either left or right and its difficult to get some impartial opinion.....thats why i prefer to read the readers comments rather than the journalists articles?
BBC is impartial as you'll get. The right don't trust it because they're often critical of them, the left don't trust them because they think they're pandering to the right to protect their own interests.

But they're the best you'll get. Certainly better than readers comments if it's facts you're after at least.