
BBC is impartial as you'll get. The right don't trust it because they're often critical of them, the left don't trust them because they think they're pandering to the right to protect their own interests.

But they're the best you'll get.

Tbh i used to think this until the Scottish referendum, now i take anything on the bbc with a healthy pinch of salt.
Tbh i used to think this until the Scottish referendum, now i take anything on the bbc with a healthy pinch of salt.

Plus they gave Nigel Farage & UKIP a huge amount of coverage ahead of the last general election - far greater than any other party of their size.
Here in France, since the brexit politics and locals are demanding to move the British frontier from Calais to Dover.. And to let the thousands of migrants go to UK...
Here in France, since the brexit politics and locals are demanding to move the British frontier from Calais to Dover.. And to let the thousands of migrants go to UK...

I wouldn't blame then and it was made clear that could happen before the referendum.
Its pretty obvious an amicable agreement will be reached that suits ALL major countries within the EU as soon as this initial posturing has finished when and if article 50 is triggered by the next PM whoever that may be. Merkel isn't the most popular figure in Germany right now so do you really think a trade block with the UK that could potentially cost 3 quarters of a million German jobs is something she would be party too??

I sense at the moment its a chance for the majority of all politicians to talk bollocks at the moment. Sturgeon being the biggest culprit.
Well, this has been an interesting few weeks since the referendum. Seems we now have our PM...
And the markets are reacting accordingly. I told you not to worry @Clara!

Osborne has been in the States and Javid has been in the Far East discussing the first steps towards new trade deals. Add that to the other 10 nations who've indicated they want to begin trade talks with us and things are moving in the right direction.
Fly out on 11th August and the pound v euro is killing me inside. First drink in space is gonna actually cost me £10 wtf
Euro rate is creeping up at a nice steady pace. Im sure itll be back to the same rate i got in June, probably better, by my October trip.
Euro rate is creeping up at a nice steady pace. Im sure itll be back to the same rate i got in June, probably better, by my October trip.

Depends where we are with everything and Brexit. It'll tumble again I think as we edge closer to the end of the year I fear
Tomorrow will be quite important. The market is pricing in a rate cut which is expected to be announced tomorrow. If we don't get it then we could see the pound rise in the short term .
Why would anyone buy beer in space? Surely mixer or water, and tip your first barmaid is the way forward. Then go back to her every time with a cheeky 'Quito mass' and normally get a laugh and a much larger measure :cool:
No tip and the f***ers shrink :rolleyes: