
Time to move on and move forward guys, so much negativity from remain it's becoming boring. Let us know your comments in the next few years rather than predict what's going to happen. These are interesting times now but you have to stay positive. It's not the end of the world.
Time to move on and move forward guys, so much negativity from remain it's becoming boring.
...I don't have the attention span to consider the enormity of the ramifications of Brexit..

Let us know your comments in the next few years rather than predict what's going to happen. These are interesting times now but you have to stay positive. It's not the end of the world.
...so I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.
Believe it.

I do and I find it pretty depressing.

Our currency continues to slide into oblivion, Boris & co admit there's no plan (and he's said there's no rush to leave the EU - LOL!), we're going to have an unelected PM leading the country, the opposition is imploding, incidents of racism are on the rise....

But let's just forget about that and talk about getting off our faces (apart from the way things are going, we won't be able to afford much in Ibiza this summer...)
Our currency continues to slide into oblivion, Boris & co admit there's no plan (and he's said there's no rush to leave the EU - LOL!), we're going to have an unelected PM leading the country, the opposition is imploding, incidents of racism are on the rise....

I don't think many people factored in the domino effect it would have in terms of the political uncertainty and potential break up of the UK...and I'm not talking down to people - I think the remain camp are as guilty of not emphasizing this possibility.
I do and I find it pretty depressing.

Our currency continues to slide into oblivion, Boris & co admit there's no plan (and he's said there's no rush to leave the EU - LOL!), we're going to have an unelected PM leading the country, the opposition is imploding, incidents of racism are on the rise....

But let's just forget about that and talk about getting off our faces (apart from the way things are going, we won't be able to afford much in Ibiza this summer...)
These incidents of racism that are on the rise are being reported on the news and are being condemned as they should be. It's a small minority and I think it's generally accepted that's it's wrong in this day and age. I have worked with people who used to have some appalling comments when it comes to racism, but now there comments are very different to 15 to 20 years ago. So I think as a whole this country wouldn't let it go back to those dark days.
From the editor of the Big Issue amongst others:

Just about had a gutful of Remain commentators saying the masses' vote against the EU has sanctioned racism. These Remainers voted for an institution that discriminates against African and Asian migrant workers in favour of white European ones. They voted for an institution whose Fortress Europe policies have contributed to the deaths of thousands of Africans at sea. They voted for an institution whose agricultural policies have pummelled food industries in Africa (causing thousands of people in Swaziland to lose their jobs and Mozambique to lose £100m a year on its GDP, for just two examples). They voted for an institution whose restrictions on GM products have prevented African nations from creating a plentiful food supply: such "hypocrisy and arrogance comes with the luxury of a full stomach", as one Kenyan scientist put it. And they voted for an institution that has *paid* African dictators to keep their horrible, pesky peoples from coming to Europe. Racist much?

Please, stop with the racism stuff. Your beloved EU is not some happy-clappy multicultural outfit. It is discriminatory, it f***s over Africa, and it forces non-white migrants into the most degrading, life-risking situations. You voted for that, and we voted against it, so come down off your high, white horse.
...I don't have the attention span to consider the enormity of the ramifications of Brexit..

...so I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.

Just spotted this one. In a nutshell yes, not much we can do about it now can we! but I do like your sarcasm
Pure conjecture and opinion

I hold you to that one! However, when many top economists say that it will, it seems wise to take note.

I appreciate that things can recover but the Sterling exchange rate does not make for happy reading this morning - currently at its lowest for 31 years.
From the editor of the Big Issue amongst others:

Just about had a gutful of Remain commentators saying the masses' vote against the EU has sanctioned racism. These Remainers voted for an institution that discriminates against African and Asian migrant workers in favour of white European ones. They voted for an institution whose Fortress Europe policies have contributed to the deaths of thousands of Africans at sea. They voted for an institution whose agricultural policies have pummelled food industries in Africa (causing thousands of people in Swaziland to lose their jobs and Mozambique to lose £100m a year on its GDP, for just two examples). They voted for an institution whose restrictions on GM products have prevented African nations from creating a plentiful food supply: such "hypocrisy and arrogance comes with the luxury of a full stomach", as one Kenyan scientist put it. And they voted for an institution that has *paid* African dictators to keep their horrible, pesky peoples from coming to Europe. Racist much?

Please, stop with the racism stuff. Your beloved EU is not some happy-clappy multicultural outfit. It is discriminatory, it f***s over Africa, and it forces non-white migrants into the most degrading, life-risking situations. You voted for that, and we voted against it, so come down off your high, white horse.

The EU having done those things and the result having emboldened racists, aren't mutually exclusive.

Protectionism in general is bad for developing blocks and the EU has been bad for Africa, no doubt. That doesn't mean that Farage's 'Breaking Point' poster and the campaign it represented hasn't made some people think racism is acceptable.
Farage's vendetta was mostly against decent, hardworking Poles (many of whose grandfathers fought in the RAF) - I've got European friends on FB saying they feel unwelcome in the UK now for first time in their lives and that outrages me

Then I hope the case would be as there friend you would let them know that not everyone who voted leave has an issue with people from the eu Living in Britain . All but a couple of people of what I would call cavemen have an issue with any foreigners coming/living in this country. The rest are all agreed that it needs to be controlled. And that has been clearly mentioned throughout the campaign. We are not all xenophobic and racists, which I'm sorry shadey, outrages me! Because that's what us leavers on the whole are being accused of and its a load of bolloxs