
but thats money that goes into services which shape ppls lives and opinions on things like this. its all related surely

Agreed, but it obviously wasnt at the forefront of voters minds, i.e. they prefer the cons as apposed to the pro's that being in the EU brings
Enjoy it now as they're won't be a Great Britain for much longer, with Scotland very likely to leave soon, followed by Northern Ireland.

Couldn't care less. Devolve the lot and give people their right to self determination.

You keep whinging whilst the rest of us go out and work hard to ensure we come out of this decision and grow. Every disaster we've faced we've come though, you know why? Because people have got on with it.
No Clara I am suggesting that if we do go into recession we will come through it as we always do. I've campaigned on this issue. You'll thank me in years to come. Now, take a deep breath and start enjoying life again :)
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I'm sure but why put the country in that position in the first place? Also the places likely to suffer most if there is another recession are the places who mainly vote to leave.

I think the penny is dropping for many that this is going to cost the country a lot of money. http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news...ver-the-future-of-european-millions-1-7982120
I've seen a few similar articles now on this, but don't recall hearing about it during the campaigning. Now this may be because I come from an area which is not affected by this. Was this something 'Remain' pushed during their campaign?
Yes. Multiple times. The leave campaign were repeatedly called out for their lies with regards to promises they couldn't keep, and since Friday morning have been moving away from, Duncan Smith the latest to say the £350 million figure was "an extrapolation" and "it was never a promise it would go to the NHS". Various experts told us that their figures didn't add up, but Gove and Johnson, journalists come politicians, played an awful lot of people by saying we were "fed up of experts".

I'd like to think both sides will come together to hold the leavers to account and deliver on what they promised rather than focusing on differences. Sadly with the amount of utterly toxic vitriol I've seen with regards to f*** OFF HOME and various hate attacks taking place I've not got much hope of things changing any time soon. Sadly this vote has legitimised a very small selection of leavers to think their bigoted and xenophobic views can be acceptable in modern Britain.
i agree with edward but playing devils advocate theres been alot of equally angry views mainly on social media expressed about ppl that voted Leave which hasnt been nice to see. Ive seen it as im in london which is totally polarised from the outcome
Oh aye there's cretins on both sides. But there's been no reports of RACISTS being spraypainted on boules clubs or bingo halls up and down the country.
Are people still crying on the internet about this :rolleyes:

For now, yes, but pretty soon plenty of people will be actually crying - including those who voted leave - once it becomes clear what has actually happened here. The worst is yet to come, expect a complete shitstorm starting next week.
it's a total disaster

the only hope now is that the disentanglement process turns into a bureaucratic nightmare and takes years to effect

It's the young I feel sorry for - continually shafted by the old
For now, yes, but pretty soon plenty of people will be actually crying - including those who voted leave - once it becomes clear what has actually happened here. The worst is yet to come, expect a complete shitstorm starting next week.

I can't believe how many people are saying "you lost - get over it". It's not a f***ing football match - the repercussions of this will be felt for many years to come and it's those living in some of the poorest areas who are going to feel it the most.