
We've all got our own reasons to remain or leave and they can be justified in our own minds and way of life . So I fully understand people's difference of opinions ie n.i Wales and Scotland's issues.
It's a case of accepting the outcome and getting on with it, no point dwelling on it, move on and try and stay positive (although easier said than done)
I'm getting hassle of the missus that I didn't change liquid sterling for gold. I'd say we're £30k down overnight, without the raise on gold, which of course is a pisser, but I reckon there's people on the poverty line who will die because of this. Anyone who thinks education, health and other services are going to be better as a result is in for a rude awakening I think.
We've all got our own reasons to remain or leave and they can be justified in our own minds and way of life . So I fully understand people's difference of opinions ie n.i Wales and Scotland's issues.
It's a case of accepting the outcome and getting on with it, no point dwelling on it, move on and try and stay positive (although easier said than done)

It's one of the most important things politically that'll happen in your lifetime. Of course people are going to discuss it over at least the next few days.
Much snobbery and bitterness from the remain camp still, always will be I fear until we either thrive or they can say 'we told you so' when we f*** things up :lol:
I don't think either side used enough facts to sway people, they hit on our emotions and that's why there is a huge fall out everywhere today between folk on both sides.
I don't agree with that but I chose what the eu are doing to my industry and so did my wife, we would of been hit badly had we remained so we had nothing to lose anyway if that makes sense.
Anyway we have Ibiza to look forward to right? I think I will hire a boxing ring for the closing parties and we can all have a battle royal and see who comes out on top :cool::D

It's funny how the remain camp feel they are allowed to be so derogatory in their comments about those who voted to leave, yet most of them claim they promote acceptance and equality.

And having a degree does not mean you are more educated than someone without a degree. It doesn't even mean you are educated. It simply means you have turned up to some exams and handed in some bits of coursework for a specific subject <- that is the only fact associated with having a degree. Some people educate themselves without having to be enslaved by a system costing thousands of pounds. So I think to call people without a degree un-educated is a mistake.
It's funny how the remain camp feel they are allowed to be so derogatory in their comments about those who voted to leave, yet most of them claim they promote acceptance and equality.

And having a degree does not mean you are more educated than someone without a degree. It doesn't even mean you are educated. It simply means you have turned up to some exams and handed in some bits of coursework for a specific subject <- that is the only fact associated with having a degree. Some people educate themselves without having to be enslaved by a system costing thousands of pounds. So I think to call people without a degree un-educated is a mistake.

You've literally no clue at all, do you?

Less-educated. Un-educated. Whatever you'd prefer. It's a fact that those who were in the education system for longer, who have studied and learned more, were more likely to study the facts and vote to remain. And to stop the typical shitstorm after, no not all leavers are thicko's, racist, whatever you want to accuse me of suggesting, but a lot of them are if today's news stories are anything to go by.
You've literally no clue at all, do you?

Less-educated. Un-educated. Whatever you'd prefer. It's a fact that those who were in the education system for longer, who have studied and learned more, were more likely to study the facts and vote to remain. And to stop the typical shitstorm after, no not all leavers are thicko's, racist, whatever you want to accuse me of suggesting, but a lot of them are if today's news stories are anything to go by.

Complete bollocks
I think this poll has absolutely no place in this forum.

I came on here to get away from it all.

Everybody can jog on.
What facts do you have to back up that the higher class or whatever label you want to give them voted remain?
Don't tell me a picture on the Internet with an expert opinion or a poll on yougov? The votes are anonymous and there are no FACTS to suggest anything of the sort only speculation.
One of the biggest issues besides your constant snobbery and patronising manner is that both sides created speculation and passed them as facts while at the same time creating fear for the masses to choose which they feared the least.
You harp on about knowing more then the leave voters but come across as a media(Murdock) puppet and lap up any old tosh you see has a media stamp on and you think it gives you the right to claim you're more educated.
I haven't once seen you suggest why the uk would be better in the eu other then financially and you also claim the majority of leave voters did so based on immigration. Yet your sources are crap, they're main stream media drivel that was pumped at you and you sucked it all in like a lap dog :lol:
That's only how it's coming across anyway forgive me if its not the case, schools the nhs and standard of living are hot topics at the moment but there's not been one fact given regarding how it will get better. Unfortunately we know it's only going to get worse for the poor/working class because there's cuts everywhere and the eu aren't informing us of how they could or would help that....why is that?
Because the eu is about big business and making profits they couldn't give a shit about those of us at the lower end of the pecking order.
They've lost touch with their customer base and it looks like a huge challenge ahead but under the way it was going there was lots of bad outweighing the good as has shown in the results.
Had the 12 million that didn't vote did it could all be different but for now this snobbery on the remain side, and also the childish playground bully shit is getting boring.
Sorry if anyone's read all of that and feel I've wasted their time just finished work and had to get a few things off my chest :D
I think this poll has absolutely no place in this forum.

I came on here to get away from it all.

Everybody can jog on.
I was thinking the same but its here so just ignore the thread and enjoy reading about the purpose of this forum(Ibiza) ha ha
I went for something short and sweet. Your patronising tone deserves nothing less. Much love x

Speak as spoken to. When someone is clueless enough to suggest a degree is just a case of doing a bit of coursework then they deserve a patronising reply (not that I thought mine was all that patronising, could have been far worse).

What facts do you have to back up that the higher class or whatever label you want to give them voted remain?
Don't tell me a picture on the Internet with an expert opinion or a poll on yougov? The votes are anonymous and there are no FACTS to suggest anything of the sort only speculation.

There are several polls, from the BBC, Yougov, an Ashcroft private poll of 12k people. It is a FACT that from the polling data, the young were pro-remain and the old were pro-leave.

One of the biggest issues besides your constant snobbery and patronising manner is that both sides created speculation and passed them as facts while at the same time creating fear for the masses to choose which they feared the least.

Constant snobbery? It's pretty difficult not to appear a snob when instead of valid responses to my arguments people respond with abuse.

You harp on about knowing more then the leave voters but come across as a media(Murdock) puppet and lap up any old tosh you see has a media stamp on and you think it gives you the right to claim you're more educated.

Yeah, again, it's hard not to look like a snob when correcting you here, but you're wrong; If I was a Murdoch puppet I'd have followed his shitheap papers and voted to leave; instead I based my choice on the facts, independent facts at that, and based it on far more than just immigration as an awful lot of leave voters chose to do. Look at readership figures for the various tabloids and you'll see the majority of young people don't bother with them; they get their news sources online, where it's easier to fact check and cross reference what you see. Meanwhile, older voters will see a Daily Mail headline and believe it, and not see the tiny correction buried in the middle a couple of days later.

I haven't once seen you suggest why the uk would be better in the eu other then financially and you also claim the majority of leave voters did so based on immigration. Yet your sources are crap, they're main stream media drivel that was pumped at you and you sucked it all in like a lap dog :lol:

You should look harder then. Of course immigration was the biggest factor for most people, look at how it's dominated every single discussion on the matter for the past two weeks. Honestly, all I've seen on the news all day has been interviews with older leavers in the most eurosceptic areas bemoaning immigration.

Sources are crap? Elaborate on that one.

You won't like, because the sources I do have are solid and I imagine you'll retort with the typical leavers response of COMMON SENSE INNIT.

That's only how it's coming across anyway forgive me if its not the case, schools the nhs and standard of living are hot topics at the moment but there's not been one fact given regarding how it will get better. Unfortunately we know it's only going to get worse for the poor/working class because there's cuts everywhere and the eu aren't informing us of how they could or would help that....why is that?
Because the eu is about big business and making profits they couldn't give a shit about those of us at the lower end of the pecking order.

Wider discussion to be had there, I've said several times that the choice was essentially like picking which leg you want to lose; the EU is far from perfect, it's inherently flawed. But the people asking us to leave are some of the people who've done more damage to the working classes than ever before. Iain Duncan Smith absolute tore the welfare system to pieces with some twisted ideology about social mobility when in actuality all he did was rob the poor and the disabled and protected the cushty pensioners. Grayling tore apart the prison system, Gove was chased out of Education with his tail between his legs and was deemed so toxic they kept him off the tv for the general election. And don't get me started on the fascist-lite Farage. The working classes are screwed either way, capitalism ensures that, and before you ask I have no idea what a solution would be.

Had the 12 million that didn't vote did it could all be different but for now this snobbery on the remain side, and also the childish playground bully shit is getting boring.
Sorry if anyone's read all of that and feel I've wasted their time just finished work and had to get a few things off my chest :D

You keep saying snobbery but it really isn't appropriate for the most part; it's just as bad as me accusing all leavers of being racists.

I think this poll has absolutely no place in this forum.

What you got against the Polish eh? :D
You still say your facts are from sources not interested in facts though :rolleyes::D
Gonna go round in circles here and I'm pissed off typing this shit out on my phone now been a long day ha ha.
At least for now I think both sides have good arguments and there's a huge danger leaving that eu will cut us off/make an example of us and scare the rest of Europe into not following suit but it's a long way off yet, for now you're a snob and still believe the bbc, yougov and a private poll to be used as fact and its not!
The main stream media have been so anti leave it was sickening but you claim the masses went with the media which is not true :D
I'm gonna be the first to say I'm not arguing anymore because none of us want to back down so I wish you and all of us well whatever happens.
Peace :)
Djedwardsmith I have a bachelors and a masters.. Got a 2.1 in my BSc didn't even go to lectures .. Got a distinction in my MSc and an award for dissertation .. Many people who didn't attend uni are far more intelligent than I - particularly when it comes to politics. I couldn't have been bothered to vote even. That's how politically intelligent people with degrees are. I just find the 'un-educated' word a bit rude.

Also please don't use the media as evidence for an argument like ever :)
Turkeys voting for Christmas.

This is an absolute disaster for the UK, as we're already seeing. The break-up of over 300 years of the Union is already in motion, meaning that soon it will just be England on its own. So forget about waving your Union Jacks as that flag won't exist for much longer.

Even staunch 'no' voters from the last Scottish referendum are saying they'd vote 'yes' in the next (inevitable) referendum, and who can blame them? Plus god only knows what will happen in Northern Ireland with Sinn Fein calling for a united Ireland again.

What an absolute shit storm.
You still say your facts are from sources not interested in facts though :rolleyes::D

I know it's late but I've read that several times and can't make sense of it.

At least for now I think both sides have good arguments and there's a huge danger leaving that eu will cut us off/make an example of us and scare the rest of Europe into not following suit but it's a long way off yet, for now you're a snob and still believe the bbc, yougov and a private poll to be used as fact and its not!

But it is. Yougov on the day poll on it's own I would understand questioning but three different polls, of three different sample sizes, of three different sample groups, all correlating the same results, suggest it's solid data.

The main stream media have been so anti leave it was sickening but you claim the masses went with the media which is not true :D

You what? The most popular newspapers in the country by readership (The Sun and the Daily Mail) were pro brexit. Are they not the main stream media?

I'm gonna be the first to say I'm not arguing anymore because none of us want to back down so I wish you and all of us well whatever happens.
Peace :)

Ain't arguing for the most part; don't appreciate being called a snob just for having an opinion backed up with facts, f*** if I was a snob I wouldn't bother talking to someone who voted leave.

Djedwardsmith I have a bachelors and a masters.. Got a 2.1 in my BSc didn't even go to lectures .. Got a distinction in my MSc and an award for dissertation .. Many people who didn't attend uni are far more intelligent than I - particularly when it comes to politics. I couldn't have been bothered to vote even. That's how politically intelligent people with degrees are. I just find the 'un-educated' word a bit rude.

Also please don't use the media as evidence for an argument like ever :)

Snap on the 2:1 without attending. I'm sure many people who didn't attend uni are far more intelligent than I too. But I'd also bet that an awful lot of people who didn't go on to further education aren't. There's a confusion between intelligence and education, you can be intelligent but not educated on a subject, I'm focusing on the latter, the leave campaign in particular hasn't been about educating the public it's been about tapping into deep-seeded fears about immigration (oh noes, my source is those dreaded polls and mainstream media again). And yes, before I get accused of being a snob again, the remain camp are just as guilty of overlooking the facts.

Wasn't my intention to come across as rude or snob.

How is the media not evidence? What would you suggest using?