
No need for the melodramatics, the currency was always going to go down short term. The vote wasn't about a short term gain and ice not once heard anyone say they are voting leave because of immigrants you listen to murdocks media too much :rolleyes:
There's a much bigger picture here, I really don't see the need for such childish remarks though the remain camp lost. Deal with it!
We are all gonna see/feel changes but not much will happen for a while and I'm very happy dodgy Dave has fallen on his sword it's the most honourable thing he's done since his term.
Now can we get along like adults now and stop the bitching? :rolleyes::D:p
No need for the melodramatics, the currency was always going to go down short term. The vote wasn't about a short term gain and ice not once heard anyone say they are voting leave because of immigrants you listen to murdocks media too much :rolleyes:
There's a much bigger picture here, I really don't see the need for such childish remarks though the remain camp lost. Deal with it!
We are all gonna see/feel changes but not much will happen for a while and I'm very happy dodgy Dave has fallen on his sword it's the most honourable thing he's done since his term.
Now can we get along like adults now and stop the bitching? :rolleyes::D:p

Immigration was cited by voters in the press as the No.1 reason for people voting to leave. Plus people on this very thread have said the same.

The UK economy is now behind France's following this morning's result. Just take that in for a moment.
Deal with it!

Pardon us for expressing some disappointment at the nightmare that is unfolding in front of us! This is a bag of sh*t for some of us - fair play, you have to respect the vote and respect the opinions of others even if it is through grated teeth but don't ask us to sit quietly hours after it has all hit the fan...
What a sad day.

I live in the North, I do not know one friend who voted to remain other than myself. My town was 67% leave.

At least we "have control of our boarders". I felt sick this morning, not social media status sick- actual sick.
The press eh, not like they've ever had an agenda :D:rolleyes:
As for workers, NOTHING will change right now sand there's been no indication that freedom of movement will change massively over all this will be dealt with once '50' is started.
I do not have a problem with people being upset, but I'm fed up reading nasty and personal comments from both sides we are all adults that voted and fir the most part I see childish melodramatics like when kids told they can't have that chocolate bar zzzzz :rolleyes:
I've not had a chance to check yet but they said the euro is 0.01 euro down on February's trading price so if that's true it's hardly being battered lol that could of happened without the referendum that's always gone up and down.
And if boris was to become pm he's already said all along immigration wouldn't stop, I wish people wouldn't get sucked in by the medias hysterical headlines that's exactly what they want.
NI and Scotland would struggle more then us going alone and would surely join the queue to join the eu?
Greece needing another bail out is on the cards to the eu isn't fit for purpose the people in power got too greedy or this would never of come to fruition.
wasnt expecting that! Well its a democracy so we have to pick up the pieces. The campaigning seemed to divide the nation so now we have the outcome we need to get back together. We cant have an Us and Them feeling or we surely will go down the pan. I would hope others would have said the same thing if the vote had gone the other way...
I think the leave voters would of got just as much hatred to be honest, but I agree with you completely time to unite.
The whole campaign was set up to divide, let's hope the new priminester will bring us together.
the worlds going to end!
Course it's not. The EU need us more than we need them let's be honest.
I had it in my head at 11pm that remain would win, and guess what I got over it. Life goes on!
So imagine my shock to wake up at 6am to see leave win. And i did think oh dear what's gonna happen now. There will be a bit of gloom of course. But do you really think our country can't look after itself, if you can't maybe it's time for you to leave if you think we've got no chance of a brighter future. I have full confidence that Britain will go from strength to strength!
Signed 'a proud Brit'
Northern Ireland is properly screwed after this news today!!! Most of our funding comes from the EU (kind of an incentive for there being a peace of sorts) as the UK government have been underfunding us for quite some time!!

Now our Deputy First Minister has announced that we should have a referendum on becoming an all-Ireland (something he's fought and more than likely killed for over the last 40+yrs)...!!!! The Republic of Ireland are practically broke, as a result of having to bailout European banks, so they aren't in any fit state to be taking on us as well...

What a complete disaster!!!
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Gibraltar is royally f***ed. Northern Ireland too.

Cemented the break up of the UK this in all likelihood, ironic given the chimes of MAKE BRITAIN GREAT AGAIN.

Far too many uneducated people voting (on both sides), and already they're backtracking from their claims of funding the NHS or reducing immigration.
Scotland pressing for another refurendum as many voted to stay with UK because that had EU membership / security. Now thats out the window i guess the goal posts have been shifted
Gibraltar is royally f***ed. Northern Ireland too.

Cemented the break up of the UK this in all likelihood, ironic given the chimes of MAKE BRITAIN GREAT AGAIN.

Far too many uneducated people voting (on both sides), and already they're backtracking from their claims of funding the NHS or reducing immigration.

It winds me up when people say uneducated.I know we are not all educated and are not totally informed on every issue concerning the referendum. But we have been given a choice to vote on the matters that concern us the most. I was working with a money broker yesterday and he said the economy was going to fail ( but that was all he was interested in) he has no kids he rarely lives in this country he has private medical care. So he doesn't give a fcuk about overcrowding in schools and the issues with the nhs and how shit the infrastructure is becoming in this country. But I do and that makes me fairly educated on that matter . so putting people down because they. we. I, are uneducated is total bullshit. I made my own way in life and didn't have a great education but I'm a good person and I treat everyone the same no matter who they are.I might be uneducated but my vote counts as much as yours matey.