
The banks and the bookies seem to think we're remaining. The general public isnt' so sure given the massive queues the past two days I've seen at a couple of bureaus near where I work. Lots of people getting their Euros in before the vote just in case.
I live in the north spoke to about 30 people today all voting out. I think the southern vote will be solid remain thought

Not in my experience. Seems more a class and age divide. Working class and older for out. Middle class and younger for remain. Just something I've noticed. This is generally speaking of course.
I don't think London is the worry....took me bloody ages though and then there was a bus crashed into a fire engine once I got out of the tube!
I don't think London is the worry....took me bloody ages though and then there was a bus crashed into a fire engine once I got out of the tube!
iwent passed that too! we must live close if your going up the hill on the bus lol.I put a thing on facebook saying avoid the area if on the roads. Hope everyone was ok.
I think its SouthWest trains out of waterloo to places like Reading etc that are screwed
iwent passed that too! we must live close if your going up the hill on the bus lol.I put a thing on facebook saying avoid the area if on the roads. Hope everyone was ok.

Yes mate thought we were local! My Mrs looked it up, no casualties. Looked horrible though.
London rainfall can be like Ibiza's at times. So much falls in short space of time and flooding etc occurs. Been soaked at times in London!

Hard to believe that the North East has seen sun and decent temps the past few days!
It's over. Can't believe the English and Welsh have done this. Basically due to working class people believing immigrants will undercut them in the job market, and the continual expansion of the EU to the latest round of hopefuls. If the UK government had deferred benefits and access to schools and healthcare for migrant workers sooner it's very likely none of this would have happened. Too little too late and looks like now the door's been closed. All in all a total and utter failure on the part of UK politicians over the last 10 years.

Oh - along with an arrogant and intransigent EU leadership who never believed UK would walk away, and didn't know when to stop overplaying their hand. The French will be celebrating today that's for sure !
French people have others problems than the brits these days, believe me.
And the brexit will be also bad for our economy, 400000 British people are living here, and with a low pounds a lot of them will leave France.
All Europe will suffer of this vote.
Except Germany.
I really do think they'll rethink their strategy in Europe. A clear message has been sent. What David Cameron got in the way of deal was way, way short of what was needed.

The fact his "deal" wasn't even being mentioned in the run up to the vote shows how weak it was.

Wouldn't be surprised if there's another referendum with improved terms once the dust settles.

At the moment you'd have to fear for the United Kingdom as well. Scotland clearly want to stay. Where as England clearly wanted out.
Time to move on and draw a line under it, it's been bloody painful reading both sides drivel and it could be worse if the remain side don't put their dummy's back in and try to move on with their life :cool:
It's over. Can't believe the English and Welsh have done this. Basically due to working class people believing immigrants will undercut them in the job market, and the continual expansion of the EU to the latest round of hopefuls. If the UK government had deferred benefits and access to schools and healthcare for migrant workers sooner it's very likely none of this would have happened. Too little too late and looks like now the door's been closed. All in all a total and utter failure on the part of UK politicians over the last 10 years.

Oh - along with an arrogant and intransigent EU leadership who never believed UK would walk away, and didn't know when to stop overplaying their hand. The French will be celebrating today that's for sure !

well said....
I would have been more positive on an exit and immigration if the numbers from *none* eu countries was low... you know the borders we actually already control, but they ain't.

Also it seems a lot of people voting to exit think the current migrants here will be kicked out lol. If we did do that I'm sure all the other countries would kick out the UK expats.

Gibraltar is screwed as Spain said fine, want closed borders, we'll close that one for you. (to paraphrase)

Anyhow shits hit the fan, so just gotta deal with it, or look at getting dual citizenship.

On plus side for some is I guess ibiza will have lot less British workers in future :p
Do the people cheering realise that our currency is currently taking an absolute tanking and the UK economy has lost many billions?

Plus it will seem VERY expensive in Ibiza this year.

Oh and Farage has said that £350m per week won't actually got to the NHS.

But, yay!
Do the people cheering realise that our currency is currently taking an absolute tanking and the UK economy has lost many billions?

Plus it will seem VERY expensive in Ibiza this year.

Oh and Farage has said that £350m per week won't actually got to the NHS.

But, yay!

As long as our borders are locked down, it's a small price to pay right?!