
Where actually are you from 'Big Al', I assume its not the UK as you clearly hate us and everything that goes with it?

You sound like an very angry person who doesn't like anyone's opinion but his own?
Nottingham, via Derby (so very well travelled!!!). Where have I said I hate British people? I think the only time I've used bad language is in relation to the s*n newspaper which I think is justified?
What fuse did I light? I said people who read the s*n are morons - if that is you and you use its contents to form your opinion you are a moron. I still stand by that comment.
I buy the sun because it covers alot of sport. I also buy it because you get more in it than any other paper. And for them to come out as broad as day on front page spread after all the rest have been dithering about the EU i think its fair play. I like tits on page 3.

I like rod liddle because he doesnt give a shit and pulls punches.

Does that make me a moron? If it does then happy days. Ive been called worse
We are all entitled to our opinion so lets stay respectful....throwing around the terms racist pig and little englander to anyone who disagrees with your comments is quite sad really:(

As I stated, I respect the opinions of people who have well-thought out, researched reasons for voting either way.

I don't however respect some of the views I've seen on this thread, which are formed purely from a narrow-minded, short-sighted, point of view. It is very much what I would call a Little Englander point of view, I think that actually sums it up fairly and quite politely all things considered.

I also called no-one on this thread a racist pig, I was referring to Farage and I stand by that.
True, but if they sell the big issue then they are classed as self employed and can claim immediately.....that's why we have 7 eastern european big issue sellers here on Northumberland Street in Newcastle.

This applies to anyone whose from the EU,not just economic migrants who have landed on the shores of Greece from Syria etc.

Not really much of a life though is it? You'd think from the way 'leavers' have gone on that those 7 Eastern Europeans you talk of are living in penthouses driving Audi's.

Dj edward...But most will form their opinions on what they are spoonfed because they havent a scooby doo on gathering information for themselves so they will turn to reports from the propaganda murdoch has fed them for years. Which is what you are against! So not only have i put you in your place your comments are exactly how i have explained it


I can't even begin to understand what you're trying to say here.

I fail to see how UKIP are labelled racist when they have plenty of asians representing them

"I'm not racist, I've got a black friend!"
Not really much of a life though is it? You'd think from the way 'leavers' have gone on that those 7 Eastern Europeans you talk of are living in penthouses driving Audi's.


I can't even begin to understand what you're trying to say here.

"I'm not racist, I've got a black friend!"
Dont diverse the comments away. People will look to what they read in the press to help vote on their opinion because they havent a clue on where to look for themselves. This is why you dont want said people to vote because everything is swinging towards brexit.

That is exactly the small narrow minded comments people are on about

Base the facts on how UKIP are racist? Evidence ?
Id rather some bloke in westminster LONDON, ENGLAND make the decisions than another bleeding country.

If leave havent presented anything official then why has the polls come our way?? They must be doing something right, everything they have suggested doing is the correct way to live.

I believe the only people who are morons are the ones who wants to be dangled like a puppet for merkal and hollande to do as they please!

Finally leaving will give Britain some balls back and other countrys will follow suit. The ones who vote to remain should be deported with all the freeloaders.

Hopefully july 23rd will be our independence day!

Rule Brittania

well that escalated quickly...
Dont diverse the comments away.

Dont diverse the comments? Can you at least try and speak English please?

People will look to what they read in the press to help vote on their opinion because they havent a clue on where to look for themselves.

Yes, and I haven't said they won't? Though you'd be surprised at how clued up a lot of people are and also how little trust they have with most mainstream media, from both sides.

This is why you dont want said people to vote because everything is swinging towards brexit.

Please show me where I said I don't want people to vote because you've said this multiple times now and I can't recall saying it anywhere. I want people to vote and I want them to make an informed decision.

That is exactly the small narrow minded comments people are on about

In case you haven't realised, the majority of the people in here think you're a bit simple and you're talking rubbish.

Base the facts on how UKIP are racist? Evidence ?

I wasn't the one who said they were racist and I'm well versed in how these arguments go and how the defence is made, so what I will say is this; Whilst UKIP as a political party doesn't hold any outright racist policies or views, they do rely on attracting supporters and in many cases councillors and candidates who do hold racist views.
What is it that you dont understand dick Ed?
Its The first sentence of that comment! Do you want it in f***ing eastern european instead?
what are you employing about the UKIP comment? Im not racist i have a black friend.

Or is it another pointless sentence to make you look big and clever.
What is it that you dont understand dick Ed?

The mangled version of incoherant English you're using. That's what I don't understand.

what are you employing about the UKIP comment? Im not racist i have a black friend.

Or is it another pointless sentence to make you look big and clever.

Something else that's gone over your head. Don't worry about it.
What is it that you dont understand dick Ed?
Its The first sentence of that comment! Do you want it in f***ing eastern european instead?
what are you employing about the UKIP comment? Im not racist i have a black friend.

Or is it another pointless sentence to make you look big and clever.
Between 2001 - 2011 EU Migrants have contributed 34% more in taxes than they have taken out in benefits - that has to be a good thing, right?

Agreed, if your contributing that that's a good thing, if your not paying anything into the system then you should be allowed anything out of it.
I guess we all know the type. I bet he clicks his fingers at waiters and calls them Pedro. I bet he also waves 50 euro notes at them and asks if they've ever seen one before

That such people have 1. the vote 2. passports depresses me. A lot.
Agreed, if your contributing that that's a good thing, if your not paying anything into the system then you should be allowed anything out of it.

Which I doubt anyone would argue with. To have the right to reside in the UK after 3 months you need to be working, self-employed, a student, or have proof of sufficient funds to live on. Likewise eligibility for benefits is based on contributions - you don't get help with housing etc. without being in work. The notion of people arriving at Dover and being handed keys to a house is just wrong!
For what it's worth. I conducted my own poll down the gym last night. Asking everyone in there. Weirdly result was like the polls. Leave with a slight lead. By the undecided vote big enough to swing it either way.