
Thankyou Big Al. Jeesh some people really need wake up and smell the coffee.

Wether it takes 2 years to sort out and get sorted it doesnt matter we will benefit in the long run. I havent seen anything from the remain camp just scaremongering, stuttering if buts and maybes.

Plus as ive said before, i cant believe people are scared to be their own man and would rather some bloke in a swishy office in brussels tell you what to do.

The Suns front page spread yesterday said it all, and before people say its the sun blah blah.

Its britains number one paper for a reason.

I think he was being sarchastic! :rolleyes:
So they dont get a vote? Well thats fair. We all have to be as clever as you then? Even though they are born &bred and live here?Sounds like you belong in the eu parliament as a dictator you utter weasel.

Where did I say that? f***ing hell if you can't even read English it's no surprise Polish builders are threatening your job.

So you now get a thrill about spelling of words? Baring in mind this is a forum not an english exam. Well done, phone the grammer police! Its a good job im not from abroad, now id have to apologise for spelling,and that would make you a bully. Tut tut


You also label me on the verge of racism because i have said how it is. Even though its true that polish cleaners/tradesmen are on £8 compare to a minimum £10 british worker? Where is the evidence of this xenophobia?

You "guaranteed no foreign builder will be better than a British builder". Based on what? Nothing but your own ignorance.

I want british works to have a chance instead of someone from another country coming in on the cheap? Whats wrong with that? And how is it they are better than me at my job? Most of them dont even speak English to even think they can step foot on my site.

You struggle to write in English though so let's not start holding that against people. I agree with you, British workers should have a fair chance, but again don't be angry at the Polish builders for making the most of the opportunity available to them, be angry at the business leaders who are exploiting this. Have a gander at the bonuses Persimmons have just handed out to their top brass. Do you think they'll have afforded to do so if they'd have paid a fair wage?

You say leave comments are incorrect then what does make the remains current amount of shite?

Remain have made some crass claims no doubt, the emergency budget one today the worst of the lot. But it's not printed on the side of a big red bus and it's not featured amongst all their garbage scaremongering tv adverts as Vote Leave's have been about Turkey joining the EU.
Where did I say that? f***ing hell if you can't even read English it's no surprise Polish builders are threatening your job.


You "guaranteed no foreign builder will be better than a British builder". Based on what? Nothing but your own ignorance.

You struggle to write in English though so let's not start holding that against people. I agree with you, British workers should have a fair chance, but again don't be angry at the Polish builders for making the most of the opportunity available to them, be angry at the business leaders who are exploiting this. Have a gander at the bonuses Persimmons have just handed out to their top brass. Do you think they'll have afforded to do so if they'd have paid a fair wage?

Remain have made some crass claims no doubt, the emergency budget one today the worst of the lot. But it's not printed on the side of a big red bus and it's not featured amongst all their garbage scaremongering tv adverts as Vote Leave's have been about Turkey joining the EU.
You said they cant have a vote because they arnt forming their own opinion!!

You know perfectly well i can speak english just because a few grammer and spelling mistakes whilst typing off a samsung phone dont give it the billy big bollocks thinking your richard off Pointless.
I already live in a country in the EU?
Presume that last line about that rag was for comic effect?

Where actually are you from 'Big Al', I assume its not the UK as you clearly hate us and everything that goes with it?

You sound like an very angry person who doesn't like anyone's opinion but his own?
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You said they cant have a vote because they arnt forming their own opinion!!

You know perfectly well i can speak english just because a few grammer and spelling mistakes whilst typing off a samsung phone dont give it the billy big bollocks thinking your richard off Pointless.

This is what I said;

"Nah because hopefully they'll actually not form their opinion as you have from the propaganda Murdoch's press has fed them for years; they'll look at how they'll be better off, and hopefully from my point of view realise the protection the EU has afforded them in terms of workers rights is not worth risking."

So not only did I directly answer your claim that I don't want them to vote, but I then explained why they should.
I think hes meaning the european migrants who arrive here without a job, no money, no house and are just economic migrants (freeloaders), not those whose who are clearly working here and for good reason....this is why we need an australian points style system to ensure that migration is controlled (that is what i call good migration)

If a migrant from within the EU arrives in this country without a job they're not entitled to benefits immediately, and under the reform package they're also not allowed to stay indefinitely.
If a migrant from within the EU arrives in this country without a job they're not entitled to benefits immediately, and under the reform package they're also not allowed to stay indefinitely.

True, but if they sell the big issue then they are classed as self employed and can claim immediately.....that's why we have 7 eastern european big issue sellers here on Northumberland Street in Newcastle.

This applies to anyone whose from the EU,not just economic migrants who have landed on the shores of Greece from Syria etc.
Dj edward...But most will form their opinions on what they are spoonfed because they havent a scooby doo on gathering information for themselves so they will turn to reports from the propaganda murdoch has fed them for years. Which is what you are against! So not only have i put you in your place your comments are exactly how i have explained it
This thread is an absolute mess, please someone shut it down before my head explodes. There is nothing 'great' about Britian when the majority of people hold these narrow-minded, little Englander views. "Take our country back" and all that bollocks, it's embarrassing. That I've seen The S*n cited as a credible news source is thoroughly depressing. Filthy rag, and if you think Murdoch has got the best interests of the ordinary British person at heart then you're a mug.

I'm voting remain for several reasons: I live in Wales which receives a huge amount of funding from the EU - are Westminster going to give that to us if we leave? Absolutely not. London does not care about Wales or the North East or any poor area of the UK.

I also work for a University that recieves massive research grants from the EU - grants to conduct research on brain imaging, on strokes, on cancer stem cell research, on catalysis and sustainability, all things to improve the world and improve our lives. Where is the uni going to get that funding from if we leave?

And finally I despise Johnson and I despise Gove. I find it maddening that people who want to vote Leave cite "the NHS" as a key point, as if Johnson and Gove wouldn't dismantle it the first chance they got. And there is evidence out there on their views on this. Any of you know any teachers? Their thoughts on Gove's stint in charge of the Dep.of Education? He's a cretin. And lets not start on Farage. Again, if you think he has the interests of the average working-class Brit at heart then you're deluded. Remember when he stated he was against a rise in the national minimum wage? He's a pig and a racist pig at that (UKIP is just BNP light and lets not pretend otherwise).

I do understand that people have well-thought out, well-researched reasons for voting Leave and I totally respect that, if not necessarily agreeing. It's the small-minded, short-sighted "get the immigrunts OUT", lot that make me despair. Just spewing drivel that they've been spoonfed by the likes of Farage and various Facebook pages.

We are all entitled to our opinion so lets stay respectful....throwing around the terms racist pig and little englander to anyone who disagrees with your comments is quite sad really:(
If thats aimed at me. I was respectfull, big al lit the fuse then the rest followed what am i meant to do sit back and take it
i'm a great believer in the world being a very small place
we are all the same species
more "ties" should be made - not severed
politics, skin color, creed, gender or sexuality are all just side issues - we are all one people

(plus we'll need to unite to fight off the impending alien invasion)
This thread is an absolute mess, please someone shut it down before my head explodes. There is nothing 'great' about Britian when the majority of people hold these narrow-minded, little Englander views. "Take our country back" and all that bollocks, it's embarrassing. That I've seen The S*n cited as a credible news source is thoroughly depressing. Filthy rag, and if you think Murdoch has got the best interests of the ordinary British person at heart then you're a mug.

I'm voting remain for several reasons: I live in Wales which receives a huge amount of funding from the EU - are Westminster going to give that to us if we leave? Absolutely not. London does not care about Wales or the North East or any poor area of the UK.

I also work for a University that recieves massive research grants from the EU - grants to conduct research on brain imaging, on strokes, on cancer stem cell research, on catalysis and sustainability, all things to improve the world and improve our lives. Where is the uni going to get that funding from if we leave?

And finally I despise Johnson and I despise Gove. I find it maddening that people who want to vote Leave cite "the NHS" as a key point, as if Johnson and Gove wouldn't dismantle it the first chance they got. And there is evidence out there on their views on this. Any of you know any teachers? Their thoughts on Gove's stint in charge of the Dep.of Education? He's a cretin. And lets not start on Farage. Again, if you think he has the interests of the average working-class Brit at heart then you're deluded. Remember when he stated he was against a rise in the national minimum wage? He's a pig and a racist pig at that (UKIP is just BNP light and lets not pretend otherwise).

I do understand that people have well-thought out, well-researched reasons for voting Leave and I totally respect that, if not necessarily agreeing. It's the small-minded, short-sighted "get the immigrunts OUT", lot that make me despair. Just spewing drivel that they've been spoonfed by the likes of Farage and various Facebook pages.


We are all entitled to our opinion so lets stay respectful....throwing around the terms racist pig and little englander to anyone who disagrees with your comments is quite sad really:(
This thread is an absolute mess, please someone shut it down before my head explodes. There is nothing 'great' about Britian when the majority of people hold these narrow-minded, little Englander views. "Take our country back" and all that bollocks, it's embarrassing. That I've seen The S*n cited as a credible news source is thoroughly depressing. Filthy rag, and if you think Murdoch has got the best interests of the ordinary British person at heart then you're a mug.

I'm voting remain for several reasons: I live in Wales which receives a huge amount of funding from the EU - are Westminster going to give that to us if we leave? Absolutely not. London does not care about Wales or the North East or any poor area of the UK.

I also work for a University that recieves massive research grants from the EU - grants to conduct research on brain imaging, on strokes, on cancer stem cell research, on catalysis and sustainability, all things to improve the world and improve our lives. Where is the uni going to get that funding from if we leave?

And finally I despise Johnson and I despise Gove. I find it maddening that people who want to vote Leave cite "the NHS" as a key point, as if Johnson and Gove wouldn't dismantle it the first chance they got. And there is evidence out there on their views on this. Any of you know any teachers? Their thoughts on Gove's stint in charge of the Dep.of Education? He's a cretin. And lets not start on Farage. Again, if you think he has the interests of the average working-class Brit at heart then you're deluded. Remember when he stated he was against a rise in the national minimum wage? He's a pig and a racist pig at that (UKIP is just BNP light and lets not pretend otherwise).

I do understand that people have well-thought out, well-researched reasons for voting Leave and I totally respect that, if not necessarily agreeing. It's the small-minded, short-sighted "get the immigrunts OUT", lot that make me despair. Just spewing drivel that they've been spoonfed by the likes of Farage and various Facebook pages.

I fail to see how UKIP are labelled racist when they have plenty of asians representing them