
You're asking for something that hasn't happened yet nor is there any examples of countries leaving the EU. What I can tell you is the effect our current relationship has had on GB and it's not something I want to continue.

Because Australia has higher immigration is not reason enough to not have a points system. From my POV I would like to see a points not to reduce immigration, per se, but to be selective in who can live and work here based on their individual set of skills and what they can bring to the table.

I feel like you've been talking to the extremists and not had any reasoned and logical debate. This saddens me because there is a wealth of information out there that for one reason another isn't being made public and the referendum has been hijacked by nutters on both sides!
You're asking for something that hasn't happened yet nor is there any examples of countries leaving the EU. What I can tell you is the effect our current relationship has had on GB and it's not something I want to continue.

Because Australia has higher immigration is not reason enough to not have a points system. From my POV I would like to see a points not to reduce immigration, per se, but to be selective in who can live and work here based on their individual set of skills and what they can bring to the table.

I feel like you've been talking to the extremists and not had any reasoned and logical debate. This saddens me because there is a wealth of information out there that for one reason another isn't being made public and the referendum has been hijacked by nutters on both sides!

But that's precisely the point, there's no precedence for what happens after voting to leave and so to establish what might happen, it makes sense to listen to the experts and those involved from within Europe rather than just taking the line of "well it's common sense isn't it". I'd be far more inclined to consider voting to leave if there was actually the fleshings of an agreement in place but as it is, all the valid concerns about what negotiating a trade deal with the EU would require us to do (pay the same fees but with no voting powers, freedom of movement) are just being ignored or rebuffed with "well it's common sense".

I agree it isn't (Australias higher immigration =/= reason not to have points system), it's moreso used to rebuff the constant argument from people who read The Sun and think that we need an Australian system to solve everything without actually having a clue what the Australian system is.

Sadly, I live in a town full of bigots who blame immigrants for taking their jobs and immigrants for living on benefits and being too stupid to realise the contradiction of logic there. I've seen very little reasoned or logical debate anywhere from the Vote Leave side, and to be fair it wouldn't change my mind because of how toxic some of the leave campaigners have been to the extent I simply couldn't side with them.

There are valid concerns about remaining in Europe, especially given the instability. But immigration has taken centre stage and that's the real vote winner for the leavers because the right wing press has spent years upon years telling the average Brit that the reason their quality of life has gone down is the fault of immigrants.
But that's precisely the point, there's no precedence for what happens after voting to leave and so to establish what might happen, it makes sense to listen to the experts and those involved from within Europe rather than just taking the line of "well it's common sense isn't it".

Can you remember all those people banging on about how the US & UK had "no plan" after the invasion of Iraq in 2003?

Brexit is exactly that. Nobody has a damn clue what the hell we have to do afterwards.
We can argue on here about economic statistics and what would happen to x if y said z but one thing is getting missed from the debate on here.

The War

it was a long time ago but not so long ago in historical terms, not whilst there are still veterans alive, people who remember what Europe in conflict was like, something so horrific none of us can even understand. The UK in itself leaving wouldn't make that much difference but the chain reaction if other countries also decided to leave could destabilise the whole continent and leave it to implode, something Putin, Trump, China and any number of islamo-loons would lick their lips at. Do we really want to go back in time?

The emotional case is the most important argument for me because people still remember when the UK was a global player, when Churchill stood alone, when the UK produced the best writers, inventors, scientists, actors, playwrights, musicians, civil servants, when the word Britain provoked admiration. There is an English nationalism at the core of it. At its best, the buzz around the 2012 Olympics, at its worst the hooligan scum at Marseille or Magaluf, but that English defiant streak is something that may determine the vote. And it needs to be countered. You can still be proud of your country but don't be dicks about it. The Spanish are proud too but they don't have the same hangups about lost empire. They don't feel the need to shove it in your face in British coastal resorts. Funny that...

I guess my point is, there's no going back. Let sleeping dogs lie. Look to the future and embrace the world.
This really is on a knife edge! The polls suggesting that there is a genuine swing towards leave.

Oh well, looking forward to a weak pound, thousands coming off my savings and pensions, all my friends losing their jobs and years and years more austerity!
It's time for change , this country isn't getting any better as it stands. If the people believe remain is the answer then they are fooling themselves. It's tough with 67 million people in this country as we speak, What's it gonna be like in twenty/thirty years time when there is nearly 80 million. And so on , we won't give our own kids and grandkids a chance if we keep letting the world in . If we leave the country isn't going to just stop working , granted it will take a couple of years to correct itself.I believe it will be the making of Great Britain.
Before anyone jumps in, I'm all for immigration just not mass immigration.
I really do hope that the current polls are right and we vote out, it will be great to shut the doors to eu freeloaders who just turn up here to sell big issue and play accordions on the high street.....and of course claim their fully entitled benefits, educations and healthcare.
I really do hope that the current polls are right and we vote out, it will be great to shut the doors to eu freeloaders who just turn up here to sell big issue and play accordions on the high street.....and of course claim their fully entitled benefits, educations and healthcare.

I think Leave need 10+ point lead in polls to stand a chance. See example of Quebec in 1995. People often move to the "status quo" in the privacy of the voting booth.

Great news that Polls are swinging to vote leave. People banging on about the rate of money, its a rubbish rate now and we are in the EU. If we vote leave hopefully Cameron will resign, after all most of his cabinet are against him.

Its a nice thought being able to see a doctor and only waiting 5 minutes instead of an hour :)
Thankyou Big Al. Jeesh some people really need wake up and smell the coffee.

Wether it takes 2 years to sort out and get sorted it doesnt matter we will benefit in the long run. I havent seen anything from the remain camp just scaremongering, stuttering if buts and maybes.

Plus as ive said before, i cant believe people are scared to be their own man and would rather some bloke in a swishy office in brussels tell you what to do.

The Suns front page spread yesterday said it all, and before people say its the sun blah blah.

Its britains number one paper for a reason.
What happens when we ship out all the European migrants who prop up a lot of the NHS workforce? What happens when GDP tanks and the economy is so bad that the £100m per week that we "gain" back from being part of the EU looks like a mere drop in the ocean?

What do you think will be first on the tories' list for cuts...............? Maybe the NHS.....?
How does the effect of job losses work?

We will employ an australian points system which will only benefit us.

All the cheap labour polish and romanians who are just to claim tax credits (working in constructon trade i see this) will go back home and open the door for british workers.
Thankyou Big Al. Jeesh some people really need wake up and smell the coffee.

Wether it takes 2 years to sort out and get sorted it doesnt matter we will benefit in the long run. I havent seen anything from the remain camp just scaremongering, stuttering if buts and maybes.

Plus as ive said before, i cant believe people are scared to be their own man and would rather some bloke in a swishy office in brussels tell you what to do.

The Suns front page spread yesterday said it all, and before people say its the sun blah blah.

Its britains number one paper for a reason.

How can you say the Remain camp are just scaremongering - Leave have not presented anything other than 'we take back control' 'let's not be bullied'???? Regarding being told what to do by some bloke in Brussells you're happy for some bloke in Westminster to make the decisions? Like Johnson and Gove who both want to privatise the NHS?

..........oh, and the reason the s*n is the UK's number one paper is because most people in the UK are f***in morons!
Job losses?

Less business done with the EU will mean less business done by British businesses in general, less manufacturing for example, and that in effect will mean less jobs.
How can you say the Remain camp are just scaremongering - Leave have not presented anything other than 'we take back control' 'let's not be bullied'???? Regarding being told what to do by some bloke in Brussells you're happy for some bloke in Westminster to make the decisions? Like Johnson and Gove who both want to privatise the NHS?

..........oh, and the reason the s*n is the UK's number one paper is because most people in the UK are f***in morons!
Id rather some bloke in westminster LONDON, ENGLAND make the decisions than another bleeding country.

If leave havent presented anything official then why has the polls come our way?? They must be doing something right, everything they have suggested doing is the correct way to live.

I believe the only people who are morons are the ones who wants to be dangled like a puppet for merkal and hollande to do as they please!

Finally leaving will give Britain some balls back and other countrys will follow suit. The ones who vote to remain should be deported with all the freeloaders.

Hopefully july 23rd will be our independence day!

Rule Brittania
Job losses?

Less business done with the EU will mean less business done by British businesses in general, less manufacturing for example, and that in effect will mean less jobs.
You would be able to thrive outside it though with our cousins in the commonwealth! Not a bad alternative!