
Id rather some bloke in westminster LONDON, ENGLAND make the decisions than another bleeding country.

If leave havent presented anything official then why has the polls come our way?? They must be doing something right, everything they have suggested doing is the correct way to live.

I believe the only people who are morons are the ones who wants to be dangled like a puppet for merkal and hollande to do as they please!

Finally leaving will give Britain some balls back and other countrys will follow suit. The ones who vote to remain should be deported with all the freeloaders.

Hopefully july 23rd will be our independence day!

Rule Brittania
So you don't mind being f***ed, so long as the guy f***ing you is English,has big balls and is reading the s*n? Rule Brittania indeed !
I really do hope that the current polls are right and we vote out, it will be great to shut the doors to eu freeloaders who just turn up here to sell big issue and play accordions on the high street.....and of course claim their fully entitled benefits, educations and healthcare.

If you take three groups; EU immigrants, UK citizens, Non-Eu Immigrants, by a % EU immigrants are more likely to have a job and not be claiming benefits than UK citizens. The biggest % out of work and claiming benefits by far is non-EU migration. Something that the EU has no jurisdiction or control over and we could make our own rules for.

If you had any clue about the benefit system whatsoever (ie not just watching a program on Channel 4 about 'benefit Britain') you'd realise you don't just turn up at Calais and get given the keys to a house and a blank cheque. And loathe him though I do Cameron has actually secured a decent reform package to prevent EU migrants being entitled to benefits unless they meet certain criteria, one of which is employment related.

Thankyou Big Al. Jeesh some people really need wake up and smell the coffee.

He was taking the piss out of you. Although it's no surprise that went over your head given your posts in here to date.

Wether it takes 2 years to sort out and get sorted it doesnt matter we will benefit in the long run. I havent seen anything from the remain camp just scaremongering, stuttering if buts and maybes.

And Vote Leave haven't been scaremongering? The outright lies about Turkey, the campaign literature highlighting just how close Turkey is to Syria and Iraq, the lies about 80 MILLION POPULATION estimations, people have been fed lies about immigration for years to the point that most Brits genuinely over estimate just how much immigration there is;


Plus as ive said before, i cant believe people are scared to be their own man and would rather some bloke in a swishy office in brussels tell you what to do.

"Be their own man" what does that even mean?

The Suns front page spread yesterday said it all, and before people say its the sun blah blah.

Its britains number one paper for a reason.

The same paper that repeatedly tells lies on the front page and then has to apologise in small print on page 18? The same paper that outright lied about Hillsborough for years on end? The same paper that was hacking peoples phones? Just because it sells the most copies doesn't mean shit, it's a gutter press rag owned by an Australian media mogul who's on record as saying the reason why he doesn't like the EU is because when he walks into Downing Street they do as he says and when he walks into Brussels they don't. It's read by white van men and thicko's who want to see some tits with their morning coffee.

How does the effect of job losses work?

The majority of business owners who have spoken out on Brexit have suggested we remain in order to safeguard jobs. I'd trust those people over career politicians born into wealthy families.

We will employ an australian points system which will only benefit us.

I can guarantee you know nothing of the Australian system.

All the cheap labour polish and romanians who are just to claim tax credits (working in constructon trade i see this) will go back home and open the door for british workers.

The Polish have already started going home, if not last year then the year before more Polish workers returned to Poland than came over. Your point is as illogical as most of Vote Leave's arguments; they're here just to claim tax credits. But they're working too? So they're taking our jobs AND our benefits? That's impressive.

You have every right to fly out to Germany and get a job on a building site. It works both ways. And even so, why is your anger with fellow human beings making a better life for themselves rather than with the business leaders who openly seek out employment from Eastern Europe? These very same business leaders have been in the back pocket of the very MP's you're siding with now, that's why during times of austerity they've increased their wealth.
Your f***ed even more if you stay in the bloody thing! Why dont you move to a country in european union if you want to be a part of it so much.
The sun speaks words of volume, have a good columnist and have page 3 fitties. Plus Rod Liddle
If you take three groups; EU immigrants, UK citizens, Non-Eu Immigrants, by a % EU immigrants are more likely to have a job and not be claiming benefits than UK citizens. The biggest % out of work and claiming benefits by far is non-EU migration. Something that the EU has no jurisdiction or control over and we could make our own rules for.

If you had any clue about the benefit system whatsoever (ie not just watching a program on Channel 4 about 'benefit Britain') you'd realise you don't just turn up at Calais and get given the keys to a house and a blank cheque. And loathe him though I do Cameron has actually secured a decent reform package to prevent EU migrants being entitled to benefits unless they meet certain criteria, one of which is employment related.

He was taking the piss out of you. Although it's no surprise that went over your head given your posts in here to date.

And Vote Leave haven't been scaremongering? The outright lies about Turkey, the campaign literature highlighting just how close Turkey is to Syria and Iraq, the lies about 80 MILLION POPULATION estimations, people have been fed lies about immigration for years to the point that most Brits genuinely over estimate just how much immigration there is;


"Be their own man" what does that even mean?

The same paper that repeatedly tells lies on the front page and then has to apologise in small print on page 18? The same paper that outright lied about Hillsborough for years on end? The same paper that was hacking peoples phones? Just because it sells the most copies doesn't mean shit, it's a gutter press rag owned by an Australian media mogul who's on record as saying the reason why he doesn't like the EU is because when he walks into Downing Street they do as he says and when he walks into Brussels they don't. It's read by white van men and thicko's who want to see some tits with their morning coffee.

The majority of business owners who have spoken out on Brexit have suggested we remain in order to safeguard jobs. I'd trust those people over career politicians born into wealthy families.

I can guarantee you know nothing of the Australian system.

The Polish have already started going home, if not last year then the year before more Polish workers returned to Poland than came over. Your point is as illogical as most of Vote Leave's arguments; they're here just to claim tax credits. But they're working too? So they're taking our jobs AND our benefits? That's impressive.

You have every right to fly out to Germany and get a job on a building site. It works both ways. And even so, why is your anger with fellow human beings making a better life for themselves rather than with the business leaders who openly seek out employment from Eastern Europe? These very same business leaders have been in the back pocket of the very MP's you're siding with now, that's why during times of austerity they've increased their wealth.
It went over my head you mug because they are words on the screen not mouth to mouth.

Pair of wetters, scared and have no backbone. Good job we didnt have clowns like you in the falklands

I also gurantee you know no more as much as i do, only the fact that your misses probabley wears the trousers and gets you to clean the floor with a toothbrush.
It went over my head you mug because they are words on the screen not mouth to mouth.

Pair of wetters, scared and have no backbone. Good job we didnt have clowns like you in the falklands

I also gurantee you know no more as much as i do, only the fact that your misses probabley wears the trousers and gets you to clean the floor with a toothbrush.

Aye, otherwise we'd have 'lost' an island off the coast of Argentina that we're so desperately in need of keeping control of.

Mate you think the Sun is a reliable source of news your opinion on anything else is invalid and when you're proven to be out of your depth in an argument you resort to mud slinging with insults that wouldn't make a 12 year old flinch.

Although keep the "cleaning the floor with a toothbrush" image in mind, because it'll probably end up being the only job you're qualified for when the economy tanks.
You know f*** all mate. The sun aint my only source of knowledge i happen to read the facts of both sides and have family in australia as to know how the points work

So thats pissed on your chips hasnt it. You just sit on your high horse and look down at people who have an opinion and it goes against yours. If you look at the comments big al started the throwing of the insults. As per leftie behavour.

You are a typical leftie pc brigade grade a loving wanker of the highest order. Its a shame your not in france and the russians could give you a tanking
Your f***ed even more if you stay in the bloody thing! Why dont you move to a country in european union if you want to be a part of it so much.
The sun speaks words of volume, have a good columnist and have page 3 fitties. Plus Rod Liddle

I already live in a country in the EU?
Presume that last line about that rag was for comic effect?
It went over my head you mug because they are words on the screen not mouth to mouth.

Pair of wetters, scared and have no backbone. Good job we didnt have clowns like you in the falklands

I also gurantee you know no more as much as i do, only the fact that your misses probabley wears the trousers and gets you to clean the floor with a toothbrush.

What's a wetter? I'm not scared I just think it's a stupid decision. I wouldn't have gone to the Falklands anyway, why join a pointless war started by Thatcher to detract from the state of the country at the time?

My Mrs does wear trousers, especially in the winter. She works for a Union protecting employees being screwed over which will only increase should we Leave the EU - that's something worth thinking about, yes?
You know f*** all mate. The sun aint my only source of knowledge i happen to read the facts of both sides and have family in australia as to know how the points work

I got as far as "I happen to read" and realised you were lying.

So thats pissed on your chips hasnt it. You just sit on your high horse and look down at people who have an opinion and it goes against yours. If you look at the comments big al started the throwing of the insults. As per leftie behavour.

Not at all, but people like you are the absolute worst; no logic, no solid reasoning, no evidence, but they've read it in the Sun or the Daily Mail so they think that bloke down the road with a funny name is the reason you can't get in the doctors, not the lack of doctors being trained within the UK, that their kids can't get into schools because there's too many Polish builders bringing families over, not the lack of new schools being built by this government.

You answered absolutely none of my points and had a dig at me. A poor one at that. You're out of your depth in a reasoned argument and you're out of your depth throwing insults too.

You are a typical leftie pc brigade grade a loving wanker of the highest order. Its a shame your not in france and the russians could give you a tanking

You seem mad. Although I'd be mad if someone from another country who spoke no English came over and was better at my job than I was.
I bet alot of people who arnt decided yet are "out of their depth" dont they get an opinion to vote.

Your just talking rubbish, everything ive said is fact. And has come from leave campaign flyers, broadcasts on TV. And question time on the television the sun was a prime example.

I gurantee no foreign worker in construction is as good as british because they wouldnt come here in the first place they would be wanted at home and they wouldnt be on £8 a hour.

When you can run your own charles church site and make £6M profit a year as a company then come back to me and say the foreign workers are best.

Thought not
I bet alot of people who arnt decided yet are "out of their depth" dont they get an opinion to vote.

Nah because hopefully they'll actually not form their opinion as you have from the propaganda Murdoch's press has fed them for years; they'll look at how they'll be better off, and hopefully from my point of view realise the protection the EU has afforded them in terms of workers rights is not worth risking.

Your just talking rubbish, everything ive said is fact. And has come from leave campaign flyers, broadcasts on TV. And question time on the television the sun was a prime example.

"You're". Ahahahaha as if you're claiming everything you've said is fact, and then cite your source as the leave campaign, who have told so many lies the independent office for national statistics have told Vote Leave to stop using some of their figures as they're incorrect.

I gurantee no foreign worker in construction is as good as british because they wouldnt come here in the first place they would be wanted at home and they wouldnt be on £8 a hour.

So not only are you completely incorrect but you're a xenophobe too, amazing. Do you not understand how business works? We're building more than Poland, so there's more building jobs over here, so more Polish builders come over here. Jesus Christ, it's not even difficult and still you can't get your head around it.

When you can run your own charles church site and make £6M profit a year as a company then come back to me and say the foreign workers are best.

Thought not

Didn't say they were the best. Said they're clearly better than you. Otherwise why would they be a threat to your job?
Nah because hopefully they'll actually not form their opinion as you have from the propaganda Murdoch's press has fed them for years; they'll look at how they'll be better off, and hopefully from my point of view realise the protection the EU has afforded them in terms of workers rights is not worth risking.

"You're". Ahahahaha as if you're claiming everything you've said is fact, and then cite your source as the leave campaign, who have told so many lies the independent office for national statistics have told Vote Leave to stop using some of their figures as they're incorrect.

So not only are you completely incorrect but you're a xenophobe too, amazing. Do you not understand how business works? We're building more than Poland, so there's more building jobs over here, so more Polish builders come over here. Jesus Christ, it's not even difficult and still you can't get your head around it.

Didn't say they were the best. Said they're clearly better than you. Otherwise why would they be a threat to your job?

So they dont get a vote? Well thats fair. We all have to be as clever as you then? Even though they are born &bred and live here?Sounds like you belong in the eu parliament as a dictator you utter weasel.

So you now get a thrill about spelling of words? Baring in mind this is a forum not an english exam. Well done, phone the grammer police! Its a good job im not from abroad, now id have to apologise for spelling,and that would make you a bully. Tut tut

You also label me on the verge of racism because i have said how it is. Even though its true that polish cleaners/tradesmen are on £8 compare to a minimum £10 british worker? Where is the evidence of this xenophobia?

I want british works to have a chance instead of someone from another country coming in on the cheap? Whats wrong with that? And how is it they are better than me at my job? Most of them dont even speak English to even think they can step foot on my site.

You say leave comments are incorrect then what does make the remains current amount of shite?
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I think Leave need 10+ point lead in polls to stand a chance. See example of Quebec in 1995. People often move to the "status quo" in the privacy of the voting booth.


Not sure on that, I always thought in the privacy of the booth people are more likely to vote leave, as I would guess vote leave are shy with their opinions when asked due to be called out as being 'racist, xenophobic and little englanders'?
What happens when we ship out all the European migrants who prop up a lot of the NHS workforce?

I think hes meaning the european migrants who arrive here without a job, no money, no house and are just economic migrants (freeloaders), not those whose who are clearly working here and for good reason....this is why we need an australian points style system to ensure that migration is controlled (that is what i call good migration)