
An interesting point a young polish friend of mine made on fb , apart from the analogy at the end thats because he is a massive queen.

"So yesterday I watched yet another EU Referendum Debate and I realised that this Referendum is the most ridiculous idea ever. Back in 2003 when in Poland we were deciding whether to join the EU (also in a referendum) we knew everything there was to know about the Union. By that time the treaty between us and the EU was ready, all of the rules, deals, regulations and disclaimers were known to everyone as they had been negotiated over a 10year period prior to the referendum. You could literally go online and find out how the Union will affect your life, your business, education etc.
I feel that in the Referendum on the 23rd of June the British public will be made to make a decision based on no information at all. It would be like deciding whether to change your gym without knowing how much the other one costs, where it's based or whether it even has a sunbed"
I posted this on Facebook last night:

Just about to go to sleep before the biggest vote in my lifetime.

The polls suggest it's going to be extremely close, so for once, EVERY vote matters. No matter where in the country that you live. So please go out and cast your vote.

I know most have made up their minds but for those still on the fence, I urge you to vote 'Remain'. Leaving the EU would be a disaster for the UK, both short term and long term.

I consider myself as patriotic and proud to be British (and Scottish!). Yet, as the granddaughter of an immigrant who came to the UK in 1938 to escape fascism and who never claimed any benefits, it disgusts me some of the right-wing, xenophobic and downright nasty language used by seemingly 'normal' people to justify leaving the EU.

The EU isn't perfect, but it's far preferable to the alternative. We need to stand together in these tough times, not break away.
Well to balance it out I'm voting leave . I'm not right wing or xenophobic. I get on with everyone and anyone , my wife if half black half English/German. I haven't a problem with immigrants who live here now. Only the ones who sponge of the government just like some British folks who sponge of us too which I can't stand either. But that doesn't change the fact that this country is becoming over populated. And we need to control immigration so our kids and there kids will have half a chance to get on in life in Britain . So for this reason alone I'm out!
the UK feels very divided and the debate seem really bitter. Admittedly I'm 1000 miles away and it all seems a bit surreal what's happening. Essentially, economics, globalisation, planning strategy is not benefiting people in small towns the same way it benefits people in the cities so you are getting a them v us situation - which is very dangerous. I really hope the UK doesn't turn into a micro version of the US - ie smug urban liberals v simple small town hicks because that is the last thing the country needs.
This thing about country being divided is true to an extent, but in reality people find their circle of friends and social group tend to be of the same mind set so there will be no major fall out whatever the outcome. It's not like half my friends will not be speaking to the other side.

Like i said in my FB status the other day i'm just very happy and proud that 99% of my friends have the same values as me and are all voting the same way, even if i can't vote at all.
remain = stronger £ (good for UK tourists abroad/expats paid in sterling
brexit = collapse in £ (good for UK exporters and nobody else)

Not so sure in case of brexit; I think the £ will become a refuge currency (safe investment).
We have been experiencing it with the swiss franc.
Not so sure in case of brexit; I think the £ will become a refuge currency (safe investment).
We have been experiencing it with the swiss franc.
I thought this to maybe.

If the rates are dramatically effected what ever the vote will it change within days or be more Steady?
I hope no one got banned after that lively debate some people seemed to have vanished? Hopefully living it up in ibiza
Will the £-€ rate be better if we remain?

The market today has moved as if remain is a done deal....so not sure how much it would improve from here when/if remain is confirmed.

If we leave, its a long way down from here and you could expect the rate to move a lot closer to parity.
I guess it depends on whether the UK is seen by the moneymen as a safe haven or not. The country could be in for a lot of political upheaval - the Scottish issue is yet to be resolved and the City dependent economy could still tank (+ still a frightening level of debt)
guess it depends on whether the UK is seen by the moneymen as a safe haven or not. The country could be in for a lot of political upheaval - the Scottish issue is yet to be resolved and the City dependent economy could still tank (+ still a frightening level of debt)

In the short term sterling tanks - sorry that is what I meant...safe haven GBP will be a few years off yet