
It winds me up when people say uneducated.I know we are not all educated and are not totally informed on every issue concerning the referendum. But we have been given a choice to vote on the matters that concern us the most. I was working with a money broker yesterday and he said the economy was going to fail ( but that was all he was interested in) he has no kids he rarely lives in this country he has private medical care. So he doesn't give a fcuk about overcrowding in schools and the issues with the nhs and how shit the infrastructure is becoming in this country. But I do and that makes me fairly educated on that matter . so putting people down because they. we. I, are uneducated is total bullshit. I made my own way in life and didn't have a great education but I'm a good person and I treat everyone the same no matter who they are.I might be uneducated but my vote counts as much as yours matey.

On decisions like this, everybody should be educated. Politics should be taught in schools. 16 year olds should be the voting age. There are genuinely people being interviewd by the BBC today who admit to voting leave, and then say they're worried about what's going to happen because they didn't think they'd actually win.

It's not total bullshit at all, it's a fact; the elderly, and those less educated, voted to leave;

too late for the blame game - question is what happens next

I don't predict any "clear your desk in 20 mins" kind of drama - it will be a boring bureaucratic disentanglement process, endless summits us mere mortals don't really follow.

the immediate issues are

1. the £
2. the legal stuff
3. the timeframe
4. what it all actually means to people on the street - what perks will be lost, how and when etc

as for the politics, I'd say the "United" Kingdom is doomed, god help Northern Ireland, Cornwall and anywhere else propped by subsidies and as for the London v England disconnect, I don't envy the next PM there... (Theresa May over Boris please!)

main thing for now is to STAY COOL, DON'T PANIC and wait for things to calm down
On decisions like this, everybody should be educated. Politics should be taught in schools. 16 year olds should be the voting age. There are genuinely people being interviewd by the BBC today who admit to voting leave, and then say they're worried about what's going to happen because they didn't think they'd actually win.

It's not total bullshit at all, it's a fact; the elderly, and those less educated, voted to leave;


It takes all sorts of people in life everyone is different . Of course I'd love to be educated as much as you are. But I'm not . I went to a school where good teachers was in short supply and it was renowned for being a bad school.
I have an education in my own life and what affects me so I'll take my chance on the leave vote, if we fail then so be it. The fact of the matter is the bullshit was more aimed at people like you looking down on people like me like our vote doesn't mean anything.
Havnt read all these post but a common theme is "THIS country is overcrowded, infasctructure in THIS country etc" the UK involves more than just England, Scottish people and ni people voted to stay, but we are being forced to leave because the English want to? I don't know much about economics or politics but what I do know is that this will have a massive effect on me as I live in ni on the irish border, I work in the NHS but I do private work in the Republic of Ireland. Are they going g to set up border control from traveling from ni to republic or Ireland? Load of balls.
This moral high ground the remain camp are taking today is pissing me off. There are racist people and idiots on both sides.

Anyway, today is our independence day and I'm going to celebrate. I feel massivley vindicated for the years of work I've personally put into this campaign. Looking forward to a prosperous future.
Do the people cheering realise that our currency is currently taking an absolute tanking and the UK economy has lost many billions?
that is a short term volatility situation which will correct itself in the coming days/weeks, the funamentals of the UK economy are sound as this drop in the pound and stock market is mainly due to speculation. The stock market dropped 8% first thing this morning, now the drop is 4.2% so its starting to rally already
Yeah, got to keep out those pesky Europeans who come to this country to work!
Its the ones that come here to not work that bother me....last year 70,000 eu nationals turned up in the UK without a job....other than to sell big issue I guess
I know we are not all educated and are not totally informed on every issue concerning the referendum.

Except most people haven't bothered to try and inform themselves, they've focussed on one thing, immigration, and ignored everything else. This wasn't a vote on Europe, it was a vote on immigration. Wales is a poor nation, receives huge amounts of EU funding, has very very little immigration, and overwhelmingly voted Leave. The problems in Wales aren't caused by the EU, they're caused by government cuts, and Wales have just voted to give that very government more power. This is why people are so frustrated, because it isn't about being educated, but it is about thinking things through properly and not being blinded by existing prejudices. People can blame immigrants all they want, they have nothing to do with the issues in Wales, but that line of thinking suits them.

I was working with a money broker yesterday and he said the economy was going to fail ( but that was all he was interested in)

Well he should be interested in the economy, it's literally the most important thing. How is the economy failing going to be good for anyone or anyone's kids? How is considering that we might well be poorer not important?

So he doesn't give a fcuk about overcrowding in schools and the issues with the nhs and how shit the infrastructure is becoming in this country. B

Do you think overcrowing in schools and NHS waiting times are because of immigrants from the EU? 2% of the welsh population (and I refer to Wales because that's what I know), are EU migrants. They have literally nothing to do with problems with the NHS or schools.

Problems caused by a government that people have just given more power to. By 8am this morning Farage (who admittedly has no power over legislation - yet), said that it was a 'mistake' (lie) of the Leave campaign to say £350 million would go to the NHS instead of the EU if we left. They know full well how important the NHS is to voters and capitalised on people's ignorance. The campaign was based on lies and prejudice and people have eaten it up.
This moral high ground the remain camp are taking today is pissing me off. There are racist people and idiots on both sides.

Anyway, today is our independence day and I'm going to celebrate. I feel massivley vindicated for the years of work I've personally put into this campaign. Looking forward to a prosperous future.

Interesting how you refer to people simply pointing out that the things that everyone were warned about could well come true "taking the moral highground".

Love this "independence day" message, like the whole idea of countries being independent didn't come from freeing themselves from British colonial rule. The UK has no idea what it's like to be under someone elses rule.
A woman and her brother were interviewed at Manchester Airport for ITV earlier on, she voted leave and her brother remain. She admitted that she voted leave but didnt think it would happen, if she could change her vote she would. :spank:
Yeah there's been a few of those today. That's what I mean by uneducated. Not necessarily in terms of intelligence, but as Bungle has put it so brilliantly above, uneducated on the key issues, uneducated and uninformed on the consequences.

f***, Gove himself said "people are tired of experts". These same experts warned all this was to come. Banks already looking to move staff and jobs away from the UK.

And in the biggest irony of all, those areas that were most pro-leave are the ones that benefit the most from EU subsidies. Who will they blame next?
i dont think maps about degrees should be a part of this discussion. Going back to what Gutsy said about voting about what matters to you. Thatss fair enough and understandable but i think whats missing is looking at a bigger picture , because what doesnt matter so much to you now , may well matter to you alot in the near future based on whats happened. Its no good having less waiting time for GP appointment if when you have a heart attack you dont get the care you need because michael gove has f****ed the hospitals so badly
i dont think maps about degrees should be a part of this discussion. Going back to what Gutsy said about voting about what matters to you. Thatss fair enough and understandable but i think whats missing is looking at a bigger picture , because what doesnt matter so much to you now , may well matter to you alot in the near future based on whats happened. Its no good having less waiting time for GP appointment if when you have a heart attack you dont get the care you need because michael gove has f****ed the hospitals so badly

Waiting times aren't going to reduce anyway. Increased poverty will bring increased ill health.
Except most people haven't bothered to try and inform themselves, they've focussed on one thing, immigration, and ignored everything else. This wasn't a vote on Europe, it was a vote on immigration. Wales is a poor nation, receives huge amounts of EU funding, has very very little immigration, and overwhelmingly voted Leave. The problems in Wales aren't caused by the EU, they're caused by government cuts, and Wales have just voted to give that very government more power. This is why people are so frustrated, because it isn't about being educated, but it is about thinking things through properly and not being blinded by existing prejudices. People can blame immigrants all they want, they have nothing to do with the issues in Wales, but that line of thinking suits them.

Basically @Bungle123 you haven't a clue why people voted to leave. You lost the vote we move on. Suck it up :D
Much snobbery and bitterness from the remain camp still, always will be I fear until we either thrive or they can say 'we told you so' when we f*** things up :lol:
I don't think either side used enough facts to sway people, they hit on our emotions and that's why there is a huge fall out everywhere today between folk on both sides.
I don't agree with that but I chose what the eu are doing to my industry and so did my wife, we would of been hit badly had we remained so we had nothing to lose anyway if that makes sense.
Anyway we have Ibiza to look forward to right? I think I will hire a boxing ring for the closing parties and we can all have a battle royal and see who comes out on top :cool::D
Banks already looking to move staff and jobs away from the UK.
Don't believe what you hear about banks moving jobs out of the UK due to brexit. They have been doing this big time since the financial crash as a cost cutting exercise. If they think they can employ more people for less in another country, they do it.