
Is a united ireland a bad thing realistically? Woodrow wilsons 14 points should have came into play and didn't,therefore will britain be loosing anything they shouldn't already have lost?
Look at what the eu has done and are pledging to do for the U.K. That is what people should of done, you keep proving you're a media whore and a hypocrite for moaning about folk voting after lapping up total bollocks but yourself clinging into mainstream hysteria that was there to create fear. You're so blinded and took in by if you still think what they told you were facts despite most being speculation you're as every bit bad as the folk that share ukip posts f*** me zzz
Look at what the eu has done and are pledging to do for the U.K. That is what people should of done

You do realise that the EU was set up to present a united Europe, in order to prevent more bloody conflict following the second world war? Rather than just to prevent us from enjoying bendy bananas, etc...
Yes I do, a united army to. Not a great idea out of interest why do you think it's such a great thing to be ran by unelected bureaucrats?
So you can get a nice holiday in the sun?
That won't stop :rolleyes:
Oh and it was a trade union to start with, a common market not this bollocks we have now being told what we can and can not do.
The EU isn't perfect but it's far preferable to the hell that's about to break loose.

I appreciate that nobody likes being told what to do, but sometimes rules are there for a reason.

No they didn't ! It's cold comfort that I live in the single (small) voting area in the whole of the South West (Isles of Scilly excepted) which voted to remain (as it happens pretty strongly) with over 80% turnout despite a large elderly population.

This in the end has been purely about inequality and the haves vs the have nots. Outside the prosperity of London and a few richer / cosmopolitan areas the map is a sea of blue "Leaves". It's very sad that they don't realize what's left will very likely be hoarded to shore up the losses of London instead of being disseminated to the rest of Britain and their biggest tool for getting back funds from Govt has just been given the heave ho. They seem to think this is their only way of achieving redistribution of wealth to them. Of course I don't think that logic has good prospects of being borne out in practice.

The only natural progression from here is a rise of the Trade Unions again giving a voice to the people who have used this vote to strike a blow at the Institution symbolized by New Labour, the Coalition and now current Tories. We all know where that led the country in the past and it took a tyrant to get the country moving again. The one common factor in the equation is all recent leaders have been pro-Europe and I really think EU has taken the shots which ought to have been fired at Westminster, but the people in question simply could not be heard as no-one would listen from their complacent Ivory Towers. It's a permanent and heavy price to pay for failing to find a way of making your voice heard.

A few isolated industries will eventually benefit like our local fishermen - but at what cost ? I'm just hoping as a scot that if the same criteria are applied to acquisition of dual citizenship should Scotland break away I might have a chance at an EU passport again like the Northern Irish can with Eire. It would be at least one silver lining to the devastation of a breakup of the UK.
^^^ going from what he said, my friend lives in a small seaside town/village in cornwall. all the fishermen voted leave and totally understandably for their day to day given the restrictions imposed on them... but they surely forgot alot of the EU funding thats been coming to these regions and will quite possibly cease...its the whole voting with heart over head thing , of which no one can be told they are wrong but merely pointed into the other options not considered at the time
Still nothing but speculation, I'm of Irish and Scottish decent but I don't plan to rush for an EU passport just yet. It's early days, a time for calm from both sides would be a good start.
^^^ going from what he said, my friend lives in a small seaside town/village in cornwall. all the fishermen voted leave and totally understandably for their day to day given the restrictions imposed on them... but they surely forgot alot of the EU funding thats been coming to these regions and will quite possibly cease...its the whole voting with heart over head thing , of which no one can be told they are wrong but merely pointed into the other options not considered at the time

Cornwall area got £1bn from the eu over 15 year with £440m still to come in the next 4 years
one of the few Net Recipient areas of the UK

voted leave

local businesswoman stated "its wonderful, some of the money was wasted - we can take control of it now"

eh, what money? - its gone now! Boris ain't gonna spend on Wallcorn or whatever he thinks its called

utter nonsense decision
Cornwall area got £1bn from the eu over 15 year with £440m still to come in the next 4 years
one of the few Net Recipient areas of the UK

voted leave

local businesswoman stated "its wonderful, some of the money was wasted - we can take control of it now"

eh, what money? - its gone now! Boris ain't gonna spend on Wallcorn or whatever he thinks its called

utter nonsense decision

but thats just it......it isnt just about the money
Look at what the eu has done and are pledging to do for the U.K. That is what people should of done, you keep proving you're a media whore and a hypocrite for moaning about folk voting after lapping up total bollocks but yourself clinging into mainstream hysteria that was there to create fear. You're so blinded and took in by if you still think what they told you were facts despite most being speculation you're as every bit bad as the folk that share ukip posts f*** me zzz

You're talking rubbish here.

When expert after expert after expert is lining up to tell you that the economy will suffer from the uncertainty voting to leave will bring, it's speculation.

When news outlets are reporting on this actually happening (£ falling, credit rating being downgraded to negative, joining the likes of Botswana) it's fact.

Yes I do, a united army to. Not a great idea out of interest why do you think it's such a great thing to be ran by unelected bureaucrats?
So you can get a nice holiday in the sun?
That won't stop :rolleyes:

Within 5 months we'll have a prime minister that none of us voted for. How is that any different.

I hate the whole "RAN BY UNELECTED BUREAUCRATS" garbage too, do you have any idea how many EU laws were imposed on us against our governments will?

Yorkshire joins Cornwall and Wales in demanding assurances that their EU funding will be matched. Sorry lads, you voted for that £350 million a week to go to the NHS, enjoy seeing your farms and fisheries close.
we are gona have an unelected primeminister soon because of brexit which will affect us much more than any 'unelected beurocrats' in brussels i'd say
It will, but Dave is honourably falling on his sword right or wrong. Brown was an unelected priminester and was a disaster.
These experts are full of self interest lol, it was obvious that there'd be a dip short term maybe medium term don't see why it's such a shock headline now but it's nowhere near disaster and recovering.
Cornwall council were not happy they'd lose funding that headline you've lapped up again had nothing to do with the story the people of Cornwall have not said anything that the headlines said you just keep proving you're getting info from the mainstream it's laughable.
Anyway I'm fed up of this and it'll go on till end of life let's hope we can move forward and the arguing can stop.
I've had enough of it on Facebook don't need it on here to ha ga