Ask the PT

I've dumped my entire cardio routine and switched to just rowing. I feel like I'm making far more progress doing that for half an hour than running and rowing combined for 35 minutes (25 running, 10 rowing).

Started on weights properly in the last 7 weeks as well. Still some way to go though. Finding it too difficult to not eat crap food.

have you been doing intervals / sprints with your running?
I do 10mins (just over 2k) rowing for warm up but theres no way I coud row for half an hour i think i'd die (of exhaustion and boredom!) . Ive found you have to have the Rower on quite a high setting to be effective
have you been doing intervals / sprints with your running?
I do 10mins (just over 2k) rowing for warm up but theres no way I coud row for half an hour i think i'd die (of exhaustion and boredom!) . Ive found you have to have the Rower on quite a high setting to be effective

I find this too!

1000 m as fast as possible on the highest setting is enough for me.

Do this x3 alternating with incline running on the treadmill and you will definitely feel the burn!
Beyond my scope as a PT on both the heart and pulled muscle front I'm afraid.

With regards to body transformation, you will have to do your best on nutrition. My tips are to eat natural, fill up on plants and leaves and get a decent source of protein at every meal. The more processed a food, the worse it becomes for you.

Im screwed then! Booo! Biggest whale on the beach for me :(
Current weekly training regime:

1x 10 Mile Run
1 x 6 Mile Run

1 x 6 Mile cross country (carrying 35lbs)

2 or 3 Gym Sessions per week depending on what recovery I feel I need.

Changed my gym rountine to ensure a full body workout each time rather than targeting body parts, and I've really noticed a difference. I read that once you are heading towards 40 (I was 38 last week) you should go for full body routines?

But most crucially, I'm enjoying it more too!

A fair workout :) Wish I could get into the gym more but find weights and such so so so so boring.

Loving running more and more, this week;

Mon: 10km easy 59min pace.
Tue: Was supposed to be speed session at running club, car broke down:cry::evil:
Wed: 10km running club, crazy pace but with stops, I end up with the girlies:oops::D
Thu: 10km easy 59min pace.
Fri: x-country hills with a m8 (actually don't enjoy this too much, prefer the roads).
Sat: 5km 25min pace.
Sun: 21km near to hm pace to see how likely < 2:00 on 13th May will be.

Riding the tee total wagon until Stone Roses in June (maybe have a beer after Chester hm in May). Cannot quite believe how much pleasure can be had from running, I look forward to Sunday long runs more than a night out these days:lol:

Good luck with your training/ weight loss/ races .....
Also, on the rowing... half an hour for me is about 6500m, starts about 2m15s per 500, drops a lil to about 2m20 for 20minutes. Got a TV in front of the rowing machines, so i'm not usually too bored.

I've felt like I've lost alot more weight this way. :)
really? Im sure this is a lie!

Probably should point out I'm actually whale size...luckily have youth and metabolism on my side, might need to start worrying in a few years though and resort to finding a man who loves me for my mind!

Not from the photos I've seen your not :)
Any advice for how to stop my legs hurting after running? The most I can do is 3 miles and takes me about 30 mins, the biggest problem though is my limbs are ruined after for a day or two :( I have started a full body weight program mon wed fri and want to introduce a weekend jog to help burn some fat off. But I always end up in so much pain. I can play squash for an hour and feel fine the next day but when it comes to running my body just doesnt like it.
Any tips?
A fair workout :) Wish I could get into the gym more but find weights and such so so so so boring.

Get some dumbbells for at home rather than having to trek to the gym. Also noting what you're doing, having a progression plan and seeing the results on your body stops it getting boring. :D
How long have you been doing the run, Ollie?

In January I started running and was in constant pain after each run, I asked the same question as you on the running club thread. Now I only get the nice ache type feeling knowing you have done something worthwhile to the muscles. I'm sure it is just conditioning, maybe try going for more than one run per week and the pains will soon go away.

Do you have some decent running shoes?