Ask the PT

Thanks man. Have worked hard to get this far.
It's amazing really how much weight I put on at Uni :lol:
I'm about the size I was as I started college.
Quit the gym for a month now. With selling the car, I can't get to my normal gym, and I'm moving in under a fortnight. Week at work, then off to Ibiza :)
whats a rough breakdown of diet / exercise and booze intake if you dont mind me asking???
I know you said you were doing long stints of rowing?
Exercise: 3 / 4 times a week, depending on what I've got going on.

Half an hour of rowing, then about 25 minutes of weights - Working different muscle groups each session

Diet: Poor :lol:
I've cut out alot of the crap I used to eat / drink.
I go out drinking maybe once a fortnight. I have the odd beer every now and then during the rest of the fortnight, but that's it.
Replaced Coca Cola with pepsi max, no biscuits or chocolate (Well, probably end up eating about a Fredo Bar a week), cut down on crisps, switched to eating healthier ready meals, cut down from two pizzas a week to one a fortnight. Have been eating alot of pasta and chicken due to hours I was working.

For me, it's been more about reducing the amount of what I was eating. I'm not a big lover of vegetables or salad, making 'healthy' eating somewhat difficult. And as I said, working 11 hour days and still fitting in the gym meant I had an hour and a half to cook, eat and digest, so pasta became quite high on my diet.

Although the gym has gone, I'm still walking about 5 miles a day.
Anyone every experienced throbbing (easy:)) headaches during exercise. Had it it my early twenties then nothing till today when doing chin ups at the gym. It feels like your head is going to explode:eek:

Had to sit down for about 5 mins and felt like I was going to ralph:( Still got mild nigglin pain now.

A brief JFGI reveals this

Anyone else suffered it?

Had plenty to drink/eat before workout. No different to the past 6 months of weight training?
Anyone every experienced throbbing (easy:)) headaches during exercise.

Yes. Culprits were almost invariably

1) Caffeine

2) Insufficient hydration (cue Dioralyte the must-have hydration maintenance accessory for all significant exertion ;))


3) Stress-induced high blood pressure. Usually brought about by women (especially the nagging ones :lol:)
Weight loss is now something like 34kg. Although I've stopped going to the gym, my weight is still dropping. :|
Weight loss is now something like 34kg. Although I've stopped going to the gym, my weight is still dropping. :|

Bloody hell that's a huge amount! I've lost 18kg since I started hitting the gym again in June. I've actually found it pretty easy to shift it, but I guess I'll pile it back on if I don't keep the training and diet going well.

Had 2 years of working up and down the country until I started a new job in May. Problem with working away is you spend a LOT of time in the pub, often living above one during the week, and not having facilities to cook your own dinners. Plus there's not a lot else to do in the evenings. I found it especially hard as I was working and living with 2 lads who love a drink but are freaks of nature - they eat and drink what they want and don't put on an ounce. If I even look at something bad for you I start to get fat again!
Bloody hell that's a huge amount! I've lost 18kg since I started hitting the gym again in June. I've actually found it pretty easy to shift it, but I guess I'll pile it back on if I don't keep the training and diet going well.

Had 2 years of working up and down the country until I started a new job in May. Problem with working away is you spend a LOT of time in the pub, often living above one during the week, and not having facilities to cook your own dinners. Plus there's not a lot else to do in the evenings. I found it especially hard as I was working and living with 2 lads who love a drink but are freaks of nature - they eat and drink what they want and don't put on an ounce. If I even look at something bad for you I start to get fat again!

Never mind Ikoda's weight loss, Ive still got that headache:(
Weight loss is now something like 34kg. Although I've stopped going to the gym, my weight is still dropping. :|

You are burning muscle for fuel by the looks of it. Do some resistance training or you will waste away8)
Weight loss is now something like 34kg. Although I've stopped going to the gym, my weight is still dropping. :|

Flipping heck - that means you lost 60% of my average body weight :eek:. Just weighed myself and yes - still 57kg (clothed, after dinner :lol:). Same as I've been for about the last 10 years. No amount of lifestyle or diet variation seems to change it more than +/- 1kg !

I was working and living with 2 lads who love a drink but are freaks of nature - they eat and drink what they want and don't put on an ounce.

I'm one of those freaks of nature :twisted:

Never mind Ikoda's weight loss, Ive still got that headache:(

If it persists, go see someone medical (and preferably competent !). It's hopefully (and most probably) nothing serious but never worth taking chances on stuff like that.

Friend of mine a few years back had sudden onset severe headache symptoms first during exercise and pretty soon after during rest too. He didn't take action for a couple of months. When he finally went for a scan he had a brain tumour which had obviously been developing for quite some time without symptoms. Sadly in his case it was malignant and he's no longer with us .. too advanced to treat without unacceptable risk of brain damage. He was 35 and one of the most honourable people I ever met :(.

Guess the moral of the story is that any persistent / abnormal symptoms always warrant a prompt check-up, to be on the safe side. Medical practitioners are (supposed to be) there to help us with such dilemmas.. definitely not wasting their time getting checked out.
I'm one of those freaks of nature :twisted:

I'm trying to be all about positive thinking this year, so I'm seeing it as a good thing - if I want to look fit and healthy, I've actually got to be fit and healthy. Can't be a bad thing...apart from lots of effort.
I'm trying to be all about positive thinking this year, so I'm seeing it as a good thing - if I want to look fit and healthy, I've actually got to be fit and healthy. Can't be a bad thing...apart from lots of effort.

Can only be a good thing - fit and healthy is my aim for the next year too. Positive thinking all round. Might even get on some weights at some point, if I can overcome the heart-sinking feeling I get every time I see an indoor gym :spank: