Ask the PT

btw. how long after quitting cigs did your lung function return to normal.

2 weeks in and i now have that feeling that a cig will make this chesty gunk go away!
a friend of mine (in his 40's) has really improved since joining a club, and has been told that based on a couple of half marathon times he's just run he can get a sub 3hr time (and no more ballots).

his cabinet is slowly filling up with top 3 trophies :lol: (always has at least one new one to show me, when I'm round there).

He also said, when you reach that level where you are challenging the club runners, it gets pretty ruthless, elbows, deliberate clashing of legs, anything to get an advantage. a far cry from the encouraging pep talks you get at the back of the pack. :lol:

Wow - that is TRES impressive :D Do you think we'll ever get a trophy :lol:
btw. how long after quitting cigs did your lung function return to normal.

2 weeks in and i now have that feeling that a cig will make this chesty gunk go away!

I dunno, pretty quickly if I remember, I did it with patches and used to go to the Pharmacy every week for lung capacity checks etc and it seemed to go back to normal quickly.

Don't go back to the fags, you really will regret it.
Wow - that is TRES impressive :D Do you think we'll ever get a trophy :lol:

He's always been a hyper and competitive character. :lol:

You've 'only' got to find 20mins from your brighton half time to make the top 5 - thats around 1:30 mins quicker pace, you managed to improve by a min a mile since your first one didnt you, and you are putting in the miles.

I dunno, pretty quickly if I remember, I did it with patches and used to go to the Pharmacy every week for lung capacity checks etc and it seemed to go back to normal quickly.

Don't go back to the fags, you really will regret it.

Sarah is still puffing away (albeit not as much as what i did). but i'll put up with it till we move, where there will be a total smoking ban! :lol:

not had the urge to smoke at all since day 3. even the electronic cig is being used less at home.
I've just started eating more protein rich foods. Was trying to do weights on my usual diet and was putting on muscle, but slowly. Now seems to be going on quicker without much extra weight round the stomach. Work trousers seem tighter round my thighs.

Leaving it out tonight because I have a sore ********. :oops: Not sure whether all the nuts (peanuts being one of my chosen snacks) have been causing abrasion on the way out or whether it's something that can come from the exertion of lifting weights. But I don't fancy squats tonight. :lol:
Leaving it out tonight because I have a sore ********. :oops: Not sure whether all the nuts (peanuts being one of my chosen snacks) have been causing abrasion on the way out or whether it's something that can come from the exertion of lifting weights. But I don't fancy squats tonight. :lol:

Me too. My buttocks/thighs are absolutely on fire (still, today) after Saturday's circuit training out in the gym car park. As well as the usual traditional exercises we were squatting with logs, dragging logs/car tyres about in the blistering heat. Then we had to do a 'duck walk' (walking while crouched down holding your ankles) all the way across the car park to the gym entrance. Man, I was ready for dying and could hardly drive home :eek:

Just some dog walking tonight thankfully 8)
I've just started eating more protein rich foods. Was trying to do weights on my usual diet and was putting on muscle, but slowly. Now seems to be going on quicker without much extra weight round the stomach. Work trousers seem tighter round my thighs.

Leaving it out tonight because I have a sore ********. :oops: Not sure whether all the nuts (peanuts being one of my chosen snacks) have been causing abrasion on the way out or whether it's something that can come from the exertion of lifting weights. But I don't fancy squats tonight. :lol:

Yep, protein at EVERY meal is a must for anyone - the fat loss or muscle gaining gym go-er.

Squatting through soreness is half the fun :twisted:
Me too. My buttocks/thighs are absolutely on fire (still, today) after Saturday's circuit training out in the gym car park. As well as the usual traditional exercises we were squatting with logs, dragging logs/car tyres about in the blistering heat. Then we had to do a 'duck walk' (walking while crouched down holding your ankles) all the way across the car park to the gym entrance. Man, I was ready for dying and could hardly drive home :eek:

Just some dog walking tonight thankfully 8)

That sounds like some proper conditioning work your doing there buddy.
I've just started eating more protein rich foods. Was trying to do weights on my usual diet and was putting on muscle, but slowly. Now seems to be going on quicker without much extra weight round the stomach. Work trousers seem tighter round my thighs.

Leaving it out tonight because I have a sore ********. :oops: Not sure whether all the nuts (peanuts being one of my chosen snacks) have been causing abrasion on the way out or whether it's something that can come from the exertion of lifting weights. But I don't fancy squats tonight. :lol:

I too am having terrible problems with Belindas:oops:
That sounds like some proper conditioning work your doing there buddy.

Yeah conditioning me for an heart attack :spank:

My missus did the routine Saturday and Sunday, both followed by half hour spin class and she's not in pain like I am :eek: Maybe time to admit women have a higher pain threshold :evil: was funny watching the PT throwing buckets of water on them during their spin class though :p
I too am having terrible problems with Belindas:oops:

I don't know if it is that; could equally well be due to eating too many nuts. Only knowingly once had Farmer Giles :)lol:) and I could certainly feel it on the oustide and I can't feel anything there at the moment. I know you get internal ones too.

I'm off on holiday this time next week and was hoping to get 3 weights sessions in before then. I'll definitely do some weights tomorrow but if that area is still sore just do ones that don't exert pressure on that area (and also avoid the nuts!).

You know you're turning into an exercise freak when you get pi$$ed off at missing a session.
did first 'warm up' event on sunday for the triathlon season - Aquathon - 750metre swim followed by a 5k run. timed at 12.11 for the swim and transition (wetsuit off, trainers on!) and 21.40 for the 5k. quite pleased but come end june will be cheesed off if not running a sub 20min 5k in similar events. :spank:
did first 'warm up' event on sunday for the triathlon season - aquathon - 750metre swim followed by a 5k run. Timed at 12.11 for the swim and transition (wetsuit off, trainers on!) and 21.40 for the 5k. Quite pleased but come end june will be cheesed off if not running a sub 20min 5k in similar events. :spank:

Update on me: Since the 20th Jan, I've lost 8 kilos. :)
Thats 28kg in total since I started the gym.
I wasn't the thinnest guy you'd ever seen :lol:
Still not quite there, probably another stone and I'll be at my optimum level.

Quit the gym for the next four weeks while I move.
Is it possible to put on muscle without also putting on some fat at the same time?

Of course!

Just eat plenty of low bad-fat foods ensuring a fairly high protein content for recovery but the key is to make sure you're doing plenty of cardio/fat-burn work along with the weights. I would recommend substituting some of your resistance training with kettle bells which are superb for strengthening your core, muscles you don't normally use as well as burning fat.

When we do kettle bell sessions, we tend to do half an hour with no rest whatsoever and between kettle bells sets, we do some body weight exercises. For example, we might do 3 sets of kettle bells swings for say 30/60 seconds and in between some press ups, then onto say some kettle bell lunges with some 'get up anyhow' exercises between - just mix it up like this for 30 minutes or so. You certainly know about it afterwards but you've basically worked your entire body for strength and fat burn. There are dozen of different exercises and combinations it never gets boring either.

Also remember - the more (dense) muscle you build the more fat your body burns to maintain it.
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