Ask the PT

So how's everyone doing, only a couple of months away till the time people start showing off their hard work.
Personally, I've hit the best period of training in a while - good strength gains, maintaining muscle and losing fat. Not bad, but looking forward to cycling some serious strength in post-Summer.
I'll set you a question your probably won't be able to come up with an answer to! if you can you can single handedly go down as the best PT in history!

I want to be bikini perfect, but have aheart problem that has meant that I've been advised against doing any physical exercise that raises my heart rate too much. I've also (god knows how!) managed to pull a muscle in my ribs thats been hurting for about 2 months now and won't go away. How do I get bikini perfect belly? :)
I'm no pt instructor but even for people who do train I've always been told its diet diet diet.
If you really want it I imagine you'll need to really look at every portion being bang on weight wise and count your fat, protein, carbs etc and eat a calorie deficit. I've read 10 calories per lb you weigh will be good to lose weight. 15 to maintain.
Regarding motivation, I have to book an event to train towards otherwise I lose focus with my training.

There is nothing like signing up for a challenge which you think is beyond you, then through training starting to see it become a possibility, then a definate.

spot on.

i cant just funrun. its always a battle with me. time, distance, beating an injury, or finding out wtf im doing wrong the hard way.

now i have that satisfactory completed half under my belt, im going after my 10k and half marathon time need to up my pace by at least 1 min per mile to get sub 50 and sub 2hrs.

all while transitioning to lightweight running flats, and quitting cigs. 8)
still haven't been to the gym for my induction :lol:

I have however, been getting out on my bike a couple of times a week, so at least its a start.
I'll set you a question your probably won't be able to come up with an answer to! if you can you can single handedly go down as the best PT in history!

I want to be bikini perfect, but have aheart problem that has meant that I've been advised against doing any physical exercise that raises my heart rate too much. I've also (god knows how!) managed to pull a muscle in my ribs thats been hurting for about 2 months now and won't go away. How do I get bikini perfect belly? :)

no bedroom olympics for you then :(:)
I've dumped my entire cardio routine and switched to just rowing. I feel like I'm making far more progress doing that for half an hour than running and rowing combined for 35 minutes (25 running, 10 rowing).

Started on weights properly in the last 7 weeks as well. Still some way to go though. Finding it too difficult to not eat crap food.
I'll set you a question your probably won't be able to come up with an answer to! if you can you can single handedly go down as the best PT in history!

I want to be bikini perfect, but have aheart problem that has meant that I've been advised against doing any physical exercise that raises my heart rate too much. I've also (god knows how!) managed to pull a muscle in my ribs thats been hurting for about 2 months now and won't go away. How do I get bikini perfect belly? :)

Beyond my scope as a PT on both the heart and pulled muscle front I'm afraid.

With regards to body transformation, you will have to do your best on nutrition. My tips are to eat natural, fill up on plants and leaves and get a decent source of protein at every meal. The more processed a food, the worse it becomes for you.
I'm no pt instructor but even for people who do train I've always been told its diet diet diet.
If you really want it I imagine you'll need to really look at every portion being bang on weight wise and count your fat, protein, carbs etc and eat a calorie deficit. I've read 10 calories per lb you weigh will be good to lose weight. 15 to maintain.

Yep, diet is so, so important. Exercise and eating is a lifestyle, and not a short term thing. I believe that calorie counting is too obsessive for most. Just eat natural and eat the highest quality food you can i.e. organic over factory farmed. There is a lot of mindless eating done in front of TVs and computers and a lot of eating done when bored. It is easy to eat unhealthy and get fat! Why take the easy option?
On my new website you can sign up to my mailing list and download free tips. This month I have 15 nutrition tips.
doing pretty well as signed up to a 50 mile cycle ride for charity which has given me the extra bit of focus I needed.

Cut out white bread, the occasional croissant, mid morning sandwich and bag of crisps and have cut down my evening portion size. Lost about an inch off my tummy in the last 2 weeks which, although i'm not overweight was necessary in keeping with the rest of my frame.

Hitting weights 4 times a week minimum with 10 - 15K cycle after every session and my stamina is improving which is always good!

Determined to lose the remaining belly fat by June so i can see my abs start to come through!!
been getting out quite a bit on the new wheels:

swimming 4k+ every wed in the pool and started the open water sessions on sat gone (10degC water - FREEZING!) :eek:
Managing to fit 10k runs around that lot, just need to find time for some weight sessions, been lacking lately and things are getting a bit 'softer' than Id like!
Current weekly training regime:

1x 10 Mile Run
1 x 6 Mile Run

1 x 6 Mile cross country (carrying 35lbs)

2 or 3 Gym Sessions per week depending on what recovery I feel I need.

Changed my gym rountine to ensure a full body workout each time rather than targeting body parts, and I've really noticed a difference. I read that once you are heading towards 40 (I was 38 last week) you should go for full body routines?

But most crucially, I'm enjoying it more too!
I used to alternate total body workouts 2-3 times a week for a period , then a more conventional split for a period. using compound lifts only during the total body workouts (deadlift, barbell press, bench, pull ups , with maybe some arms tagged on) . Always found it benefitted me more than conventional splits, but my training partner felt he didnt do enough sets during the compound lift workouts!
It's good to see people on here getting results, I've been booze free since 1st october and workout 5 times per week, and eating well along paleo guidlines.

3 sessions based around the crossfit WOD.
1 spinning class
1 interval/hill run.

I have seen some incredible results, Lost around 17kgs so far and my strength and conditioning have both improved greatly.

Lots more to come.

Crossfit is the answer.
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