World Cup 2018 & 2022

It's a shame we didn't get it and there are reasons to be dubious of the whole process.

But what's worse is the outrage with which the UK press are behaving today because we didn't win.

Such a brattish sense of entitlement and so little dignity because we didn't get our own way.

It's pathetic and embarrassing.
If you look at the vote counts the winners were a forgone conclusion. Japan, England the USA and Australia go jobbed. They had no chance and were done before the voting started. When the high risk countries almost win in the first round something is going on?:evil: The world cup should go on a rotation between the soccer/football federations. The countries inside could bid to host. It won't happen because of FIFA greed and they want to hold the power.:spank:
Sepp Blatter was asked "who is your favorite Quatar player"

He Replied

"Eric Clapton"
Yes, and no. FIFA wants to take it to new markets, but there's always trepidation that can help overcome that desire (witness vote for 2006 when Germany beat South Africa)

John what is your take on how well Russia will pull off the world cup?
I have a feeling that most of the "major" footballing nations will want to play some games in Qatar well before the tournament - under the "air-con" conditions that they said they will provide.
These nations will find the conditions unsatisfactory, and will either force FIFA to move the World cup to (a) a new, more suitable venue or (b) mid-winter in Qatar. If FIFA don't accept this, then there will be a breakaway World Cup, possibly held in Spain (!) which will have greater importance than the official one. Of course, FIFA won't let that happen (what, lose all those Bucks??) so the Cup will be moved away from Qatar before the Russian competition.

Reason? Individual countries FA's won't get insurance for their £100m-valued Premiership footballers for death/injury in Qatar's conditions. Cost more in insurance than reciepts from TV for the games.
Lots of sour grapes in my view, specially listening to 5live and Talksport.

I'm as gutted as everyone, even more as Spain also lost it which wouldve been great having a few places to stay over there but London got the Olympics in 2 years, England got the Euro's in 96 so all this anti-England idea is just rubbish in my view.

It's clear Fifa are on a mission to take the World Cup to as many new places as possible, I just think Fifa shouldve said that at the start and all the other countries wouldve saved a lot of money.

It won't happen look at the complaints about South Africa and the results. The games will go on
It won't happen look at the complaints about South Africa and the results. The games will go on

I wouldnt bet on it. Whatever about Russia, there are strong arguments for that nation to hold a World Cup, Quatar is looking a very dubious decision.

The English press feel rightly aggrieved and they will keep on digging with the corruption issue until they unearth something, as they have nothing better to do now.

As Lyndon Johnson once said "Its better to have them inside the Tent pissing out rather than outside the tent pissing in"

Sepp Blatter can expect the stench of Fleet street chamber pots raining down on his Tent over the coming months.
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John what is your take on how well Russia will pull off the world cup?
I think it will be a decent bit of a mess in the run-up - cost overruns, money stolen here and there, deadlines missed, etc.

But in the end, they'll pull it off. It'll be surprisingly well organized, and a very fun World Cup.
loose synopsis of British press reaction, for those who can't be arsed to wade through

Why is it that the English FA and Population think they've got the right's for hosting the 2018 WC? What make's them so special? Afterall i alway's thought that such events were shared around, talk of vote rigging etc is just a pathetic excuse by those who can't accept what's done is done.


NB: Perhap's it'd be better if the WC was proposed as a shared event that being hosted in GB ie: England, Scotland, Wales and N Ireland just like when it's held in S Korea/Japan etc.
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Why is it that the English FA and Population think they've got the right's for hosting the 2018 WC? What make's them so special? Afterall i alway's thought that such events were shared around, talk of vote rigging etc is just a pathetic excuse by those who can't accept what's done is done.


NB: Perhap's it'd be better if the WC was proposed as a shared event that being hosted in GB ie: England, Scotland, Wales and N Ireland just like when it's held in S Korea/Japan etc.

The system is corrupt The best technical bids receive the least amount of votes that is dubious at best???? There was no rhyme or reason for Qatar almost winning the cup on the first ballot. Russia has a much better case for the games. Qatar was a money move all the way. The voting had an anti-English tint with them receiving only one vote and out in the first round. The world cup selection needs to be fixed along with FIFA and the Olympic commitee
morbs, have you become desensitised to the corruption?
Perhaps, to some degree. It just makes me sad to see it.

But at the same time, I've learned more about how our Western societies are really not that much different. (despite the blinding glare of steroid-fueled media and a general feeling that we're soooo much better than that). We're just better at hiding it, and at not letting it get in the way of overall economic development.

People, in general, are greedy bastards!
The system is corrupt There was no rhyme or reason for Qatar almost winning the cup on the first ballot. Russia has a much better case for the games. Qatar was a money move all the way. The voting had an anti-English tint with them receiving only one vote and out in the first round. The world cup selection needs to be fixed along with FIFA and the Olympic commitee

I agree but what's done is done and unfortunately the English footballing world must get on with what's happened. Their have many call's for FIFA to be investigated but what revelation would come of such investigation given that it seem's everything within it's Organization can be bought over a back hander and a meal in a top posh restaurant.

I still believe that a joint GB bid for hosting any future WC should be adopted as Scotland, Wales and N Ireland all have football grounds or stadia worthy of the centre stage.
I still believe that a joint GB bid for hosting any future WC should be adopted as Scotland, Wales and N Ireland all have football grounds or stadia worthy of the centre stage.

Winsdor Park is the best one in Northern Ireland and thats 3rd division at best. It can only seat 13000. There is Casement Park but thats a GAA ground and not sanctioned for Football.

Lansdown Road in the Republic can hold 55000 more than happy to loan you that:)