World Cup 2018 & 2022

Qatar has the money to buy fifa itself but Zidane was the major joker Qatar had.
I had a look at some of the stadiums projects of Qatar. One of them inspired by a seashell.

The US would've been a good choice because of the growing popularity of "soccer".

I wouldn't be surprised if Qatar comes up with a squad of well payed naturalized south american players, who couldn't make it to their own country teams.

England suffered from Jennings' book and panorama.
Jennings's "manières" are too agressive for the swiss. Couples of years ago, he was already facing IOC in court in Lausanne and, I think the book was even banned in switzerland or at least in lausanne.
Why can't the police get involved investigating this sh*t?

From the bbc programme the other night, it would appear there would be a shed load of clerical evidence. Get one of them squealing and the whole house of cards would come crashing down, they would be singing like canaries.
A huge upside has to be not having to endure Camerons smarmy mush telling the country how he won the bid for the people on every possible occasion...
Qatar has the money to buy fifa itself but Zidane was the major joker Qatar had.
I had a look at some of the stadiums projects of Qatar. One of them inspired by a seashell.

And some are to be air conditioned to cope with the heat.

Homosexuality is banned and its Islamic law restricts the use of Alcohol.......
was it suitcases of roubles OR that Panorama programme OR the Birmigham City hoolies who won it for Russia?

hmm.... I somehow think we'll never know the truth
Honestly? I think it's as simple as the BBC and Sunday Times.
Your newsstand and TV license dollars at work.
In your media's quest for honesty, you offended the people you most wanted to be honest.
(that's the polite version... the more realistic version is a desire for newspaper sales and/or ratings)
The Russians were loving every bad report your media published. Fact.
Lots of sour grapes in my view, specially listening to 5live and Talksport.

I'm as gutted as everyone, even more as Spain also lost it which wouldve been great having a few places to stay over there but London got the Olympics in 2 years, England got the Euro's in 96 so all this anti-England idea is just rubbish in my view.

It's clear Fifa are on a mission to take the World Cup to as many new places as possible, I just think Fifa shouldve said that at the start and all the other countries wouldve saved a lot of money.
I think the USA should have been well ahead of Qatar. Take the cup to Russia fair one. Qatar is a small nation without a big home grown soccer (football) history. The 50 C temps will reek havoc or player and fans. The USA could have used the boost so could have FIFA. I think both sites will put on first class cups. They should do a lottery and take the corruption out of it.:spank:
Honestly? I think it's as simple as the BBC and Sunday Times.
Your newsstand and TV license dollars at work.
In your media's quest for honesty, you offended the people you most wanted to be honest.
(that's the polite version... the more realistic version is a desire for newspaper sales and/or ratings)
The Russians were loving every bad report your media published. Fact.


if FIFA had decided months back that it wanted to penetrate new markets, then the whole bbc affair is a bit of a red herring isn't it?
And some are to be air conditioned to cope with the heat.

Homosexuality is banned and its Islamic law restricts the use of Alcohol.......

Alcohol will be permitted. And the supplier would be a close friend to blatter for sure.
Remember the Olympics in Canada? the wine supplier is a relative of Antonio Samaranch.
Yep, spanish wine was the official wine of those olympic games.

The air con will be supplied by solar energy. That's what Qatar said in its presentation
Honestly? I think it's as simple as the BBC and Sunday Times.
Your newsstand and TV license dollars at work.
In your media's quest for honesty, you offended the people you most wanted to be honest.
(that's the polite version... the more realistic version is a desire for newspaper sales and/or ratings)
The Russians were loving every bad report your media published. Fact.

Agree 100%. The other vote was the guy from Cameroon who was investigated by Panorama FFS :rolleyes: :lol:

QUOTE=Bez;1348056]And some are to be air conditioned to cope with the heat.

Homosexuality is banned and its Islamic law restricts the use of Alcohol.......[/QUOTE]

The air con will be supplied by solar energy. That's what Qatar said in its presentation

Well that's the deal breaker, how can we compete with air conditioned stadiums :confused: :lol:
Last nights bbc question time was interesting on this subject.

One of the guests suggested the most corrupt sporting body in the world giving the worl cup to the mafia run state is hardly a surprise to anyone! Ken Livingstone reminded him that the death rate amonst journalists in Russia was the highest in the world!!!
loose synopsis of British press reaction, for those who can't be arsed to wade through

"how DARE those pesky foreigners take OUR world cup from US!!! WE INVENTED the game, don't you know ner ner!!! and they eat cabbages and they poison people!!!! And WE have BECKHAM don't we!!! that articulate ambassador for all that is first class in England. And they're all corrupt these foreigners aren't they! (said Mr H Redknapp, North London) AND.. they've got more money than us!!! IT's NOT FAIIIRRRRRR! and they paraded loads of girls in lowcut tops whilst we paraded er Alan Shearer. ITS NOT FAIIRRRRRR! OH and had we won, aah that, of course, would've been different. corruption? what corruption!?"
Blatter in his presentation said that the game of football originated in China. England and Scotland added structure and rules to the game.

if FIFA had decided months back that it wanted to penetrate new markets, then the whole bbc affair is a bit of a red herring isn't it?
Yes, and no. FIFA wants to take it to new markets, but there's always trepidation that can help overcome that desire (witness vote for 2006 when Germany beat South Africa)
Yes, and no. FIFA wants to take it to new markets, but there's always trepidation that can help overcome that desire (witness vote for 2006 when Germany beat South Africa)

because the whole thing is shrouded in secrecy, there will inevitably be speculation and conspiracy theories. I agree with Ferd though - I don't think there was necessarily an 'anti-English' vote. The voters [if they had any brains] knew full well that the BBC is NOT a state broadcaster, and prides itself on its independence. Using that as a pretext to dismiss the English bid would be very convenient. No, I'm rather inclined to think that the voters were largely oblivious to the English bid altogether and already had an agenda long before any of this erupted. Incidental factors didn't help, and the England team in Zurich were pretty weak, but I'm pretty sure commerical interests would've wrapped this up a long time ago.
BBC and Sunday Times could be state or not state... people understand the difference, of course.

But there were public statements by some FIFA execs stating that they were put off by the media attacks, so you can't discount that influence.

I'm not saying it's the only reason, but it could have lost you a couple of votes. Although, given how badly you fared in the vote, maybe it didn't make a difference in the end!