World Cup 2018 & 2022

BBC reporting England went out in first round.
Last 2 (probably Spanish, Russia) wouldn't know until the decision is announced.
Morybd can I sleep on your sofa in 2018:)
You're assuming I'll still be living here then :lol:

But if so, I'm sure I can help find somewhere cheap to stay (my apartment is a shoebox :lol:)

Not surprised, but still mildly surprised.

That should teach your meddling media a lesson. Dredging up 10+ year old allegations and entrapping FIFA reps from poor countries tends to turn people against you!

Now... come on USA! :D
Bunch of crooks at fifa. Blatter is the mafioso in chief
Qatar? be serious

Capitalism and Commercialism seen to good effect in both results. Its not about the sport anymore its all about selling into a new market.
Does Qatar have a team to start with?
How much Qatar did hand in bribes?
Shame on fifa.
To be fair, Russia is not such a long shot.

First tournament in Eastern Europe, established domestic football league (some rank it 5th in Europe now). Most of the venues are already football cities. There's more than enough money to get the new stadiums built. No visas for ticketholders. Free train tickets. And they've shown with the Champions League final that they can host major events (we'll see how the Olympics goes).

Russia certainly has its problems (corruption, racism) but I think people in England have tended to discount the compelling nature of the bid.

That said, I think it's going to be a long road until 2018, and I'm not totally confident Russia can pull it off properly. But then again, South Africa did, and superbly, so there's hope.

But I wouldn't call it a sign of FIFA corruption. That's too easy.

Qatar, on the other hand... :lol:
was it suitcases of roubles OR that Panorama programme OR the Birmigham City hoolies who won it for Russia?

hmm.... I somehow think we'll never know the truth

the only thing for certain is that England won a grand total of 2 votes !! :oops: