World Cup 2010

Looking back on the 2006 tournament made me remember just how much of a key player Owen Hargreaves was for England....

I reckon we may miss him more than we realise....
Looking back on the 2006 tournament made me remember just how much of a key player Owen Hargreaves was for England....

I reckon we may miss him more than we realise....

If Barry gets fit for the second or third game though he can play holding position well, allowing Gerrard and Lampard to maraude upfield. Although, i think we can afford to play a resonably attacking line up in the qualifying matches. I hope Lennon starts, he can get great service to Rooney i reckon
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Looking back on the 2006 tournament made me remember just how much of a key player Owen Hargreaves was for England....

I reckon we may miss him more than we realise....

Yeah he really shone in Germany, and people didnt expect it as the spotlight was on other players pre tournament. Thats why I think it'll be the same this tournament, all eyes are on the obvious, but then one player or two hopefuly will have an outstanding tournament. I'm thinking Joe Cole, Milner or Wrigh Philips !

My big worry is a second/bach up striker, if Rooney isnt doing it or get banned or injured, where are the goals going to come from. Yeah Crouch will score a couple but hes hardly prolific, and as for Defoe or Heskey :confused: Alot of the major other teams have 5 or 6 decent strikers, 2 or 3 are world class !!
:lol: I particularly like this part - "Incidentally, you should know that the Ambassador takes his steak like American soccer victories - somewhat rare"


Are you optimistic John, what score do you think mate :confused: :?:

I'm going for an English 2-1 win ;)
This retort was no less witty:
"It is true that our soccer (a fine English word we have kindly preserved for you) history is not as long and illustrious as yours. However, as your generals noted during WWII, we have a unique capability for quickly identifying and advancing talent."

I'm optimistic, but probably for no reason aside from a good showing in our last couple of friendlies (Turkey, Australia) and your shaky performance against Japan. England 2-1 is quite possible. I'm hoping for at least a 1-1 draw.
I reckon a characteristic underwhelming first game 1-1 , 2-1 England at a stretch. I hope im pleasantly surprised of course
I hold a British passport and have knocked about in London since early '75 but my real love is Barcelona - which obviously means there is no national side which really represents me

but even if I was wholly English, I would still find it a struggle to invest much emotional energy in that bunch of overpaid, undertalented halfwits - and the "marketed patriotism" I see all around me makes me want to puke.. I hate being taken for a mug and that's what it feels like these days..

this is not meant as a slight at genuine patriots just as a reflection of how uneasy I feel during tournaments these days + as a kid I loved the world cup but these days, it really just feels like an an auction/audition for the european leagues and I dunno I just remember the world game as a kid as being something altogether less cynical

who knows - maybe it will still capture my imagination despite the best jingoistic efforts of Tyldesley & co..
I hold a British passport and have knocked about in London since early '75 but my real love is Barcelona - which obviously means there is no national side which really represents me

but even if I was wholly English, I would still find it a struggle to invest much emotional energy in that bunch of overpaid, undertalented halfwits - and the "marketed patriotism" I see all around me makes me want to puke.. I hate being taken for a mug and that's what it feels like these days..

this is not meant as a slight at genuine patriots just as a reflection of how uneasy I feel during tournaments these days + as a kid I loved the world cup but these days, it really just feels like an an auction/audition for the european leagues and I dunno I just remember the world game as a kid as being something altogether less cynical

who knows - maybe it will still capture my imagination despite the best jingoistic efforts of Tyldesley & co..

you've got a flag on your car havent you??