World Cup 2010

I hold a British passport and have knocked about in London since early '75 but my real love is Barcelona - which obviously means there is no national side which really represents me

but even if I was wholly English, I would still find it a struggle to invest much emotional energy in that bunch of overpaid, undertalented halfwits - and the "marketed patriotism" I see all around me makes me want to puke.. I hate being taken for a mug and that's what it feels like these days..

this is not meant as a slight at genuine patriots just as a reflection of how uneasy I feel during tournaments these days + as a kid I loved the world cup but these days, it really just feels like an an auction/audition for the european leagues and I dunno I just remember the world game as a kid as being something altogether less cynical

who knows - maybe it will still capture my imagination despite the best jingoistic efforts of Tyldesley & co..

You'd love my neighbours Olly. They have covered their house in flags and stickers from the pound shop but can't stand football and probably won't watch any games. The reason they have done this is that on their facebook someone said that the police would shut down any pubs with anyone in wearing England shirts and they believed it. Helmets.
They are currently trying for baby no 3 as their benefits are due to be cut due to the other two children being old enough to go to school so no excuse not to be working. The cream of society as you can imagine. Rule Britannia.
You'd love my neighbours Olly. They have covered their house in flags and stickers from the pound shop but can't stand football and probably won't watch any games. The reason they have done this is that on their facebook someone said that the police would shut down any pubs with anyone in wearing England shirts and they believed it. Helmets.
They are currently trying for baby no 3 as their benefits are due to be cut due to the other two children being old enough to go to school so no excuse not to be working. The cream of society as you can imagine. Rule Britannia.


I mean, I'm all for cheering on your side - it's just the rest of it I can't stand - and there's no escape!

am being really moody today - will probably get 'involved' at the weekend :rolleyes:
i think have just watched my last bit of a world cup match on tv ... i cannot take the noise anymore!!


please dear god don't anybody start using them in the prem next season
Full schedule


well done johnny
I'm hoping for at least a 1-1 draw.
I'd been telling friends that (despite the trash talk and feaux confidence :lol:) I expected a 1-1 draw. Called it! 8)

A throroughly deserved result, despite the manner of its making. England took its foot off the pedal when it went up 1-0 and only got back into it after we scored. Second half was tougher but there were chances at both end. Howard saved us (as did Green for England when he saved after great work by Altidore).

Great atmosphere in the stadium. All the 'neutrals' were behind England (the S. Africans love you folk :lol:) so even though there were supposedly more USA fans travelling, it was like a home match for England. :confused: Getting out was a bit of a mess. Small town, small roads, long bus queus to the park-and-ride. By the time we gathered everyone and left for home it was 1:30am!

Still, great experience. And great result. Bring on Slovenia and Algeria :D
The English media really is a joke. ITV really is an awful channel, their reaction to the result was a joke. Blaming the mistake on Capello's selection policy.

Firstly, it was a good result, people need to get past the idea that the US are a joke team, they're not. They have beaten Spain and drawn with Italy in recent competitions, and they have had a similar track record to us.

Secondly, Greens mistake. All they blabbed on about afterwards was about how he needed to redeem himself. Then when he made a fairly tame save, he nearly fluffed it up and pushed it on to the post as he nearly missed it. Yet he was hailed as if he was the Second coming of Jesus. Idiots.

For my money the problem was, yet again, Gerrard and Lampard. For the last 8 years we have known that they can't play together, yet every single manager does it. They both get to far forward when our defence gets the ball, meaning that they have nowhere to pass it as we have no midfield. So then it's just a case of hoofing it up to Heskey, losing it, and being attacked on the counter again.

We need Barry back, quick time. Then it should be 4-4-1-1 I think, with Joe cole on the left and Gerrard behind Rooney.
am I the only one...I thought it was a truely horrible performance.

can't remember us stringing more than 2 passes together inside their half.

agree that we need barry, simple put your foot on it, make a pass football went missing.

but the lack of pass and move was concerning.

was rooney on the pitch?

i dont mean to sound like a tabloid knee jerk & maybe I was too drunk to review properly?!!!

not as bad as the rugby team tho. omg...
They dealt with Rooney brilliantly, they had 2 men on him at all times, so he had to drop deep. That meant that when it was lumped up to Heskey he had nobody to pass it to.

That's the way I saw it anyway.
The English media really is a joke. ITV really is an awful channel, their reaction to the result was a joke. Blaming the mistake on Capello's selection policy.

Firstly, it was a good result, people need to get past the idea that the US are a joke team, they're not. They have beaten Spain and drawn with Italy in recent competitions, and they have had a similar track record to us.

Secondly, Greens mistake. All they blabbed on about afterwards was about how he needed to redeem himself. Then when he made a fairly tame save, he nearly fluffed it up and pushed it on to the post as he nearly missed it. Yet he was hailed as if he was the Second coming of Jesus. Idiots.

For my money the problem was, yet again, Gerrard and Lampard. For the last 8 years we have known that they can't play together, yet every single manager does it. They both get to far forward when our defence gets the ball, meaning that they have nowhere to pass it as we have no midfield. So then it's just a case of hoofing it up to Heskey, losing it, and being attacked on the counter again.

We need Barry back, quick time. Then it should be 4-4-1-1 I think, with Joe cole on the left and Gerrard behind Rooney.

Fully agree. Lampard was crap all game, even skied a free kick into Row Z.

am I the only one...I thought it was a truely horrible performance.


They dealt with Rooney brilliantly, they had 2 men on him at all times, so he had to drop deep. That meant that when it was lumped up to Heskey he had nobody to pass it to.

That's the way I saw it anyway.

Yep, agree.

In all seriousness, they should ban ITV from all live football events, they've been useless for AGES....

To top matters off they had the nerve to have Keegan in the studio (thought he'd been permanently banned from all England football coverage after the Romania game and the Batty penalty, 4-1??? Pratt)



Oh and andy Townsend must be watching a different game to everyone else. Everything he says is complete cack...

(and breathe..... :lol: )

P.S. Germany :eek: (Although Australia would probably struggle against the Zaire side of the 70's to be fair...)
ITV really are a joke. They need to stop following the Sky Sports rule book. They are so biased it's untrue. They are commentating on a game that has nothing to do with England, or their group yet they spend 90% of the match talking about England.

With them and the tabloids I'm not surprised the Scots and Welsh hate us.
Fully agree. Lampard was crap all game, even skied a free kick into Row Z.
I know it's fashionable among non-Chelsea fans to bash Frank, but he was no worse than the rest of your team. Milner? King? Carragher? Rooney? Johnson? Lennon?

P.S. Germany :eek: (Although Australia would probably struggle against the Zaire side of the 70's to be fair...)
Germany looked the real deal. I do not envy England playing them in the round of 16 after the US tops the group :twisted:
(although Ghana won't be easy for us either!)
I know it's fashionable among non-Chelsea fans to bash Frank, but he was no worse than the rest of your team. Milner? King? Carragher? Rooney? Johnson? Lennon?

I know what you mean John, (and Milner was also way below par, it looked as though he was taken off based on performance rather than injury, maybe he was!) but Lampard was awful!

Rarely tackled, gave the ball away at least 70% of the time and couldn't finish his dinner!! (for once!).

England's midfield would be far better with Joe Cole wide, Gerrard forward in midfield and Barry covering behind.

Wide right is open for debate as Lennon's end product was very poor, SWP also mediocre last night.

I just don't see a place for Lampard, other than coming on with 20 minutes to go....

One thing is for sure, Heskey won everything in the air, it's just a shame we had to resort to the old "pump it forward to the big lad" tactic...
I'm not sure I agree with that. Lampard and Gerrard don't work in a 442 formation, but I wouldn't drop him.

There is a place for both of them if a holding midfielder is playing in either 4411 or 451. Even 4321 could work, especially with our lack of wingers.
That surely poses two questions:

1. Is Lampard so valuable that the formation should be changed to accomodate him?

2. Should Gerrard be played out of position in order to accomodate him?

I say no...

As a comparison, John Barnes, Mat LeTissier, Andy Cole were all very successful for their clubs, surrounded by great players but didn't have the same impact at international level...
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