World Cup 2010

Sepp Blatter maintains that the game of football should be kept simple and the same for everybody, wheather its a world cup final, or a sunday morning pub game in Peckham. His reakoning is, that if cameras are introduced, then they would have to be at all games, from the bottom up..............
What a load of utter crap from Blatter, they don't have video refs for lower level rugby or the outside courts in Wimbledon, the credibility of the game at the top level is seriously damaged
What a load of utter crap from Blatter, they don't have video refs for lower level rugby or the outside courts in Wimbledon, the credibility of the game at the top level is seriously damaged

Its good to seem him squirming under the pressure. Ireland were one of the countries that voted against him retaining another 4 year term in office. I hope the slimeball gets to reap what he sows
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copied/pasted from someone's farcebook update - I have no means of authenticating this

Courts held a further 2 week gagging order on steve gerrards private life, turns out he got his wifes sister pregnant (not a 16 year old )

Will hit the newspaper in 14 days, the judge held the gagging order to protect FA while they decide on capello, and the future of English footy..

John terry and the england boys all know about it and JT had a argument with capello because gerrard got to keep the captains armband. the tension in the camp was down to JT and half the team saying gerrard was a disgrace and the other half of the squad backing gerrard..The press conference was related to the tension and JT wanted Gerrard exposed - they hate each other..
copied/pasted from someone's farcebook update - I have no means of authenticating this

Courts held a further 2 week gagging order on steve gerrards private life, turns out he got his wifes sister pregnant (not a 16 year old )

Will hit the newspaper in 14 days, the judge held the gagging order to protect FA while they decide on capello, and the future of English footy..

John terry and the england boys all know about it and JT had a argument with capello because gerrard got to keep the captains armband. the tension in the camp was down to JT and half the team saying gerrard was a disgrace and the other half of the squad backing gerrard..The press conference was related to the tension and JT wanted Gerrard exposed - they hate each other..

ah there it is then!! and heres me thinking we were just ****e?!!!:lol:
Rumour has it that Rooney has also been caught playing away again and the press are waiting to out him. Could explain his shocking performance!
Rumour has it that Rooney has also been caught playing away again and the press are waiting to out him. Could explain his shocking performance!

Thats nice with a new born at home :rolleyes:

I heard the same. And apparently her identity has just been revealed. with his penchant for older ladies, and with his looks, it could only be the lady below.

But you've got to admit, there is a pattern developing with the Spanish... :confused:

oh get over it, the guy swung his left elbow with the ball nowhere near him..!! Don't care if it hit him hard enough or not, if Capdevilla going down means the ref will see it and send the perpetuator off then good him!! He deserved it.
Id ask Capdevilla to go down again if he has to... same as everyone else does. Like the spanish are the only ones that do it :lol:

One more thing, the Torres incident mentioned by Dan above.. that was EXACTLY the same as the Abidal sending off against Chelsea in the CL's semis 2009 when Drogba went down and
Abidal was sent off for clipping accidentally Drogba's legs.
These things happen all the time.
One more thing, the Torres incident mentioned by Dan above.. that was EXACTLY the same as the Abidal sending off against Chelsea in the CL's semis 2009 when Drogba went down and
Abidal was sent off for clipping accidentally Drogba's legs.

:eek::eek::eek::eek: are you sure????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Maybe you're confused with the Anelka incident, he SHOULD have been sent off and a pen awarded for the Drogba one... That wasn't given.....

It is pretty easy to get them mixed up though, here's how I remember them....

Anelka is no 39 and is bald
Drogba is no 11 and is not bald

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Spare a thought for the Nigeria Players.............the country's president has banned the national squad from international competition for two years after their disappointing World Cup!!!!

FIFA are investigating the matter............
oh get over it, the guy swung his left elbow with the ball nowhere near him..!! Don't care if it hit him hard enough or not, if Capdevilla going down means the ref will see it and send the perpetuator off then good him!! He deserved it.
Id ask Capdevilla to go down again if he has to... same as everyone else does. Like the spanish are the only ones that do it :lol:

One more thing, the Torres incident mentioned by Dan above.. that was EXACTLY the same as the Abidal sending off against Chelsea in the CL's semis 2009 when Drogba went down and
Abidal was sent off for clipping accidentally Drogba's legs.
These things happen all the time.
Getting defensive there, Ferd. Trying to deflect blame and everything :lol:

Neither incident was a red or even yellow card, and in both cases the Spanish player's playacting got someone sent off! Doesn't matter if it's been done before...2 wrongs don't make a right!
Getting defensive there, Ferd. Trying to deflect blame and everything :lol:

Neither incident was a red or even yellow card, and in both cases the Spanish player's playacting got someone sent off! Doesn't matter if it's been done before...2 wrongs don't make a right!

It is the snipers in row z:eek::eek::eek:. I think every sending off should have a video review, if it was a dive a red card should be given to the offender.:twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted:
Spare a thought for the Nigeria Players.............the country's president has banned the national squad from international competition for two years after their disappointing World Cup!!!!

FIFA are investigating the matter............

now theres an idea!! :D
:eek::eek::eek::eek: are you sure????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Maybe you're confused with the Anelka incident, he SHOULD have been sent off and a pen awarded for the Drogba one... That wasn't given.....

It is pretty easy to get them mixed up though, here's how I remember them....

Anelka is no 39 and is bald
Drogba is no 11 and is not bald



sorry, you're right mate, it's just im so use to drogba going down it's an easy mistake to make.. you clearly know the incident i meant though. ;)

Well Morbyd, i just hope all the Spain players go down the same way if they're being tripped / elbowed in that way. Maybe that will stop these dirty players trying to foul us, which seems the only way they stop us winning the game :lol::D.

Anyway, the main thing is spain are slowly coming into form, and even though a few players are still below par such as xavi, torres and Iniesta, we should have enough to beat Paraguay, just can't get complacent.

In the other QF, got a feeling Germany might beat Argentina.
Spare a thought for the Nigeria Players.............the country's president has banned the national squad from international competition for two years after their disappointing World Cup!!!!

FIFA are investigating the matter............

now theres an idea!! :D

I think we might be onto something here.

A national poll (carried out by The Sun naturally).

Should Rooney every be allowed to play for England again?

The FA to uphold the results of said poll.:p
Gerrard & Rooney have pulled out A:3K skills competition for kids at the O2 Arena causing its cancellation when it was found out that the 2 players did not have any

Read this from a forum somewhere :lol: