World Cup 2010


seriously though Djay, is this big news over there? how is it going down?

I have hard core American football fans watching and learning the rules. It still falls behind other american sports, but this world cup more Americans are watching.
I must admit, even though I had me beer goggles on, I thought it was John straight away !! He texted back to say quite a few people has thought it was him also. Was he next to Bill Clinton, doing a Monica :lol:
I watched the clip and it wasn't me on tv during US v Algeria.

However, during US v Ghana, I was sat a couple of meters from Bill Clinton and Mick Jagger 8)

The missus got a photo with Bill... I'm glad he wasn't handing out cigars!

On a sadder note, ENGLAND WAS ROBBED :evil: :lol:
General opinion this way is that England were rubbish...

Germany weren't even that good, we just handed the game to them.
Oh, I'm not saying you weren't sh1te.

Just that it was plainly visible from the stands that the ball went over the line for Lampard's goal.

Having had a USA goal incorrectly chalked off in 2 different matches, I can sympathize. There have been some monumental blunders in this tournament.
we were still outclassed, even at 2.2 we still probably would have lost.
some big names need to do some reflecting this summer!!

I hear ya, but at 2-2 it might have been completely different, we'll never know :spank:

On a side, a very good friend of mine is flying the team back. I think he and the rest of the crew, who were on standby, were the only English people wanting England to lose :lol:
Theyve been given strict instructions not to speak to the players outside of looking after them, and under any circumstances no autographs.

Back to the footy, I read the below post on one of the BBC blogs, it seems to make some sense.

This isn't Capellos fault and anyone who says it is knows nothing about football. Its not even the players fault. The reason its not the players fault is simple, its not their fault they aren't good enough. It's not their fault they don't have the footballing brains to compete at the highest level. It's the F.A and governments fault pure and simple.

Until there is a concerted effort by the 2 bodies to make fundamental changes at grass roots you can have any manager you want in charge, England will never win a major tournament. Spain have 750 fully qualified Grade A UEFA trained coaches compared to under 150 in England. But that's not even the clincher. The most striking point is this, 150 Grade coaches in England all coach at professional or semi professional level to fully grown men. 640 of the Grade A coaches in Spain teach in SCHOOLS. They coach 5 year olds and up how to play the game. One touch football, pass and move, to actually think about the game when playing. Have a football brain and use it. 15 years ago the Spanish F.A and government changed the whole youth set up from 5 years of age up. 15 years later and they have a group of maybe 7 or 8 world class players in their national team! Sheer luck? Coincidence? I don't think so. So no its not Capellos fault, its not the players fault. Its the F.A and Governments for not wanting to take the long term route to solve the problem and taking a quick fix method, and maybe even the media for spouting and trying to feed the public the myth that England have world class players and the premier league is the best in the world.
I hear ya, but at 2-2 it might have been completely different, we'll never know :spank:

On a side, a very good friend of mine is flying the team back. I think he and the rest of the crew, who were on standby, were the only English people wanting England to lose :lol:
Theyve been given strict instructions not to speak to the players outside of looking after them, and under any circumstances no autographs.

Back to the footy, I read the below post on one of the BBC blogs, it seems to make some sense.

This isn't Capellos fault and anyone who says it is knows nothing about football. Its not even the players fault. The reason its not the players fault is simple, its not their fault they aren't good enough. It's not their fault they don't have the footballing brains to compete at the highest level. It's the F.A and governments fault pure and simple.

Until there is a concerted effort by the 2 bodies to make fundamental changes at grass roots you can have any manager you want in charge, England will never win a major tournament. Spain have 750 fully qualified Grade A UEFA trained coaches compared to under 150 in England. But that's not even the clincher. The most striking point is this, 150 Grade coaches in England all coach at professional or semi professional level to fully grown men. 640 of the Grade A coaches in Spain teach in SCHOOLS. They coach 5 year olds and up how to play the game. One touch football, pass and move, to actually think about the game when playing. Have a football brain and use it. 15 years ago the Spanish F.A and government changed the whole youth set up from 5 years of age up. 15 years later and they have a group of maybe 7 or 8 world class players in their national team! Sheer luck? Coincidence? I don't think so. So no its not Capellos fault, its not the players fault. Its the F.A and Governments for not wanting to take the long term route to solve the problem and taking a quick fix method, and maybe even the media for spouting and trying to feed the public the myth that England have world class players and the premier league is the best in the world.

exactamente - well-written piece

I did write a rant along similar lines but thought what's the point - nothing ever changes, none of the dinosaurs ever listen - typical Ingerlund two fingers at the rest of the world, still stuck in 1945, still hun-bashing, still finding excuses for its inability to beat ANY top sides in the knockout stages of ANY WC since 1966 - it's a disgrace that there are maybe 50M+ people in England and not one of them would appear to have basic ball skills... maybe the papers should focus on that rather than starting the capello witch hunt - he made mistakes but ultimately he had to choose from the EPL dregs and also rans

a seriously fcked-up situation which if Brooking is right, is only gonna get a whole lot worse...
that Germany side is gonna be tasty as f**k come the euros in 2 years time and probably for Brasiln 2 years later!!
worst bit is, i remember being 8 and shown around the academies at ajax and realising that was why they'd just won euro 88.

nothing has really changed in 20 years.

and i agree completely with the whole structure/grass roots/coaching argument.
Another problem with our youth set up, is the ridiculous rules. For example, players under 16 HAVE to live with in 2 miles of the club they play for. This means that players that are good enough to train at Chelsea, with expert coaches and top facilities, are stuck playing for Romford Rockets and the like.

Meanwhile, Chelsea are flying in top notch talent from abroad, that they then house around their facilities, and give them the training that we should be giving our young players.

How many English Messi's and Ronaldo's could have simply fallen through the cracks over the years?
Putting aside the quality of the players, a little bit of commitment can go a long way. I agree with the sentiments of Terry Butcher, playing for the national side is no big deal to the majority of these guys.

Has it ever been anyone else's fault other than the manager when England get dumped out of every major tournament in the view of most sports journos? The media assault on Capello is bloody ridiculous.

Anyway, we can cheer on a proper side tomorrow :D:D:D

As a "non national" and looking in from the outside I have noticed with the English game that its played in a very aggrivated and angry atmosphere . Your supporters really abuse the team when things go wrong and there is a real feeling of hate coming from the stands.

The Irish game is different. Apart from the fact that we have moderate players the atmosphere from the stands is more genial and the supporters really get behinde the national team. Its always a party atmosphere and when the team is don a goal, then the supporters rally behind the team to encourage them to play better.

The Jack Charlton era was, IMO, as much about the fans getting behind a team of cast offs and over the hill players so much so that they got to the last 8 of a world cup.

I dont think the "better paid" players feed well off negativity, as they are all so sheilded from society and the real world. I think Rooney was trying to comunicate this feeling after the drawn game, and he would be one of the more grounded players.
In the jungle, the World Cup jungle, three lions sleep tonight
Cos in the morning, the early morning, they have to catch a flight
A win no way, a win no way, a win no way, a win no way,...
In the jungle, the World Cup jungle, three lions sleep tonight
Cos in the morning, the early morning, they have to catch a flight
A win no way, a win no way, a win no way, a win no way,...


As stated up there ^ a friend of mine is on their 19.30 flight home tonight. He texted me earlier to say all the trolley dolleys are pulling out all the stops to look their best for Becks and Co :lol:
As a "non national" and looking in from the outside I have noticed with the English game that its played in a very aggrivated and angry atmosphere . Your supporters really abuse the team when things go wrong and there is a real feeling of hate coming from the stands.

it's called blind English nationalism - people singing Rule Britannia at football matches don't do subtlety. Egged on by a macho media in full war-cry, it's a not a pretty thing either

I mean, heaven forbid these beastly, cheese eating, bottom pinching, foreigners steal our game and play it better than us! - and if they do, er, well, er, let's find a scapegoat and hang him out to dry. Let the witchhunt commenceth! :twisted:
Enough about our dismal performance, let's have a look at Torres in fine form

What the camera doesnt pick up is that he was shot in the shoulder. Why else would he go down so badly :rolleyes:

The Spanish are one of the best teams in the world, but then also the worst offenders for this sort of thing. In the modern game with so many cameras (which would have helped with Lamps' goal yesterday also) we really should have new technology and rules introduced, it may stamp out this sort of crap !!
In the modern game with so many cameras (which would have helped with Lamps' goal yesterday also) we really should have new technology and rules introduced, it may stamp out this sort of crap !!

Sepp Blatter maintains that the game of football should be kept simple and the same for everybody, wheather its a world cup final, or a sunday morning pub game in Peckham. His reakoning is, that if cameras are introduced, then they would have to be at all games, from the bottom up..............