World Cup 2010

Folk like Rooney are totally out of touch with reality, being paid 100k+ per week, he is living in cuckoo land.

I would love it, absolutely love it if Rooney is sent home. (In Keegan style rant)

The only downside of England crashing out is the misery of the fans who have spent fortunes on a once in a lifetime trip.

C'mon Spain.
I mean, really, mountain out of molehill stuff. Sorry, MWG, but it looks like you've fallen for it and I worry the English public has too. All over-analyzed to death.

Now the French... that's a REAL scandal.

Have you seen the interview or just read it in the papers as the two entities are completely separate.

Think they're setting him up as a scapegoat in case England don't get through. Nevermind all the negative press they were digging up pre-tournament that had no bearing whatsoever on the lack of decent form lately.

Oh yes and the playmaker thing, quite right but not essential in turning lesser teams over, they should be able to do that anyway...

Ofcourse you two are going to stick up for Terry all day long :rolleyes:

I did see the interview, and immediately had mixed emotions. I took my hat off for being honest (to a degree, like olly says 'hell hath no fury as a captain dropped') about it not going well and it will be brought up in the meeting.

But then I thought he was a complete and utter arrogant tw@t for what he said regarding Cole being included, and then thought how fookin disrespecful to his team mates to say that only Cole and Rooney can open up defences :twisted:

And I think by Capellos reaction yesterday saying he'd made a big mistake concurs with what Liam was saying. You cant go round saying that, and I think Capello was bang on to publicly contest Terry, other previous managers wouldn have done it. If only Rio was fit, and or Carragher wasnt banned, then he could drop the arrogant c*** !!
Back from SA on saturday night. A few pics up on FB for those who can see them.

Amazing holiday, overall I found the place quite safe, you just have to be careful where you go, common sense really.

People were very friendly on the whole. You can still tell football is bigger in the black community. The majority of the whites I talked to still much preferred rugby or cricket. I do think this was less evident with the teenagers and kids though.

Vuvuzelas actually grew on me in the build up to the 1st game :oops:. It was quite something to see large masses of people and rows and rows of cars with people all blowing these things spontaneously in traffic jams and anywhere in the street.

However they shouldve stopped there and not take them to the football grounds. Once the match starts they are a big pain, mainly because it drowns out any chanting :evil:

Sounds like you had a good trip, shame you missed them winning a game mate :confused: :lol:
Not at all. I thought it when i saw it. Come take off the Chelsea tinted glasses.

I don't blame Terry for saying it but say it to the manager first not the press if you have a problem. He has caused unrest with the manager and had no respect for his team mates. Terry is in it for himself don't be fooled otherwise. How many players have come out and backed Terry?

As said I don't blame Terry I just ain't fooled by his claptrap. There are a whole load of reasons we are failing and some of that start with the manager. He clearly has no faith in his squad that he picked injured players ahead of fit ones. He rang Paul Scholes up to see if he could be interested what does that say about the rest of the midfield. He picked an unfit Milner ahead of SWP and picked SWP ahead of Adam Johnson who had been playing more regulary for City than SWP. Ledley King was an accident waiting to happen. I blame Rob Green for his error but all that did was paper over the cracks and deflected the blame away. Green was picked as he thought James was not 100% fit but Milner was not 100% fit and played, double standards. Carrick being in any squad never mind the England squad blame him too.

Olly stated a good point about not producing world class players but that could be down to the money they earn now. Too much too young. How do you motivate a millionaire??

Anyway Matthew Upson is in tomorrow to save the day!:lol:
Not at all. I thought it when i saw it. Come take off the Chelsea tinted glasses.
Terry could play for Liverpool (yuck!) and I'd feel the same.

As Liam noted above, the only part I thought questionable was the Joe Cole mention.

Otherwise, I really don't think he said anything untoward. But I think it might be a cultural difference as well because I just don't assign so much importance to every syllable uttered by footballers... at least, not as much as the English press (and public?) do. And I think the idea of a frank exchange of views is a positive thing.
Morbs - Terry said that the players were unhappy and that we needed a clear the air meeting and who cares if we upset the manager? Correct?

No player has said they are unhappy though. Have they?

There was no meeting and no one backed Terry.

Terry decided to speak publicly on behalf of the team to something that none of them agreed to.

As said he may have a bit of fire power at Chelsea but not so much with England.

Do you think there is a still a bit of a fallout from the whole Wayne Bridge affair?
I thought Lampard put it in perspective yesterday.

He basically said that the guys sat around after the match and chatted about things, as they always do.

That's all I took away from what Terry said, although I guess his wording (as Frank noted) might have exaggerated the gravitas of the discussion.
Morbs - Terry said that the players were unhappy and that we needed a clear the air meeting and who cares if we upset the manager? Correct?

Nope, and I'm paraphrasing here but he said that if any of the players had any problems they could say what they liked in the meeting later that day and if the manager/players weren't happy that they said, if for the good then so what.

He also said that he was happy with the manager several times during the interview, so much for a coup attempt. :lol::lol::lol:

The papers where widely reporting these "clear the air" talks BEFORE the interview, in fact thats what the first question was about. So can you explain to me how this was of Terry's supposed creation???

I think the whole country thinks that the inclusion of J Cole on the left would be a good idea lets face it, there was no one on the left wing for vast swathes of the Algeria match. Everything was coming down the middle or the right.

Any other questions
am expecting some bignames to step up tomorrow:

as lampard, rooney and especially gerrard were absolutely atrocious on Friday.
Nope, and I'm paraphrasing here but he said that if any of the players had any problems they could say what they liked in the meeting later that day and if the manager/players weren't happy that they said, if for the good then so what.

He also said that he was happy with the manager several times during the interview, so much for a coup attempt. :lol::lol::lol:

The papers where widely reporting these "clear the air" talks BEFORE the interview, in fact thats what the first question was about. So can you explain to me how this was of Terry's supposed creation???

I think the whole country thinks that the inclusion of J Cole on the left would be a good idea lets face it, there was no one on the left wing for vast swathes of the Algeria match. Everything was coming down the middle or the right.

Any other questions

Yes why was the meeting called off then clever cloggs?

No one is disputing that Joe Cole should be playing but who is Terry to be saying it and how does that make the person playing in Cole's position play? I mean as if Terry hasn't upset half the squad with his bedroom antics now he is saying who is good enough to play. Mind you behind your Sugg's sunglasses you wouldn't notice that.

I am not a Terry fan in the slightest as a person but he is needed as is the rest of the big time charlies in that squad. Any personal agendas should be left behind. If you read what I put in full you would see that the actual manager got more of a doing than Terry.

Yeah JJ they need to step up big time. I wouldn't think it end of the world if Rooney was dropped to the bench. He should have been taken off in the last game which would have served as kick up the arse.

I think we will be fine but then I said that against Algeria.
I see a depleted France team are losing 1-0 to South Africa, and are now down to 10 men after 26 minutes :lol: X 1000
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No one likes to see that.

What France being knocked out of the WC by the Host nation? Are you fookin kidding me, i think its funny as fook. (but then I do have Irish in me ;))

I'm also feeling slighy better about our chances now. I think we'll win on wednesday, then we'll prob get Serbia, and then Uruguay or Mexico in the quarters, all very do'able !!
No one is disputing that Joe Cole should be playing but who is Terry to be saying it and how does that make the person playing in Cole's position play?

When answering the question, "Can Joe Cole change Englands fortunes???" I think it is perfectly acceptable for him to say it actually. :lol::lol::lol::lol: He never 'demanded' it at all. Despite what the papers have written...

Still France 2-0 thus far - even funnier
People were very friendly on the whole. You can still tell football is bigger in the black community. The majority of the whites I talked to still much preferred rugby or cricket. I do think this was less evident with the teenagers and kids though.
I've had a very different experience. I expected this to be the case (after watching Invictus on the plane ride here :lol:) but the 2 white South African families we spent time with in our first week (all older people) and others we've interacted with have been very excited about the football. The crowd of middle-aged white people in the bar next door to the apartment where I'm staying this week are nearly breaking down the walls with each goal as I watch the SA v France match!

I've found people white and black are very proud of their country, and they've told me they are generally sports-mad (in the American style of following various sports), thus I think even those that might prefer rugby overall are still very behind Bafana Bafana.

Anyway, off to watch the 2nd half outside in the fan zone!!
Let's face it, JT isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and he was clearly manoevered by the media a little. Certainly to the point where spilling his guts was easier than standing on the anchors and going back into the standard public script.

As a side note, he looks like a complete girl with his socks half way up his thighs.

I mean, seriously...


can someone please, please, please shoot mick mccarthy and mark lawrenson and jim beglin and andy townsend?

twerps of the highest order who are ruining the games

when are tv channels going to understand that ex-players are generally really, really bad communicators