what's your favourite view.

best view

of Ibiza I ever had was a few years back when I went temporarily insane ( I hate flying) and hired a small plane(plus pilot) for an hour for approx £60 for an anniversary present for my wife. Flew all around the coast and went VERY low over Vedra - the pilot turned up in shorts, floral shirt, flipflops and was French but domiciled on the island.
I thought I had seen all of Ibiza until I got that different aspect on it - well worth the price if you want to try it.
Tony, that sounds breathtaking. Sometimes on the flight home you often go go that way, and if its a clear, the view is amazing!!!!

Cue for one of McRackin's photos hehehehehe!!!
yeep, really colourful....hehehe only joking. Actually the harbour of san an, with egg and the square with fountains in is very attractive at night....
aaaaahhhh the good ship bar flotante.

cherry b and i have been on many a romantic cruise on her...


Lot's of colourful photo's McRackin - some good 'uns too! Are you a kindred photographer or are your posts borrowed from elsewhere?
Whatever - we're looking forward to carting a couple of Nikons around the island this summer. We got some stunning shots last year in Majorca because of the fantastic light there. Ibiza looks just as stunning. It also makes a change from weddings and cute kiddie portraits. Phil was photographing a football match earlier today and came home bloody frozen.

Ibiza in late August seems such a long way off as we look out onto a foggy English Sunday afternoon. Brrr!!!!!

Phil & Janet Graham
FILMAR Photography (UK)
Nice one, McRackin. From behind the girl in the photo looks remarkably like my wife, Janet! Honest!! Same hair.... same shape.... she's also twelve years younger than me! That's just one of the reasons why I'm just one very happy guy.

Many thanks for the link to the picture

FILMAR Photography
My favourite place is sitting on the seaside bench by the town hall in Dalt Vila watching the little boats go by. The most peaceful and (esp. in full moon nights) romantic place in the world. :D

One of my favourites is sitting under the pines at S'Illot ( between Xarraca and Portinatx) with a bottle of chilled dry white and looking at this:

McRackin are you sure that is San An in the "Moulin Blanc" pic? I'd rather say this is Los Molinos (and behind it Playa d'en Bossa) clicked from Dalt Vila, isn't it?
daltvila said:
McRackin are you sure that is San An in the "Moulin Blanc" pic?

yes yes yes!! :lol:

daltvila said:
I'd rather say this is Los Molinos (and behind it Playa d'en Bossa) clicked from Dalt Vila, isn't it?

no no no!! :P

you are confusing es puig des molins with sa punta des moli - the names are similar but they look different!! :idea:

do you want to see a picture of es puig des molins and playa den bossa taken from dalt vila? 8O

daltvila: yes please - yes please!! :o

okay - the place you meant looks like this:


McRackin ;)