best view
of Ibiza I ever had was a few years back when I went temporarily insane ( I hate flying) and hired a small plane(plus pilot) for an hour for approx £60 for an anniversary present for my wife. Flew all around the coast and went VERY low over Vedra - the pilot turned up in shorts, floral shirt, flipflops and was French but domiciled on the island.
I thought I had seen all of Ibiza until I got that different aspect on it - well worth the price if you want to try it.
of Ibiza I ever had was a few years back when I went temporarily insane ( I hate flying) and hired a small plane(plus pilot) for an hour for approx £60 for an anniversary present for my wife. Flew all around the coast and went VERY low over Vedra - the pilot turned up in shorts, floral shirt, flipflops and was French but domiciled on the island.
I thought I had seen all of Ibiza until I got that different aspect on it - well worth the price if you want to try it.