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Bur It's not snowing like hereLogin • Instagram
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Apparently the heatwave from the Sahara that hit Italy yesterday is meant to be coming towards Balerics, Spain, Portugal. Its not been too bad so far, actually today was quite pleasant heat wise - nice warm breeze.
Yes…sweating like a rapist todayIt is intense today! Had a late rise, walked out of my cave and BOOM
Being eaten alive too but they're tame compared to these evil b'stards at Salinas
Might just pop out without my coat then??
Despite the heat, the sea surface temperature is average, 26.1c. Can get as high as 27.5c in August!
That's why I love Sept and Oct, the sea stays above 24c until mid-Oct or beyond (I'm a softie and that's my threshold!); wheres in June the sun might be roasting hot, but it's not until around the the 20'th that the sea really becomes "warm" (ie 24c).that's because it took longer than usual until temps got high. but with the current air temps the water temp will keep going up and should stay warm for a good bit. mind the water always has a delay. it takes longer to warm up but it stays warm longer when the air temps are dropping already.
september should be fantastic I guess
That's why I love Sept and Oct, the sea stays above 24c until mid-Oct or beyond (I'm a softie and that's my threshold!); wheres in June the sun might be roasting hot, but it's not until around the the 20'th that the sea really becomes "warm" (ie 24c).
Before we had satellite temperature readings, I really did take a thermometer abroad to take the sea temps!
Swimming for Xmas.LOL re the thermometer!
I usually swim in the sea until xmas or just before as the water temp is still bearable then. on the other hand it's true that on the first hot days in april or may you take a dip and think fcuk me it's bloody cold
+44C in the Spanish interior is probably way more bearable than +40C in the Balearics, thanks to the lower humidity.Right now it's 38c in Inca (Mallorca) while Ibiza city is 31c. I've found a 44c in the Spanish interior