What's the weather like at the moment?

Actually in U.K. dog groomers are allowed to operate for “essential” services to those dogs
that’s hair easily gets matted ... our Romanian mixed breed herding dog is booked in next week
Actually in U.K. dog groomers are allowed to operate for “essential” services to those dogs
that’s hair easily gets matted ... our Romanian mixed breed herding dog is booked in next week
Yes we had him booked in 2 weeks ago and then they changed the breeds apparently. The groomer cancelled the night Boris made an announcement.

Our normal groomer has not let us book in at all for months - he is close to a DIY cut 😢
Yes we had him booked in 2 weeks ago and then they changed the breeds apparently. The groomer cancelled the night Boris made an announcement.

Our normal groomer has not let us book in at all for months - he is close to a DIY cut 😢
Oh this is interesting ... honestly we didn’t think he would “qualify” and then kept seeing all these pictures on facebook of all these different dogs being groomed and asked the question and she said yes ... the other one (cocker) is DIY since he had a bad experience as a puppy with a groomer
24c in some parts of southern Spain (looking at windy.com); that's some temperature for early Feb!
Oh this is interesting ... honestly we didn’t think he would “qualify” and then kept seeing all these pictures on facebook of all these different dogs being groomed and asked the question and she said yes ... the other one (cocker) is DIY since he had a bad experience as a puppy with a groomer
Do the pups have to wear masks?:lol:
I'd bloody like one of them to a wear mask tonight... he found something dead and hairy on his walk and decided it would make a nice snack... the smell is awful.
But if he cannot chew on it, he will likely roll over it instead, which is probably even worse 🤣
Been out walking in the snow for the last 3 days, other than 4hrs in the dark on Wednesday night, the weather has been brilliant for getting out. Sunset on Pendle Hill tonight
rain finally!!

we've had some weird weather in the last few weeks. two periods where our air was filled with sahara dust, the phenomenon is called calima in spain. it's quite common on the canary islands, but here on the balearics it's pretty unusual.

anyway, because of that and the pollen of the pine trees the atmosphere was really dusty in the past few days. the last few proper rainfall had been weeks ago so I was genuinely looking forward to a day of rain. today was the day finally and it's been raining for a few hours nonstop now - perfect. tomorrow is also rainy still and by midweek the sun should be back.
rain finally!!

we've had some weird weather in the last few weeks. two periods where our air was filled with sahara dust, the phenomenon is called calima in spain. it's quite common on the canary islands, but here on the balearics it's pretty unusual.

anyway, because of that and the pollen of the pine trees the atmosphere was really dusty in the past few days. the last few proper rainfall had been weeks ago so I was genuinely looking forward to a day of rain. today was the day finally and it's been raining for a few hours nonstop now - perfect. tomorrow is also rainy still and by midweek the sun should be back.
I got that dust on my car last week (in the UK) - it does happen occasionally - usually with a deep red sunset covering the whole sky. Makes you think if dust can travel that far...knocking on for 1500+ miles, what radiation would do from a nuclear accident or bomb....eew. Did also notice recently temps on the costas reaching 25/26c due to that wind direction.
22/04/21 - 1105..."It's raining cats and dogs outside"....quote from Ibiza Global Radio's Jose Maria Ramon!!!!