what some of the locals think...

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I think by now not only locals feel like this went a bit too far and that "we've got no space". People that has been visiting the island for ages is also well aware this is getting uncomfortable, especially the cars situation... a well-known forum member landed on the island yesterday and sent me this:

So many cars in san an now !!!!!

Too many people for this time of year !!!!!

will be out and about in car

Finding stuff to do in traffic jams haha
I wish the goverment started limitating the car numbers TODAY, sadly too many interests won't make it possible...

Really notced
I think by now not only locals feel like this went a bit too far and that "we've got no space". People that has been visiting the island for ages is also well aware this is getting uncomfortable, especially the cars situation... a well-known forum member landed on the island yesterday and sent me this:

I wish the goverment started limitating the car numbers TODAY, sadly too many interests won't make it possible...

I found the answer - doing it more and more these days ;) !

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and matutes jr in an interview said 'the problem isn't the amount of cars, but the missing infrastructure'. yeah right, let's build more motorways and car parks tssss :confused::spank:

The Matutes highway is soon going to part of their plan of excellence.

*toll way more like €€€€€
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