paaam!!!matutes jr in an interview said 'the problem isn't the amount of cars, but the missing infrastructure'. yeah right, let's build more motorways and car parks tssss
It will always be a problem...On kinda related topic, how are the aquifers this year, as last year I know fresh water was a problem.
That's a shame. Sounds like if the left hand knew what the right was doing it would be less of a problem!It will always be a problem...
That's a shame. Sounds like if the left hand knew what the right was doing it would be less of a problem!
Luxury or death?!
And then some people wonder why "some" (as Stivi politely said) locals are so pissed off... here's another good example that proves the world is going down the shitter: cathy guetta opened a beac club in... (drum roll)... CALA MOLI!
Yet another beach we've lost...