What is the weirdest thing you've had in your mouth?

Morbyd said:
Actually, Becs, if you read what I wrote you would note that I never said ostrich is farmed in Kazakhstan. In fact, it is not :spank:

Nevertheless, if you'd like to try it (it's quite nice - a bit like beef but very lean and tender), then I can recommend the following locations where you'll find farmed ostrich:

Pliney Ostrich Farms Ltd, Taylors Meanygate, Preston, Lancashire
Gamston Ostrich, Nottinghamshire
Cornish Ostriches, Cornwall
Arthur Andrews, Buckinghamshire
The Ostrich Fayre, Nottinghamshire
The Emu and Ostrich Co., Hampshire
Kerry McNickle, Lancashire
MNS Ostriches Ltd., Devon
Brookfield Ostrich Farm Church Westcote Chipping Norton Oxfordshire

Just to name a few....

Last time I checked, these locations were "in your society" ;)

You have far too much time on your hands :rolleyes:
Morbyd said:
Actually, Becs, if you read what I wrote you would note that I never said ostrich is farmed in Kazakhstan. In fact, it is not :spank:

Nevertheless, if you'd like to try it (it's quite nice - a bit like beef but very lean and tender), then I can recommend the following locations where you'll find farmed ostrich:

Pliney Ostrich Farms Ltd, Taylors Meanygate, Preston, Lancashire
Gamston Ostrich, Nottinghamshire
Cornish Ostriches, Cornwall
Arthur Andrews, Buckinghamshire
The Ostrich Fayre, Nottinghamshire
The Emu and Ostrich Co., Hampshire
Kerry McNickle, Lancashire
MNS Ostriches Ltd., Devon
Brookfield Ostrich Farm Church Westcote Chipping Norton Oxfordshire

Just to name a few....

Last time I checked, these locations were "in your society" ;)

OMG you really are the saddest person in the world :lol:
Stu Hirst said:
There's a food chain.
We're at the top of it.
Sh*t happens !

Due to the use of technology. (Houses etc) we are indeed at the top of the food chain. I agree wholeheartedly. F*ck em! I doubt a Lion would think about the ethics involved if it got the chance to eat me.

Silly Hippy people!

Sirens said:
A lion kills out of hunger. Humans kill animals for money.

Why doesn't it just eat leaves and fruit then?

Anyway. Thought we were talking about the ethics of eating other animals. I don't eat meat for money. I do it for the same reason as a lion would. Because I'm hungry.

If the lion had created a capitalist society where money buys a certain degree of freedom. Then I'm sure the lion would start killing for money.
Sirens said:
Not if you grow your own :)

yeah but when my veggie patch is bereft of carrots and any other root veg for that matter as it often is then I will be up asdas lining someones pockets because I can have aroast dinner without my carrot & swede mash :)