What is the weirdest thing you've had in your mouth?

yeah i forgot i've had buffalo /bison burgers are really good... very lean....

moose is just like beef, a wee bit tougher, but good in a stew.
foi grai (however u spell it)

was bloody deeeelishious!

osterich, a good low cholesterol alternative to beef.

who wants to come hunting?
i remember when I was little, we lived up north in the middle of nowhere, and my dad hit a prairie chicken (grouse) with the car... so he took it home and my mum cooked it.. i remember feeling sick looking at that one..:confused:
utagaura said:
i remember when I was little, we lived up north in the middle of nowhere, and my dad hit a prairie chicken (grouse) with the car... so he took it home and my mum cooked it.. i remember feeling sick looking at that one..:confused:
One time when I was little we took out a deer while driving up a highway (with the whole family in the car and a big truck behind us... scary as hell!). We pulled over to inspect the damage and ended up splitting the meat with some people who stopped to help :lol:
Morbyd said:
If by roasted dry you mean crispy duck, that's great stuff 8)
I like it just roasted too.

"crispy" duck is roasted then chucked in the fryer (the one you get with pancakes)
utagaura said:
i remember when I was little, we lived up north in the middle of nowhere, and my dad hit a prairie chicken (grouse) with the car... so he took it home and my mum cooked it.. i remember feeling sick looking at that one..:confused:

at least yr dad didnt buy u a pet rabbit and let u grow attached to it, before butchering the thing 4 weeks later and asks u if u want a bit!
chewie_oo7 said:
at least yr dad didnt buy u a pet rabbit and let u grow attached to it, before butchering the thing 4 weeks later and asks u if u want a bnit
:eek: :eek: :eek:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
(sorry, Chew...)
Robder said:
Please don't think I'm jumping down your throat Bec. ;) :lol:

(got to nurture neighbour relations in the run up to June after all...can you imagine if we all arrived feuding and had a mardi across the corridor! :lol:)

...but how is eating a horse, dog or other 'domestic' animal inhumane, but eating a piglet or a cow is fine?

Or am I getting the wrong end of the stick and that's not what you were suggesting? :confused:

Yep I'm with you on this one (sorry Bec, please no rucking :lol: ) but imo it's as inhumane to eat cow as it is to dog as it to eat rat or whatever.
Morbyd said:
:eek: :eek: :eek:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
(sorry, Chew...)

Sounds just like my dad. He did that to my ducks. I had a pair of ducks for a few months, and one day I came home and found them missing. On entering the kitchen I found their heads on the cutting board.
LagunaBeachCA said:
Sounds just like my dad. He did that to my ducks. I had a pair of ducks for a few months, and one day I came home and found them missing. On entering the kitchen I found their heads on the cutting board.
My grandparents did the exact same thing to my dad's duck when he was little... traumatized him for life!