Weekend Plans

Gutted to be missing the CS this weekend - but I must admit watching it from Ibiza on Sunday is a close second to being there!

Interested to see how we get on with a big season ahead! Enjoy the day! 🔴⚪
Also taking the eldest to the game for Ukraine at Chelsea tomorrow evening now, having just been given free tickets at Arsenal
Staying in Watchet, Somerset, with relatives overlooking the sea for a couple of days then onto Newquay Sunday - Friday. Not stayed there since I was a kid.

Hoping for good weather and ability to get on a board with my 5 year old 😅

Pray for a nice sunset on Wednesday, this place has djs on 🙏 Family, dog, beer, music and a sunset could be the ticket 😊 www.thewateringhole.co.uk
Staying in Watchet, Somerset, with relatives overlooking the sea for a couple of days then onto Newquay Sunday - Friday. Not stayed there since I was a kid.

Hoping for good weather and ability to get on a board with my 5 year old 😅

Pray for a nice sunset on Wednesday, this place has djs on 🙏 Family, dog, beer, music and a sunset could be the ticket 😊 www.thewateringhole.co.uk
Strong recommend for Dunster Castle if you’re in the area
Friday and not sausage on here so far!


Tonight: Arsenal with the nippers tonight, SITC will start early with kids in 'the cloud' and me downstairs watching footy

Tomorrow: Morning trip with kids to my folks, home to watch Arsenal vs Forrest, then take kids to a local fun fair

Sunday: Off to Oxfordshire for the MIL's birthday lunch. Not looking forward to the 3.5 round trip, as my car is in the garage indefinitely so we'll be squeezing into the missus' Mini. I'll keeping an eye on the phone hoping Brentford turn over post-Kane Spurs for additional lolz!
Friday-- Surfed the small waves in the AM, had brunch then left Newquay at 12pm, hit two closure on the M5 - took 5hrs to get to Taunton, admitted I wasn't going to get home for the first game of season (fixture we always concede heavily in) so diverted to Watchet. Took the dog on the beach, had some food and set off at 7:30pm...arrived home after midnight 😅 Long day

Sat-- nothing major, look at some work, washing. Friends have a small party in a pub but unsure I'll make it.

Sunday-- a small village agricultural show. Highlight will probably be a samosa or brownie stall 😁

Got a small festival to look forward to in 2 weeks. Taking lad as Mrs is on a hen do, let's see how that goes 😬😁
Last weekend we went to We Out Here. Such a good festival even if the showers don’t work and they won’t let you take your alcohol to your tent if you’ve already been in to set the tent up. I think next year we’ll take our motorhome and turn it into a little holiday because by Sunday we had no energy and decided to go home. I suppose it didn’t help coming home on the Tuesday from two weeks in the south of France then going to the festival on the Thursday!
So, this weekend will be getting the house straight and chilling in the garden.