Weekend Plans

Bizzarre (to me at least) start to procedings - went and used the voucher for a pedicure my wife got me (unsolicited) for my birthday. All very stange sat there we a lady fiddling your feet:lol:
That sounds a little bit like your Wife may have been expecting you not to use the voucher so she could it off your hands (well feet in this case) 😂
That sounds a little bit like your Wife may have been expecting you not to use the voucher so she could it off your hands (well feet in this case) 😂
Nah, she was insistent I go. My feet are often really battered from footy, so I she wanted them spruced up to avoid embarrassment in Dubai 🤣
That was my other theory but thought it was a bit cheeky to say that 😂

There's not a lot a predicure can do for the huge black bruise mark that is slowly growing it's way to the top of my big toe nail, so I'm not sure anyone would notice the rest have been buffed up:lol:

Massage chair was nice though:D
Got back on Monday and just about in a place now where I'm starting to feel normal!

What an amazing festival! The site itself is an easy walk from Tisno and has 3 or 4 big stages all with different styles of music....from 6pm onwards the music is more full on but there is always a decent variety...music winds down at the site around 2/3am and then you have the option of Barbarellas which is a big open air club that goes til 6am each day...then back to the festival site for sunrise sessions with Apiento if you still have anything left in the tank from 6am-12pm (only made it to 1 sadly!). There are also 6 hour take overs each day from midday-6pm on the beach stage for those who perhaps didnt indulge as much the night before and are looking to chill by the beach and gradually work towards getting back into the swing....highlights here were Optimo and Luke Una. There are daily boat parties as well which add an extra element - you need to buy extra tickets for these but everything else was included in the initial price. I saw Sean Johnson, Apiento, Luke Una, Optimo, Chaos in the CBD, Paula Tape, Elias Mazan, Midland, Marie Montexier, Rosa Terenzi, Saoirse, Palms Trax, Gideon...it was very enjoyable! Sound etc all on point as well.

Tisno itself is a gorgeous small town with loads of restaurants and bars and little spots to swim...the locals were all really friendly and seemed happy enough as long as you were respectful - which everyone was, the crowd was super friendly and respectful as far as I could see....good mix of ages and nationalities too. Flights, accomo and ticket all came in well under what you would have spent on the likes of Glasto...a very different festival but great value all the same. I'll deffo be going back if I can next year.

Nice writeup. Sounds mega.
Moving the family back to Puerto Rico this weekend. Slowly winding things down at home this week, but Saturday we get on the plane, dogs and all. Moving is stressful, but we have done big moves 3-4x at this point, so we are veterans.

I will come back to stay on St Thomas working for the next few weeks/ months and visit them periodically on the weekend (30 min flight).
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Moving the family back to Puerto Rico this weekend. Slowly winding things down at home this week, but Saturday we get on the plane, dogs and all. Moving is stressful, but we have done big moves 3-4x at this point, so we are veterans.

I will come back stay on St Thomas working for the next few weeks/ months and visit them periodically on the weekend (30 min flight).
Good luck with the move, hope all goes smoothly!
Moving the family back to Puerto Rico this weekend. Slowly winding things down at home this week, but Saturday we get on the plane, dogs and all. Moving is stressful, but we have done big moves 3-4x at this point, so we are veterans.

I will come back to stay on St Thomas working for the next few weeks/ months and visit them periodically on the weekend (30 min flight).
Best of luck with the move
Pick up the keys to our new home tomorrow. We found out last week we’re having a little girl. Never felt so protective and happy in all my life. Life is good.
She'll be here so soon! I've spent the last few months working my arse off. Who knew that cots, prams and car seats were so expensive?! She is going to have the best little start in life. :)

Hope everyone is good and happy Saturday!
Anyone going to Ibiza Underground´s 22´th birthday today?. We´re going, but don´t know what´s the best time?
How weekend life changes over the years. 8am here in Dubai and I'm off to the gym.

No tossing a coin to see who braves a trip to the shop for beers, or longing it out at an after party or whoever I'd gone home with, as admitting the fun was over meant the start of the non-fun.

Salute to those still out....
Arrived in Canada on Friday for a conference. Had two days in Squamish climbing hills and swimming in lakes, met a mate from home last night and had a real session with another colleague - once pubs shut we ended up on a reserve which was sketchy 😅

Been in Vancouver today. Six nights here, conference and fun in between. Ate at the Observatory on Grouse Mountain this evening.
Hello, all. Bit late with my weekend doings. So, here it is. Our 12th year playing at our local festival Standing Calling. 5 sets between Friday and Sunday. At a marquee called Beefy Melons. The place has been swamped by teenagers and it’s having a negative impact on the festival. Headliners like Years and Years, Mel C etc give you the idea who this festival is aimed at. 12 years ago they had the likes of De La Soul and Public Enemy headlining.
Our sets were 2pm and 9pm on Friday, 6pm Sat, 1pm and 8pm. And these kids 12-15 constantly shoving phones in our faces with Freed From Desire written on them. When we said no they just stood there. The sets went alright but by Sunday we were told to play what we want and not what they want. So, we went jazz funk 80s. They were still there. We had torrential rain on Saturday so it was a mud bath. We still had a lot of people shaking our hands and thanking us but these kids are ruining the festival and I’m not sure I want to go IMG_6435.jpegthrough all again next year. Still, it’s always nice to hear your tunes played loud.