Weekend Plans

Hello, all. Bit late with my weekend doings. So, here it is. Our 12th year playing at our local festival Standing Calling. 5 sets between Friday and Sunday. At a marquee called Beefy Melons. The place has been swamped by teenagers and it’s having a negative impact on the festival. Headliners like Years and Years, Mel C etc give you the idea who this festival is aimed at. 12 years ago they had the likes of De La Soul and Public Enemy headlining.
Our sets were 2pm and 9pm on Friday, 6pm Sat, 1pm and 8pm. And these kids 12-15 constantly shoving phones in our faces with Freed From Desire written on them. When we said no they just stood there. The sets went alright but by Sunday we were told to play what we want and not what they want. So, we went jazz funk 80s. They were still there. We had torrential rain on Saturday so it was a mud bath. We still had a lot of people shaking our hands and thanking us but these kids are ruining the festival and I’m not sure I want to go View attachment 16357through all again next year. Still, it’s always nice to hear your tunes played loud.

sorry to hear that. we had an issue in 2005 with local isle of wight kids somehow getting into bestival for free and robbing tents or causing bother. I remember rob da bank getting inundated with complaints from hippies complaining about the 'dark energy' on site, back when every festie had its own forum. I think there's a place for really young kids in the daytime but no teens should EVER be allowed near a grownup event.
sorry to hear that. we had an issue in 2005 with local isle of wight kids somehow getting into bestival for free and robbing tents or causing bother. I remember rob da bank getting inundated with complaints from hippies complaining about the 'dark energy' on site, back when every festie had its own forum. I think there's a place for really young kids in the daytime but no teens should EVER be allowed near a grownup event.
It’s that old thing of festivals becoming successful but having to be handed over to the big boys at the cost of it no longer being quirky, boutique etc but a business
It’s that old thing of festivals becoming successful but having to be handed over to the big boys at the cost of it no longer being quirky, boutique etc but a business


same old story. When Katrina and Pete Lawrence sold the Big Chill that was the end too. It's that delicate balancing act always.

the best festies are run by mates, make no money and get all the freaks along under one tent, somewhere in the arse of nowhere, preferably with a load of paper lanterns and random haystacks and pianos on a hill. that and a few trusted DJs and all the necessary ahem ingredients. and bingo.

same old story. When Katrina and Pete Lawrence sold the Big Chill that was the end too. It's that delicate balancing act always.

the best festies are run by mates, make no money and get all the freaks along under one tent, somewhere in the arse of nowhere, preferably with a load of paper lanterns and random haystacks and pianos on a hill. that and a few trusted DJs and all the necessary ahem ingredients. and bingo.
We knew it was over when Lilly Allen headlined!
Guy I sit next to at work - his 16 year old daughter just back from this festival and has been raving about it!
The teenagers love it because they can pretty much do what they want. Reports of groups of teenagers coming in with adults. The adults go to boutique camp and the kids go in general camping.
Completely agree, that was the big turning point for me as well 😂.

Such a shame as it was such a beautiful site and I had amazing times there. I carried on going the 2 years after that but the shift in the festival and the crowd was huge.

2007 was amazing. Greg Wilson, Metro Area, Idjuts etc playing at an open plan area called Fat Tuesday, everyone barefoot pretty much. Pacific State bringing the cheers. All the stars aligned, weather was top, the following year wasn't the same. Greg returned but this time in a fenced off branded Rizla area and security where before there was none. It pissed down too and I had no interest in the mighty boosh, so that was it for me.
Wkd starts now with a traditional viewing of Kev and Pez before flying out early tomos...
Thurs Destino
Fri Prob OBeach/San An
Sat Elrow
Sun undecided between Marlin, Cova and Chinois
Mon Dc10 if upto it
Tues Chill
Weds Pacha 50th bday
Thurs undecided maybe Cova if not been
Fri Home

Thats the plan anyway...will post the reality in my review!
Friday - penultimate full day in Dubai. Wife and I heading to hotel salon shortly...me for a hot shave, her for various treatments. Meeting a mate who lives here for dinner tonight.

Saturday - last full day. Toss up between full day of sunshine or take kids to Marvel theme park - which is inside. 44 degrees here at mo, so some pull from an air-conditioned theme park.

Sunday - 10.45am pick up for the flight home.
First week of the holidays girls fighting like cat and dog all week. Wasn’t gonna touch a drop tonight, but just got home from the eldest daughters cricket training. Grey goose and Diet Coke £4… 8 drinks later..
Lovely end to the weekend and holiday...over an hour to get through passport control at Stansted...

i gulped when i saw the size of the queue at tiny Girona apt the other week. There are only 2 buses a day at the wkd and I had 10min to get through, and decided to risk jumping about 300 people. All these irate Glaswegians in front going “get tae back ya fanny” and the Guardia Civil having a go too but sometimes you just gotta gamble..
2 weekend of our 2 week holiday at my mother in law’s in the South of France. It feels and looks like summer which is the opposite in the UK at the moment so feeling lucky. Today is a lazy day at home, listening to Bandcamp releases and reading The Secret DJ. Tonight at the local bar a soul singer is performing. Everyone is unsure about his poster claiming he’s sung with Everyone from the Beatles to Bruce Springsteen. Should be a laugh with good food and cheap drinks.
Saturday I’m forced to go to another market which I might have to sit out at local bar. Markets wind me up. Saturday night we’re at a village do where the streets are closed, a live band sets up and long tables provide spaces for food and drink.
Sunday probably going to one of my favourite places. https://www.minervois-caroux.com/fr/decouvrir/nos-villages/roquebrun.html
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Arsenal and pizza with kids tonight before 'sleepover in the cloud'.

Was planning an amusement park or similar tomorrow but looks like rain, so considering indoor options. Any London Spotlighters been to Babylon Park in Camden?

Sunday - take kids to my folks in the morning, then off to meet a mate for lunch, before we head off to see Arsrenal vs Man City at Wembley for the Community Shield.*

*Which is a tin pot friendly of no value, of course.**

**Unless we win
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And no trains this weekend.

Yeah....kind of see why they are doing no trains at all rather than a reduced service as any trains they had put on would have been packed to the point of being unsafe but its a huge blow for Brighton and small businesses, restaurants etc....annoying as we were robbed of 2 with the covid years and its usually such a highlight!
Arsenal and pizza with kids tonight before 'sleepover in the cloud'.

Was planning an amusement park or similar tomorrow but looks like rain, so considering indoor options. Any London Spotlighters been to Babylon Park in Camden?

Sunday - take kids to my folks in the morning, then off to meet a mate for lunch, before we head off to see Arsrenal vs Man City at Wembley for the Community Shield.*

*Which is a tin pot friendly of no value, of course.**

**Unless we win
Gutted to be missing the CS this weekend - but I must admit watching it from Ibiza on Sunday is a close second to being there!

Interested to see how we get on with a big season ahead! Enjoy the day! 🔴⚪