Weekend Plans

Sounds good lad. Gonna be a white weekend if the weathers correct.
Meanwhile i will be swanning around Portugal in shorts and t-shirt swigging copious amounts of Alcohol :lol:

What’s the temps like? Gotta wait till Feb until I’m away :cry:
I think I'm going out with 'workies' tomorrow night, then to Glasgow to see the Happy Mondays on Saturday. :D Part of me can't be arsed, though - just before Xmas is arguably the worst time to go out. Maybe I'm getting old... :spank:
I think I'm going out with 'workies' tomorrow night, then to Glasgow to see the Happy Mondays on Saturday. :D Part of me can't be arsed, though - just before Xmas is arguably the worst time to go out. Maybe I'm getting old... :spank:
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Just got back to base - Christmas with all the family! I wouldn't have it any other way!

Merry Christmas all you Spotlighters!
Not got a massive amount planned this weekend apart from a housewarming tomorrow night, followed by a run Sunday morning and icing a Christmas cake!

Bah Humbug :D

Sounds good. I'm going to get a decent run in tomorrow morning (have decided not to head out tonight). Already prepped my cranberry sauce, and if I can just find time to prep stuffing and bread sauce on Sunday, I'll be happy. :lol:
Heading back to my folks in Glasgow for New Years for 5 days.....anything happening clubbing wise?
Slam and Ben Klock tonight in Edinburgh with @Bucko08 and a few other mates, buzzing for it!

Up in Edinburgh for the new year too, got tickets for the street party. Human league are headlining, should be a hoot.