Weekend Plans

It's good to be back after a short break from all things internet related! Been kicking the absolute see you next Tuesday out of everything recently so this weekend will be quieter than Fritzl's basement.

Booked in for laser eye treatment next week so that's keeping me on the straight and narrow for the time being... :twisted::lol:
So the weekend where I promised I was going to be quiet and well behaved was a complete fail. Finished work early and ended up in the pub at 3pm with my mate. Queue being back in the house with a dinner plate sat at the kitchen table discussing all things Ibiza. For various reasons he wasn't coming this year but by the time the plate was finished he'd booked up and added himself to the party :lol:

Quiet this weekend as in for laser eye on Thursday so a bit apprehensive to be going out smashing it after that. Anyone had it here? Wasn't phased by it when I was looking into it but now it's so close I'm shi*ting it!