Weekend Plans

You know what year it is, right?!
Oh..I know what year,it is kid.....there's a storm coming, musically...if the International dj's don't get their acts together,this summer....
The Music,The Music,The Music...
The beat's too fast !!!
If you think it's about money,then you shouldn't be in Ibiza !!!....but where else can we go??
This has already happened....you just have to adapt....This has happened to The Music time and time again over the century's
The Music of the Sphere's are not alligned correctly for us auld hippies,beatniks and children of the universe !!!🏩
There's a special spiritual prayer...
++The Desiderata +++(it's spiritual,not religous)
We need this prayer more than ever to live in this corporate world,us auld hippies😁😁😁😁
After saying I don't do much earlier in the year have the fourth weekend actually doing something :)

Off for a 5 hour set by Guy J tomorrow in a small venue in Bristol and will be more my preference than last week's night turned out to be.

Who needs sleep
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I’m rough this morning, wine isn’t good in excess these days for me 😩.
My daughter’s house purchase fell through yesterday, that was the excuse.
Trying to have a quieter (drink wise) one this weekend, there’s an event at the GL tonight which i fancy but i don’t think Cath will be up for it? Our local Rugby League team are playing at Wembley and my father in law wants to watch the game in the pub so i’ve offered to take him; I’m very good like that 😂
After saying I don't do much earlier in the year have the fourth weekend actually doing something :)

Off for a 5 hour set by Guy J tonight in a small venue in Bristol and will be more my preference than last week's night turned out to be.

Who needs sleep
Loko Club is a cracking little gaff