Weekend Plans

Feels busy already 😅

Thursday - full day at a wedding. Converted barn type place with over 100 at the day do. After the ceremony a fair number had chocolate mushrooms (including best man) which meant the laughter for the speeches was deep. The meal, dj and party afterwards was great.

Fri - meal out with another couple and kids in a local pub. Amy Winehouse style singer on, lots of 'mad friday' groups in and out but nothing too rowdy. Kids to bed at a friend's then talked balls until the early hours.

Sat - Mrs and lad going to see loads of girlfriends then a Christmas party. Dog and I are going out on the moors to stretch our legs. Probably another painful football match.

Sunday - highlight of my Christmas. Every Christmas Eve we hire a function room, friends and kids, loads of games and food. Some of lads I've known from being 6/7years old, majority from high school.

Merry Christmas to you all 🙌
This weekend has been mainly spent choosing and buying paint to decorate my bedroom during my time off 😂 Very festive! Going to decorate the Christmas cake I made later on. Anyway, I wish you all a very merry Christmas/feliz navidad/Nadolig Llawen from us 😁

This weekend has been mainly spent choosing and buying paint to decorate my bedroom during my time off 😂 Very festive! Going to decorate the Christmas cake I made later on. Anyway, I wish you all a very merry Christmas/feliz navidad/Nadolig Llawen from us 😁

Eco setting on the radiator, nice 👍