Weekend Plans

Weekend of joy approaches!

Eldest finishes school at lunchtime today, youngest tomorrow. Hopefully their Nintendo Switch Xmas pressie gets delivered before oldest gets home today so I can hide it!

No Arsenal session on Friday, as it's not on, but eyes down for Saturday's flight to Tenerife - 2 weeks of sunshine, returning 30th December. Can't wait!

@diver Yes? Are you suggesting I'm not long due a holiday? ( :lol: )
Apparently I’ve got a work Christmas do on Sunday but it’s all very last minute 😂 Otherwise it’s just catching up with the chores at home.
This weekend the tree and decorations go up. The decorations are in the loft. I can’t get in the loft so the wife is going to try to get in the loft. Normally I get in there because it’s hard work getting in and out. Should be a laugh.
Also preparing for my mother in law who’s coming for Christmas from France. Which means giving up my room of music and fun. ( the spare bedroom)
Looking forward to last day at work on Tuesday
Took two board games to the pub for wife, son and me to play with whilst having a bottle of wine this evening.

Sat - parents v 5yr old kids at football training at 9am. Another f'ing Christmas party booked by MIL at 2-5pm. Football 5:30 but works do starts at 7:30pm. I'm late for everything but Ill be happy if I make the main. Caribbean themed night, steel bands, drinks, big band in stage and dj - usually a good night. Into town afterwards this will go well into the morning I imagine.

Sun - see how the morning goes, won't be driving but a table booked at a restaurant we have wanted to try for ages* 2pm so have to be straight by 1pm.

*why would she decide we have to go to this particular restaurant the day after my Christmas do 🤔