Weekend Plans

Fri - attending the funeral of a good friend's dad lunch time, then the wake. Burnley playing at night, so probably a few drinks throughout the day. Could be a long night

Sat - son's football at 9am, hopefully warmer than last week 🥶 Christening at lunch time and do after with wife/son.

Sun - son's first pantomime in the afternoon. Probably a meal beforehand

Busy start to the year, last weekend my wife and I had a couple of days in Manchester. Junk yard golf, 5* star hotel, taster menu at Peter Street Kitchen then a load of bars/Rev De Cuba for some crap music + Spa day
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this weekend focused on my copywriting course (any copywriters on here? it's bloody hard)
I write copy and understand SEO but would not class myself as a copywriter 😊 When looking to employ a copywriter, it was difficult to find one for our business. I reached out to a journalist friend, he looked and also found it difficult, he did not want to do it at first. Eventually he agreed, he now has a very big sideline copywriting for big businesses.

Interesting time with the rise of AI. However the inability of AI to make copy personal/human gives me hope for real copywriters for now 🙌
I write copy and understand SEO but would not class myself as a copywriter 😊 When looking to employ a copywriter, it was difficult to find one for our business. I reached out to a journalist friend, he looked and also found it difficult, he did not want to do it at first. Eventually he agreed, he now has a very big sideline copywriting for big businesses.

Interesting time with the rise of AI. However the inability of AI to make copy personal/human gives me hope for real copywriters for now 🙌

Good to know! AI wiped out the section of media I was in and having to start all over basically.
Back to pizza/Arsenal sessions with my boy this evening. Then sleepover in the cloud.

Tomorrow: Pick up my sister and take her and the kids to my folks. As my footy match is off in the afternoon, I'm taking the kids to watch our 2nd team in the afternoon, followed by a session at a trampoline park.

Sunday: youngest has a rugby match in the morning, afternoon is a blank canvas at the moment.
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Back to pizza/Arsenal sessions with my boy this evening. Then sleepover in the cloud.

Tomorrow: Pick up my sister and take her and the kids to my folks. As my footy match is off in the afternoon, I'm taking the kids to watch our 2nd in the afternoon, followed by a session at a trampoline park.

Sunday: youngest has a rugby match in the morning, afternoon is a blank canvas at the moment.
Your weekends are busier than my weeks 😂
eclipse will no doubt be delighted to learn i also fell on my arse with a pair of skis on in the fcking snow and couldn’t get up.

*i really like the Finns but bollocks to any more January weddings
Finding this out has vastly improved my morning. Also, I have been there my friend- the undignified thrashing around in the snow is a staple of my ski trips
Today is my Friday! I’m off to London tomorrow ready for a visa interview on Friday which will determine my travel plans for this year, so I hope they will say yes. After that I’ve got a couple of hours to waste before heading to Defected Records HQ to watch a friend play there as part of a new talent evening. Then I’m off to a night in aid of Shelter that the same friend is running nearby in Shoreditch.

Saturday - probably very hungover, train home.

Sunday is my 40th birthday, so I’m going to my parents for lunch and birthday cake!
Today is my Friday! I’m off to London tomorrow ready for a visa interview on Friday which will determine my travel plans for this year, so I hope they will say yes. After that I’ve got a couple of hours to waste before heading to Defected Records HQ to watch a friend play there as part of a new talent evening. Then I’m off to a night in aid of Shelter that the same friend is running nearby in Shoreditch.

Saturday - probably very hungover, train home.

Sunday is my 40th birthday, so I’m going to my parents for lunch and birthday cake!

Do you get the visa answer there and then? Best of luck.

Happy birthday (again!)!

Birthday time here too - my first born is 11 tomorrow! How the funk did that happen??? Then my sister is 52 on Saturday - never a big celebration these days as the golden boy stole her thunder :lol:

Thursday - up early for presents, cards and illicit morning cake for the boy wonder, before school.

Friday - Arsenal and pizza - as is tradition, he'll be wearing a new Arsenal shirt with his new age on theback for the first time. Sleepover in the cloud as per.

Saturday - pick up my sister and take her and kids to my folks. Presents and cards for Sis, plus probably one from her to Tommy too as she won't see him tomorrow. Folks did Tommy's present last weekend so he would have his shirt for Friday😍

Saturday afternoon - my game is called off so I'm playing for our Vets side, which actual means playing with my mates, rather than a load of 'kids'

Sunday - youngest has a rugby match in the morning, then in the afternoon we have 15 kids plus parents coming to ours for Tommy's birthday party, Me as entertainer was poo-pood by the missus so I've shelled out for a professional (leave it 🤣). Jury still out on whether to cook some pizzas ourselves or order in.