Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see the King of the South (@stivi )and his lovely better half in the only big city of my country I don't knowI also cannot wait for this weekend because I am finally finishing my season at pacha on friday and then it's holiday time until xmas.
flying to mallorca friday night for a week first - seeing inlaws, going hiking, doing some shopping and seeing nils frahm in concert on tuesday!
then onwards to bordeaux for a few days where we shall see the king of the north (@jimmiz) and his better half as well. I haven't touched a drop of alcohol since october 29 and I'll keep it up until we touch down in bordeaux, but hey, once there I'll drink AAAAALLL the fantastic wines they have. so lots of food and drink over that weekend plus sightseeing in and around bordeaux. after the weekend we stay on because it's björk's final concert of her tour and my wife is a massive fan.
then quickly back to mallorca because it's my inlaws golden wedding anniversary and then, I am finally going back to switzerland for ten days. family, chocolate, friends, chocolate, fondue, chocolate, raclette, chocolate, winter hikes, chocolate and mountaineering and oh, chocolate of course.
back to the balearics in time for christmas, holiday hiking, nye&nyd festivities!
good times![]()

We just stay 2 days there, but it will be intense

So I have to be very quiet and serious next weekend to be super powerful for the week after