Weekend Plans

Playing at 414 tonight in Brixton. Other than that, a quiet weekend is planned before the madness of the next two weeks starts.

414 - Oh my life, that takes me back :lol: Are the French still taking over the joint or is that just on Hard House nights ? !
3 weeks on my own starting today

Sunday is all about the illegal referendum here. Is Spain about to break up? or is it all nonsense? either way it's going to get very tense on the streets
Mrs said she wants to go to Dublin soon for a good boogie:) Is there anything good coming up...Yes there is...:cool:
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there was a delicious looking veal entrecote on the menu in IBZ but our vegan friend kicked up a stink about it so I went for something else to keep the peace, but I was really pissed off about it. the animal's already dead ffs and preaching at your friends is not ok
I get the point and agree in large part. just didn't want to really upset anyone.

Currently digging through the wardrobes and cupboards to pack for ibiza this Friday

Detroit swindle are in town tonight so I'm searching for something to keep me busy to make sure I'm too tired to go out tonight
Got initiated into BritMilFit on Thursday and made the fatal mistake of admitting one of the reasons I'd turned up was to get a bit of a kick up the hooter as motivation was crashing and couldn't face the indoor gym I've been paying for all year and not turned up at. I'll keep my big gob shut in future :mad: :lol: .. absolutely bang on what I needed are nothing but respect for them, it's a mint operation, but couldn't walk or drive on Friday to the point I called off my last flyboard sesh of the Season to take a rest day :eek:. Horrified how generally unfit I've become despite being pretty active this Summer 'till end of August at least. Determined to carry on addressing that as best I can and soon ... will definitely be going back regularly when I'm close enough to a location to make it work.

Forecast rain (which actually never arrived) gave me a perfect excuse to dip out of garden antics for a belated final play on the hydraulic hose and actually helped stretch everything out a bit Saturday. DOMS and calf swelling had calmed down just enough not to dampen my fun !!

Got everyone away and place to myself tomorrow so it's operation filing, ironing and cleaning to try to get on top of the mountains of shyte which seem to build up every time you take your eye off the home for a bit, preparing for major decamp back to Devon next week. So no Social Festival for me this year (clean forgot actually !). It's been an amazing Summer all in all, now it's gone late September and I really should be .. well .. back at the grindstone(s) !!!!
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Just come back from Ushuaia (not the best) and hi. Nothing really to comment on hi all but it's smaller now. Black coffee was ok, I just don't think I was ready for his musical journey. Otherwise Had a great night with the wife and another couple. Feeling smashed this very minute.
Lovely dog Craig! I've become a boring dog owner over the last year, and I love it. First time dog owner, got a Boston terrier and I love him like I love my sons. Definitely changes you. Will try and post a pic.