Weekend Plans

I went to Forbidden Forest on Saturday by Donnington Park race circuit

Great venue but young crowed and a fair few scummers

Highlight for me was GW Harrison and Steve Lawler and the or the two separate guys that pulled me up and knew I was 'Life of Rye'

...knew I was 'Life of Rye'

Story time! OR are you just that famous an Ibiza Spotlighter? :lol:

For me:
Off to Zogg in Sheffield this weekend to see Chris Liberator. Then it's all steam ahead for a gig the following weekend (On Friday) at 414 and then Transcend on the 21st October next month for our biggest event yet.
I went to Forbidden Forest on Saturday by Donnington Park race circuit

Great venue but young crowed and a fair few scummers

Highlight for me was GW Harrison and Steve Lawler and the or the two separate guys that pulled me up and knew I was 'Life of Rye'

Track at 1.50 min is my new favourite track.
I command one of the board young 'uns to have a weekend like this: https://forum.ibiza-spotlight.com/threads/bank-holiday-rundowns.29458/ and report back!

Friday - watching Ray Donovan once the kids are in bed
Saturday - skiing with my eldest in the morning, playing footy in afternoon
Sunday - take youngest to footy class while the missus runs a half marathon and than family lunch with an old friend (DJ Dempsey aka Frank the Tank :lol: for those that used to come to our parties)
Oh yeah, my eldest moves out tomorrow to start a Law Degree at university of Manchester. I really proud of her, she got 4 x A's at A Level. She works really hard unlike me who was a lazy bastard at that age
That's amazing well done to junior. Hope it all goes well. The post party blues plus daughter moves out? Get on the 5-htp quickly!!!
I'm popping out to the 02 arena tomorrow evening, pretty sure when I get there though i'm gonna be out out.