Weekend Plans

Hopefully I'm getting off lightly with it. Still just a (sometimes really bad) cough, but easily dealt with with a spoonful of honey and some lemon & ginger tea. Thing is, I've spent a long time in close proximity to people with heavy covid before and never caught it, so (touch wood) seem to be a bit resistant. But I think my immune system took a battering in Ibiza, hence why I seem to have succumbed to a light dose (fingers crossed!).
I’m sick and I haven’t been anywhere near Ibiza. Wouldn’t mind if I’d just had 3 nights on it, but I’m boring boring sick
Just tested positive for it, after getting home from Ibiza.

it’s really nasty. Last week was one of the worst I can remember. You can probably ride it out if the coughing isn’t too bad. if you get any wheezing though see a doctor. Am negative now but still getting deep coughs and using an inhalor. last thing you want before a holiday so not massively arsed about drinking or getting battered tbh
it’s really nasty. Last week was one of the worst I can remember. You can probably ride it out if the coughing isn’t too bad. if you get any wheezing though see a doctor. Am negative now but still getting deep coughs and using an inhalor. last thing you want before a holiday so not massively arsed about drinking or getting battered tbh

Just posted this on another forum, but looks like I should be okay... (Touch wood - think I'm a little covid resistant, unless it's something that comes and goes.)

Feel pretty fine now. Just a bit of a pesky cough that can be dealt with a spoonful of honey and lemon & ginger tea. Have spent long periods of time around people with heavy covid before and never caught it. I think it just got a slight foot in the door this time due to me battering my immune system in Ibiza.

Hope things improve for you before you leave @The Sun God
Just posted this on another forum, but looks like I should be okay... (Touch wood - think I'm a little covid resistant, unless it's something that comes and goes.)

Feel pretty fine now. Just a bit of a pesky cough that can be dealt with a spoonful of honey and lemon & ginger tea. Have spent long periods of time around people with heavy covid before and never caught it. I think it just got a slight foot in the door this time due to me battering my immune system in Ibiza.

Hope things improve for you before you leave @The Sun God

ta. energy levels low, feeling zero enthusiasm right now.. am sure that’ll pass once i’m on the beach

Could be worse tbh. Imagine getting it during your holiday!
ta. energy levels low, feeling zero enthusiasm right now.. am sure that’ll pass once i’m on the beach

Could be worse tbh. Imagine getting it during your holiday!

I'm sure there are people catching it on holiday and, rather than staying out of the way of other people for a few days, are running about with it. TBF, no-one tests for it now, so as far as they know, could just be a cold or another bug. I just happened to have one test kit left from the time my dad was in a care home, so that's how I know for sure.
Still feeling this usual ibiza flu, but I feel better.
So after a lovely afternoon at the Magic Pirate Chiringuito today, it's time to think about the next 3 days.
Tomorrow night barbecue at a famous Spotlighter's house.
And all the plans for Saturday or Sunday will depend of it 😆
But it's sure we will go somewhere at night at a moment 💃
I shall be hitting the supermarket on Saturday for the first time since getting home. Hopefully by that time I will be sufficiently covid free (though no tests left to tell for sure).
Pizza and Arsenal with the eldest tonight, then sleepover with both kids. Might be 'Alvin and The Chipmunks' for the sleepover movie - wild times!

Saturday morning - bring kids to my folks and while Mum watches them, bring my Dad to his CoVID jab appointment. Even with his Parkinson's he's perfectly able to drive himself there, but his 13 year old Merc, with just 20k miles on the clock, would attract the extended ULEZ charge by crossing the high road 5 mins from his house, so as I'm there anyway.....

Saturday afternoon - my footy match has been cancelled so considering turning out for our 40+ B side. Only issue being their opponents are a team of ex pros, who our A side, including me, were beaten 4-0 in the final of the same cup last year. And 4-0 flattered us!

Sunday - youngest's first away rugby match, in the morning, while the wife takes the eldest to do park run. Then it's countdown to Arsenal vs City in the afternnoon

Willing the weekend and following week away tbh, off to Lanzarote next Saturday and just need some sun